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Challenge Characters?

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Alright so I was playing my copy of shadow dragon on my DS and I finished chapter 3 and I started chapter 4 and I got some dialogues about some character be it my first playthrough of the game I thought it was an actual character but it is a character named Unil his portrait is just like an enemy mercenary picture but blue he came with a sword level e just about 1/5 of the way through level 3 str:4 mag :0 Skill:9 Spd:11 Lck:0 Def:5 Res:0 I'm not entirely sure what happened I think its like characters you get for completing some sort of requirements like Norne but I'm not sure.

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Here's a statement straight from the FAQ:

"Q) Who are these weird characters I got, with names like Zas or Unil?

A) Those are generic replacement characters. You get them whenever your character count falls below the maximum number of characters that you can send out in a particular chapter. There are 31 "unique" replacements in total, but if you manage to get all 31 killed, you'll loop back to the first. Additionally, the replacements just use the player class growths for their Level ups, while their starting Level is based on the average Level of your party."

The replacements have nothing to do with the chapter number, but how many units you have.

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I think it depends on how many people you can use in that chapter. For example, if you can use up to 15 people, but only have 13, you will get 2 replacements. However, if you can only use 10 people in that chapter, and you have 13 people, you get no replacements.

I think Ch. 5 lets you use 10 units, therefore you will have to have less than 10 to get replacements.

Edited by Silver Pegasus
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