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Direct Multiplayer DLC?

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Seriously, I'm not quite sure why this game was released without it (Shadow Dragon was an abomination of multiplayer of course... tons of glitchers and that stupid gamebreaking dazzle card)
But the fact that RNG abusing isn't really a thing any more, the only real setbacks I can think of are that Galeforce would probably be broken (Flier parks in ocean, flies onto land, kills a unit with a tome, flies back. Aversa!Morgan with Mire for similar effect without risk), and Morgan is an insanely better unit all around than any other in the game (Depressing since idk about you, but I'd like my avatar to be my best unit lol)
however, these things wouldn't be an issue if it was local play only so you/your buddy just agree on no Galeforce or no Morgan or something.

That in mind, do you guys think there's a chance that we'll get an update (since, you know, the internet is magic) that allows for direct multiplayer? Seeing as we already have the co-op, it should be a simple issue to fix..

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"Pair Up"


You can see why this isn't going to work.

"Just take it out?"

The mechanic has been there and the game conditioned you to use it.

It's not happening.

Especially since an elitist like me would have had it by now with the Japanese copy if they had wanted to do it in the first place.

Instead, we get Drama CDs.

Not to mention the DLCs are MAPS... not actual game functions. If the SD card weren't in the game... what would happen? DLC characters and skills have things to default to if the SD card isn't there on loading the game.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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So, what, there's like a maximum of 50% chance at dual guard with dual support+ right?
Hardly gamebreaking by FE standards lol.
Again, I bring up the dazzle card that totally removed myrmidons from usefulness from Shadow Dragon.

Besides, like I said, I'm speaking from local play only. Not hard to just say "no pairing up" if you think it's broken..
Furthermore, unless I'm mistaken, they could still give a software update, similar to what's done with console systems, that allows multiplayer without much issue.

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So, what, there's like a maximum of 50% chance at dual guard with dual support+ right?

Hardly gamebreaking by FE standards lol.

Only when you're going against the AI.

If you think about it, how many players will go "THE HELL!? You only got lucky because of those Dual Guards, you were so dead!"

When you're on Lunatic+ and you're against the AI, you LOVE Dual Guard. Now imagine if they dual guard YOU and you get killed. That's not the rest of it. They get to rub it in your face. It makes sense that they decided the AI would control teams when you factor Dual Guard into account. They CONSCIOUSLY made the decision to have Streetpass teams instead of multiplayer like Shadow Dragon.

Now let's address your "software update".

I'd rather them fix the damn streetpass bug AND the voice bug rather than add a new feature.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Only when you're going against the AI.

If you think about it, how many players will go "THE HELL!? You only got lucky because of those Dual Guards, you were so dead!"

When you're on Lunatic+ and you're against the AI, you LOVE Dual Guard. Now imagine if they dual guard YOU and you get killed. That's not the rest of it. They get to rub it in your face. It makes sense that they decided the AI would control teams when you factor Dual Guard into account. They CONSCIOUSLY made the decision to have Streetpass teams instead of multiplayer like Shadow Dragon.

Now let's address your "software update".

I'd rather them fix the damn streetpass bug AND the voice bug rather than add a new feature.

Oh yes, of course, bugs first, I'm speaking sometime in the next year (hopefully).

And, I honestly mean no offense, but I don't bitch because I lost to a random chance in a game built entirely around a lot of random chances. Neither do my friends or anyone I know who plays competitive games (Magic for example), so I really wouldn't be worried about dual guard (which is why I keep saying it should be kept local play only lol)

Granted, it sucks, but if you're not completely outclassed in your team setup, you should be getting roughly the same amount of lucky breaks.

I don't know, just seems like it's not nearly enough of a balance issue to warrant the complete lack of actual multiplayer.

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Oh yes, of course, bugs first, I'm speaking sometime in the next year (hopefully).

And, I honestly mean no offense, but I don't bitch because I lost to a random chance in a game built entirely around a lot of random chances. Neither do my friends or anyone I know who plays competitive games (Magic for example), so I really wouldn't be worried about dual guard (which is why I keep saying it should be kept local play only lol)

Granted, it sucks, but if you're not completely outclassed in your team setup, you should be getting roughly the same amount of lucky breaks.

I don't know, just seems like it's not nearly enough of a balance issue to warrant the complete lack of actual multiplayer.

*tink* *tink* *tink* *tink*



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I think the boat's long since sailed--particularly after the North American version was released. Granted they could add a new mode through the DLC, but only hardcore people would invest any time into it at this stage and Nintendo wouldn't want that.

Like SoC said, they went with StreetPass battles (and Double Duel for co-op) instead of real multiplayer battles.

Maybe they'll add a decent multiplayer mode in the next game, with plenty of good rules.

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*tink* *tink* *tink* *tink*



lol well if you think about it, I think your streetpass team can have 10 characters right?

That means 5 pairs, and each odd-number kill leaves a unit without a pairing partner, thus leaving someone without a chance to use dual guard and significantly weaker.

Furthermore, skills like Lethality/Counter make killing people with moves devoid of the Dual Guard system fairly simple.

Honestly unless you're both trying to turtle, I don't think an occasional dual guard is gamebreaking (since on my characters, personally, I'm averaging 30%ish dual guard chance without the "dual support" skill).

And if you are both turtling, then you're not really playing anyway, are you?

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I think the boat's long since sailed--particularly after the North American version was released. Granted they could add a new mode through the DLC, but only hardcore people would invest any time into it at this stage and Nintendo wouldn't want that.

Like SoC said, they went with StreetPass battles (and Double Duel for co-op) instead of real multiplayer battles.

Maybe they'll add a decent multiplayer mode in the next game, with plenty of good rules.

Understandable, but you have to remember 2 things.

1) It's a heavily japanese franchise, they prioritize their hardcore community far more than American developers

2) while this game significantly opened up the game to more casual players who don't want to invest the time and focus into it, FE always HAS been focused on the people who view it with a "hardcore" mentality.

I don't think it's incredibly far fetched to say we'll see a multiplayer sometime soon, wishful thinking or no. The streetpass system is just, frankly, too easy.

Which btw, anyone feel like the AI is dumber this time around? Granted lunatic/lunatic+ are tough, but it's because of ridiculous numbers, not tactics.

Seems like the AI just bumrushes you until they're boned.

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Understandable, but you have to remember 2 things.

1) It's a heavily japanese franchise, they prioritize their hardcore community far more than American developers

2) while this game significantly opened up the game to more casual players who don't want to invest the time and focus into it, FE always HAS been focused on the people who view it with a "hardcore" mentality.

I don't think it's incredibly far fetched to say we'll see a multiplayer sometime soon, wishful thinking or no.

Sometime soon would have been some time ago. Considering how the Japanese DLC ended LAST YEAR.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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At this stage, IS are probably working on SMT x FE, Advance Wars or even the next Fire Emblem. They're not going to focus development time to add a new mode to Awakening now ^^

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I'd rather them fix the damn streetpass bug AND the voice bug rather than add a new feature.

Why do you care? You only play the Japanese version anyway (discounting your LP)!

Considering how the Japanese DLC ended LAST YEAR.

Didn't they say that they might be considering making a third set of DLC?

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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Didn't they say that they might be considering making a third set of DLC?

Companies consider everything. It doesn't mean they'll do it : P

Case in point, they were thinking of having maid DLC originally (along with the swimsuits), but that idea got cut.



You've completed two full rounds of DLC so far in Japan -- is that everything? Any plans for more in the future?


No comment. (laughs) Well, if we have the chance we'd certainly like to do more, but as of now there are no plans for a third round.


There aren't any plans, but if there's a demand for it... (laughs)

Edited by VincentASM
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ikr, you'd think he'd want it to stay bugged so he can brag about having the unglitched version

I play the English version for streetpass. My friends actually want to use DLC characters like I can.

I want to actually... you know... kill them at their best.

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Well, at least make it so that you can Dual battle without being two steps away from the person you're playing with =__='' maybe set up waiting rooms and have a random match-up option online. *shrugs*

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I play the English version for streetpass. My friends actually want to use DLC characters like I can.

I want to actually... you know... kill them at their best.

Galeforce Galeforce Celica's Gale Celica's Gale rally rally

done! :D:

I thought you said your English version was collecting dust

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I think that, if you removed Dual Guard, this would have been a fun mode. I say would have, because if it didn't come with the game, it's not likely to come as DLC.

Why remove Dual Guard? Frustration, mainly, and speed. While there's obviously big elements of luck in a FE multiplayer and Dual Guard only increases that, the time it activates - after your attacks, stopping all damage with nothing you can do - will be extremely frustrating, especially on low HP characters. That said, it could very well not work against dual strikes, at which point, it'd probably be fair again. Hmm... I guess the main issue being you have to build weird teams who most reliably deal damage on Dual Strikes, not on their main attack, for fear of it blocked, which would be counterintuitive to the casual audience? I dunno.

It seems like it would have worked fine, though. A lot of luck involved, sure, but that just means you need skills involving calculated risks and the ability to accept that, no, you won't always beat someone you're better than.

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