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Characters Whose Fanbases Are Too Excessive and Biased


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How could I have fogotten Gen 1 Pokemon and its two most overrated Pokemon? They could've made Mewtwo look like a pile of turd and people would still be nostalgia-ing over it just because of how powerful it was. Even back in the Gen 1 days, I found Mewtwo overrated and his fanbase annoying because of how everyone used it and how boring battles became. And some of those people think it's a bad thing that they introduced more legendaries and Mewtwo is no longer the most powerful? That sure isn't biased and closed-minded at all. And then there's those Mewtwo fans that raged over Lucario being in Brawl and Mewtwo being excluded, when they were actually both planned to be in Brawl initially. I really hope Mewtwo stays out of Smash Bros. from here on out. I'm beyond sick of Gen 1 Pokemon (most of them) and their fanbase and how some people actually think Smash Bros. should be Gen 1 Pokemon only because "Gen 1 is the best."

Charizard, ugh, why do they always have to hype him up so much? He's not the only fully evolved Gen 1 Starter, you know. I really don't like how Game Freak themselves are quite biased towards Charizard (having Charizard in Pokemon Snap but not Venusaur and Blastoise, having Charizard Pokemon cards always have insanely high damage output, Shiny Charizard being available as a card but not Venusaur and Blastoise). People should stop hyping him up as a standalone Pokemon mascot (as a fully evolved starter, he's pretty much a package that should always include Venusaur and Blastoise) as if he was on Pikachu's level. I've had a similar problem with all fire starters and fire types in general (I'm so glad Stealth Rock and Earthquake prevalence destroyed a lot of fire type usage), because of how people always hype up fire starters and the grass and water starters don't get nearly as much appreciation.

And then there's the general Gen 1 fanbase. "Oh, the Pokemon are getting so much worse and so much more unoriginal!!" Gen 1 had plenty of unoriginal Pokemon, like Voltorb, Electrode, and all multiplying evolutions (Dugtrio, Magneton, Dodrio). There's plenty of ugly Gen 1 Pokemon as well like Weezing, Greveler, Gloom, and Victreebel. Ugh, there's just no pleasing them thanks to their nostalgia...

I generally like Gen 1. Mewtwo is one of my favorites. Not sure if I'd call him the most powerful. Each Pokemon has weaknesses and strengths so none are perfect (thank goodness). Charizard is shit though. He looks cool but he's fallen very far from grace. As far as my favorite gen, I'd say Gen 2 is my fav. Game was twice as big and there was a lot more variety all around.

I also really hate how Link got two versions of himself in Melee and Brawl. So what if it's technically two different characters? It's still the same persona. That's like justifying putting Bi-Han Sub-Zero (not in Noob Saibat form) and Kuai Lang Sub-Zero in the same Mortal Kombat game (I didn't like how they did that in UMK3). They should just change the different incarnations of Link into alternate costumes Wario style if they really insist on including them. No other characters got alternate versions of themself in Brawl as separate character slots (even Zero Suit Samus and Sheik), so I don't see why Link should.

People constantly vote for him in GameFAQs character battles and he's won 6 or so of them already. Give the votes for him a break already, will you? I've also found quite a few people with usernames relating to Link (eg: linkworshipper43 and hero_of_time22) to be really rude, biased, and closedminded, probably on par with the rabid Sonic fans. And then there's those Link fans that think he's the strongest video game character ever. No, just no. There's also Link fans that bash on any Nintendo character that isn't Link just because they can't "compare to his greatness and power." There's quite a lot of that around 2005-ish, not so much now. Still, the rabid Link fanbase at times makes the Sonic fanbase look like wonderful people.

More variety from the Zelda series in Smash Bros. would be nice. I don't mind young Link but there are a lot of characters to choose from that I'd rather have than a different shade of Link.

That's the thing about The Legend of Zelda. You are not super powerful. You're just a kid tasked with saving the world. Sure you get stronger and better but Link has never been a super human. It's stories are always about courage and determination against raw power. So yeah, some people are weird.

Also Link is a "self insert" character. Those guys have never been the most compelling characters.

Fanbases in general can be kinda dumb. I don't really deal with too many rabid fanboys/girls. I think some guy tried to shove how powerful and awesome Sephiroth was in my face once. Just kinda ignored it and moved on.

Edited by Happy_Dingo
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Ahhhh, fandoms....can't we all just get along???

Eh, you'll find rabid and crazy fans in any fanbase; I just avoid them and ignore them when I come across them. It's much better to just hang out with the sane people and talk about what you like about the characters and games without resorting to flame wars and such. I enjoy my fandoms without having to force opinions on others, though friendly debates are always fine. I personally think its the GIFT at work that fanbases can become so nasty....but that's the internet for you... >_>

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That's the thing about The Legend of Zelda. You are not super powerful. You're just a kid tasked with saving the world. Sure you get stronger and better but Link has never been a super human. It's stories are always about courage and determination against raw power. So yeah, some people are weird.

Also Link is a "self insert" character. Those guys have never been the most compelling characters.

Link may not be superhuman, but you cannot deny that he is much stronger than a real life human. He can push giant crates, fight monsters, and run around for hours on end without getting tired or drinking a glass of water. In Skyward Sword he has a stamina meter, but you can do some crazy stuff with it, and it refills at an amazing rate.

I hate it when people say Link is a "self insert" character. The only thing you can "insert" is your name. Other than that there is no difference between Link and any other videogame character, even Mario. A character is defined by their actions, and whether link is clearing out a dungeon or fighting a huge boss, he is usually doing something epic. This makes him an epic character, and that is why so many people like him.

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As you should. And this is coming from a pretty big Sonic fanboy here. The fanbase outside of the rare sane parts of it. are rabid dogs who tear each other apart when a new game is announced etc.

Which reminds me, two people were banned from one of the forums I participate for flamming when Sonic: Lost Worlds was announced. Far too much rage. :/

Yeah, I can hardly tolerate Sonic fans nowadays. I guess that's what happens when you have between 10 and 13 year-old children saying stupid things and older fans saying that SEGA killed Sonic since Shadow the Hedgehog, waging a never ending war.

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It sucks that these generic evil-doers are so much more popular than the vastly superior Kuja.

Where's the like button?


We need a like button. No, seriously.

Anyways, Kuja is easily the most fleshed out villain in FF and the most badass, imo. Here's why:

He's sent by Garland to fuck up souls and save his home planet, then goes and screws with Alexandria, manipulates its queen, gains immense power, and then tries to usurp Garland, AND SUCCEEDS. This is, of course, not before realizing that he himself is one of the puppets/clones he so loathes and views as sub-human tools (did I mention I loved the scene when the Black Mages sacrifice themselves to save Vivi post Black Waltz, or the Black Mage Village story arc? Because I do.), never mind that he was developed to be inferior to Zidane, who he kind of views as his rival all game. Driven by madness and realizing that, as a clone, he has but a short time to live, he decides to destroy the crystal that is responsible for sustaining all life.

Zidane and co. catch up to him, fight his tranced up self, and drive him to the edge of death, at which point he goes super sayian and kills them all in a single spell (if you notice, all of the characters do their death animations), presumably succeeding in damaging the crystal (yes, a villain actually ultimately succeeds). We are then shown the company in an unknown place (what they DON'T realize is that they are now all disembodied souls at the Iifa Tree) and face Necross, which is theorized to either be the "machine" of the Iifa Tree or a god pissed off about everything Kuja has done, and the party must fight desperately to save the world from destruction.

So points for tricking everybody, points for irony with black mages, points for not being one-dimensional, and INFINITE COOKIES for actually being a FF villain who succeeds in his goal. Psycho clown and masochistic mama's boy can suck it.

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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Where's the like button?


We need a like button. No, seriously.

Anyways, Kuja is easily the most fleshed out villain in FF and the most badass, imo. Here's why:

He's sent by Garland to fuck up souls and save his home planet, then goes and screws with Alexandria, manipulates its queen, gains immense power, and then tries to usurp Garland, AND SUCCEEDS. This is, of course, not before realizing that he himself is one of the puppets/clones he so loathes and views as sub-human tools (did I mention I loved the scene when the Black Mages sacrifice themselves to save Vivi post Black Waltz, or the Black Mage Village story arc? Because I do.), never mind that he was developed to be inferior to Zidane, who he kind of views as his rival all game. Driven by madness and realizing that, as a clone, he has but a short time to live, he decides to destroy the crystal that is responsible for sustaining all life.

Zidane and co. catch up to him, fight his tranced up self, and drive him to the edge of death, at which point he goes super sayian and kills them all in a single spell (if you notice, all of the characters do their death animations), presumably succeeding in damaging the crystal (yes, a villain actually ultimately succeeds). We are then shown the company in an unknown place (what they DON'T realize is that they are now all disembodied souls at the Iifa Tree) and face Necross, which is theorized to either be the "machine" of the Iifa Tree or a god pissed off about everything Kuja has done, and the party must fight desperately to save the world from destruction.

So points for tricking everybody, points for irony with black mages, points for not being one-dimensional, and INFINITE COOKIES for actually being a FF villain who succeeds in his goal. Psycho clown and masochistic mama's boy can suck it.

As much as I agree about Kuja, it's wrong to claim that Kefka is in the same boat at Sephiroth. Kefka also succeeds in turning the world into his bitch (the problem is that he doesn't do anything about it and lets the good guys waltz on into his home) while Sephiroth kinda just... fails.

However, The Emperor is still the best FF villain of all time. Fucker comes back from hell just to fuck with Firion some more.

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Gen 1 and 2 of Pokemon. Anyone who says that there are only 151 pokemon or only 251 pokemon is idiot and I'll treat them as such.

Gen 1's all I know... and the, like, 10 or so shown in Gen 6. I'm lame, I know.

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