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I'm new to the Series and I'm trying to figure out classes and experience


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I'm trying to figure how out experience points are awarded.

Obviously it takes more XP to go from level 10 to 11 than from 1-2 (Or I should say not MORE exp but you get more XP from monsters you fight)

But what about advanced classes... and promotions does that change things?

For instance My Tharja maxed out her starter class changed to Dark Knight got to level 15 then I changed to her to Sorc (Maybe a bad choice not to get those last 5 levels)

- But her Dark Knight leveled soo fast....

While my Cordeila who maxed out Pegasus Knight, Maxxed out Dark Flier, and is currently a Dark Knight... its going SO slow...

So this leads me to believe that Promotions some how affect how much XP a monster gives you ... since two Dark Knights are leveling at much different intervals...(I'm trying to get Cordelia lifetaker)

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That actually has to do with internal level. Every time you reclass, half of the displayed level plus promotion bonus - 1 is added to the internal level. (e.g. if you reclass Lissa to Pegasus Knight at level 10, she levels up like a level 5 unit) Internal Level does have a cap, however, and it depends on the dificulty.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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I'm playing on Normal at the moment just getting a feel for the game and the characters I'll probably play it again on Lunatic once I get my head wrapped around which character classes I should be going for.
So there is no way to keep track of what your "internal" level is? Or is it something you just have to manually do?

So if I take Cordelia

level 20 Pegasus Knight

level 20 Dark Rider

level 5 dark knight

I'm not sure what you mean by Promotion bonus but at the moment it looks like she's leveling as at least a 20 character which would explain why she level so slow.

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I'm playing on Normal at the moment just getting a feel for the game and the characters I'll probably play it again on Lunatic once I get my head wrapped around which character classes I should be going for.

So there is no way to keep track of what your "internal" level is? Or is it something you just have to manually do?

So if I take Cordelia

level 20 Pegasus Knight

level 20 Dark Rider

level 5 dark knight

I'm not sure what you mean by Promotion bonus but at the moment it looks like she's leveling as at least a 20 character which would explain why she level so slow.

As far as internal level goes, this might help.

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Yup that helps well I wouldn't say "Helps" as my baby brain can't really wrap my head around it but the math is there :) I was wondering what the best way to level people without affecting the internal level as much as possible :)

Also a bit sad that Ican't get my Severa to be an assassin :*( Poor parental choices who knew! I plan on mapping out Lunatic much better on parent combos :) SO much to learn

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I'd say, the simplest way to think of it is:

Promoted classes adds 20 to your level - so a level 5 Dark Knight is really a level 25 as far as gaining EXP is concerned (for both you and the enemy).

Using a Second Seal adds a variable amount to your level, depending on when you use it. So a level 5 Dark Knight that was also trained up to a level 20 Dark Flier for example is really a level 45 as far as gaining EXP goes - hence why it levels up so slowly.

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Makes sense completely there is just alot of number crunching in there :) I can't imagine how people play this game on Lunatic I'm having problems already on some of the DLC maps though I haven't really spent alot of time grinding levels maybe a 1-2 hours combined... I spent alot more time keeping all of my guys level somewhat the same ... which may have been a mistake :P

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Keeping the units I chose to use at the same level was something I always used to do, it feels somehow right to me. But I think as you get more experienced you get a better knack of how to use higher levelled characters while still training up the lower levelled ones, and the like. FE:A was definitely one I struggled to keep characters the same level, what with Second Seals flying everywhere!

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I level spotpass characters and update my logbook, Thats why I have easier time playing new pt.

Renown bonus, and spotpass preserves your grinds, making grinding not so wasted.

The first playthrough usually is to explore and see what class you like with which support, afterward will either be new difficulty or remix of parents.

Leveling 4 rallybots, galeforce spotpass with despoil or armsthift+leif's blade helps grinding in new game.

With just one rallybot (at least with spectrum,speed,strength,magic), you can level up Chrom faster (any 1st gen character) and use him to level your other characters in Lost Bloodline 3.(DLC not available in Europe yet) or COY3.

Don't focus on multiple re-classes for your first play, there's spotpass with the kind of build you may want, and exploration opens up more combination possibilities, by the time you will have access to better grinding maps. Not worth tediously grinding so much to realize that not the build you like.

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