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Can you download a save file for a transfer? How does that work?

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Hey all!

Odd question, but I read that there was a way to download save files with maxed stats for the purpose of data transfers. But I can't wrap my head around how that would work. How would you get data on your computer onto a wii memory card? I am...confused. Considering how my transfer run is going (read: badly) knowing if there is a back up plan would be helpful. Thanks for your time!

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It has to be on a GameCube memory card that is attached to your wii.

From the main site.

To transfer data, you need a GameCube memory card with FE9 clear (Epilogue) data. When you start a new FE10 file, the game should prompt you to choose a cleared FE9 file.

Edited by Randa
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as far as i understand there is a program called GCMM (Gamecube Memory Manager) that allows you to restore saves to memory card, i was gonna try it myself, but

then never got around to it, so i dont know if it will work, i know that if you are playing this on a wii it needs to be softmoded (have the homebrew channel), look info on

this proogram or if you want an easier solution (or you dont want to try this program or your wii is not softmoded) download the file, play FE 10 on dolphin, create the

prologue file in the emulator, extract the save, put it in your sd card and then put the sd card in your wii and pass the file to the wii internal memory. (as long as both

versions of fe 10 are the same, it should work)

hope this help you at least so you know where to start

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  • 1 month later...

What you'll need is an SD card, I usually buy 3 or 4 SanDisk 4GB SDHC cards (omg product placement!?!) since they're dirt cheap and have other applications outside of saving for the wii. Then here's what you need to do.

1) On the wii's title screen, click the bottom-right circular that says wii, then click on data management -> save data -> wii. Now find a file with an icon of a bird on it (that's your radiant dawn save) and copy it onto the SD card. This is done to create a folder with a specific name on the SD card (some directory that leads to a folder called RFEE that contains data.bin).

2) Turn off your wii, pull out the SD card and put it into an SD card slot in your computer. Mine is found on the front of the case for my PC, although if you don't have one, there's a SD-USB adapter you can buy for next to nothing. When the card's plugged in you'll see a new drive on your computer. Mine is "Removable Disk (L:)". Click on it and you should see a folder that says private. Click through to it until you're inside a folder called RFEE and you should see a file called data.bin

3) Go onto wiisave.com or just click here if you're lazy.

4) Download whatever save you want (You can use my transfers here and here if you like) into the RFEE folder. Remember just to copy the data.bin file, not the whole directory since you already have that.

5) Eject the SD card (I go to computer, right click on the L drive -> eject) and put the SD card back into the wii

6) Repeat step 1, but now you'll deleted your radiant dawn save on the wii and copy the one from the SD card

And that's it. It's a surprisingly simple process and very worthwhile to try out some saves. For instance, goldie put up some great 4-E saves with hacked units that's fun to play around with.

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as far as i understand there is a program called GCMM (Gamecube Memory Manager) that allows you to restore saves to memory card, i was gonna try it myself, but

then never got around to it, so i dont know if it will work, i know that if you are playing this on a wii it needs to be softmoded (have the homebrew channel), look info on

Like they said, you need a homebrew enabled wii in order to transfer the save file onto a Gamecube memory card.

I've done this multiple times to play PoR and memory hack with my USBGecko, so saves from Dolphin Emulator saves from PoR works (after you export it to .GCI format). So any saves you download on the internet for PoR, if you transfer via GCMM onto a memory card WILL work for Radiant Dawn transfer bonuses, at least as long as it's the right region.

What you'll need is an SD card, I usually buy 3 or 4 SanDisk 4GB SDHC cards (omg product placement!?!) since they're dirt cheap and have other applications outside of saving for the wii. Then here's what you need to do.

1) On the wii's title screen, click the bottom-right circular that says wii, then click on data management -> save data -> wii. Now find a file with an icon of a bird on it (that's your radiant dawn save) and copy it onto the SD card. This is done to create a folder with a specific name on the SD card (some directory that leads to a folder called RFEE that contains data.bin).

2) Turn off your wii, pull out the SD card and put it into an SD card slot in your computer. Mine is found on the front of the case for my PC, although if you don't have one, there's a SD-USB adapter you can buy for next to nothing. When the card's plugged in you'll see a new drive on your computer. Mine is "Removable Disk (L:)". Click on it and you should see a folder that says private. Click through to it until you're inside a folder called RFEE and you should see a file called data.bin

3) Go onto wiisave.com or just click here if you're lazy.

4) Download whatever save you want (You can use my transfers here and here if you like) into the RFEE folder. Remember just to copy the data.bin file, not the whole directory since you already have that.

5) Eject the SD card (I go to computer, right click on the L drive -> eject) and put the SD card back into the wii

6) Repeat step 1, but now you'll deleted your radiant dawn save on the wii and copy the one from the SD card

And that's it. It's a surprisingly simple process and very worthwhile to try out some saves. For instance, goldie put up some great 4-E saves with hacked units that's fun to play around with.

They're not asking about getting saves for Radiant Dawn and using them... they're asking about getting saves for PoR to get onto a Gamecube Memory card in order to have Radiant Dawn transfer bonuses when they start a new game.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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They're not asking about getting saves for Radiant Dawn and using them... they're asking about getting saves for PoR to get onto a Gamecube Memory card in order to have Radiant Dawn transfer bonuses when they start a new game.

The radiant dawn wiisaves have files with 0:00:00 prologue saves that have the transfers on them.

Edited by fireemblemvids
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Well, I still have my method considering how I don't know which support transfers those saves have, and some events are dependent on specific supports. Such as Zihark x Ilyana recruitment.

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