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Skill Vs. Skill thread rounds 10-14

Skill Polls  

102 members have voted

  1. 1. Vantage or Wrath?

    • Vantage
    • Wrath
    • Neither
  2. 2. Resistance+10 or Tomebreaker?

    • Resistance+10
    • Tomebreaker
    • Neither
  3. 3. Beastbane or Wyrmsbane?

    • Beastbane
    • Wyrmsbane
    • Neither
  4. 4. Aptitude or Paragon?

    • Aptitude
    • Paragon
    • Neither
  5. 5. All Stats+2 or Rally Spectrum?

    • Rally Spectrum
    • All Stats+2
    • Neither

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That is a Solid Point:

Beastkiller has 9 MT

Beaststone+ has 10 MT (Cannot be Forged)

Beast Killer vs. Rider has 27 MT (Without Forges)

Beaststone+ with Beastbane has 30 MT

BeastKiller (+5MT, 15 HIT) has 14 MT, vs. Rider that means its got 42 MT.

Beaststone+ still cannot be forged.

So basically, the Beaststone+ with Beastbane is less effective than the Beastkiller with a forge, but is 3 MT higher before forging.

However: Beaststone+ cannot be obtained readily in Valm- nor can it really be obtained before Chapter 19 where the skill would be useful due to "CALVARY STORM!!"

Beaststone has a wondrous 6 mt. Beastbane would yield 18 mt.

Beastkiller still has 9 mt, so 27.

So to effectively use Beastbane, you'd have to... be locked to a subpar class, and you'd still be getting outperformed by a D-Rank Lance.

Exactly. It doesn't help Beastbane's case that the game essentially hands you a Beast Killer when the Valm arc begins.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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I thought its about Beastbane vs wyrmbane?

Beastbane is weaker because Beast Killer is better? Wyrmbane has wyrmkiller to compete too.

Beastbane is a better skill than wyrmbane because it got higher coverage, and those beast will get killed in one round no matter whether it is beaststones or beast killer.

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I thought its about Beastbane vs wyrmbane?

Beastbane is weaker because Beast Killer is better? Wyrmbane has wyrmkiller to compete too.

Beastbane is a better skill than wyrmbane because it got higher coverage, and those beast will get killed in one round no matter whether it is beaststones or beast killer.

It is about Beastbane and Wyrmsbane indeed, but beast killers being better against the enemies that Beastbane would work on doesn't mean anything good for its case. On the surface, Wyrmsbane has the same issue with Wyrmslayers, but since the class that it happens to be effective against can have Swordbreaker...

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It is about Beastbane and Wyrmsbane indeed, but beast killers being better against the enemies that Beastbane would work on doesn't mean anything good for its case. On the surface, Wyrmsbane has the same issue with Wyrmslayers, but since the class that it happens to be effective against can have Swordbreaker...

No, it's more because Wyrmsbane doesn't allows 1-2 Range...

Wyrmslayer is inferior in every point to Dragonstone (it needs a 3mt boost to have 1 more power than a Dragonstone, and will never surpass Dragonstone +).

The main competitor is Book of Naga, but it's far too rare to have any uses.

Beastbane is what saves Taguel to be completely useless, though. And his power is effectively 35. It avoid every breaker skill, too.

Grifffon Rider learns Lancebreaker, but they are their Flying weakness who will see more abuse, especially coming from Wind Magic.

If you're goal is to kill a dragon, Wyrmsbane is nearly always better, surpassed only by GK!Chrom (or some version of King Marth...) with the Exalted Falchion, and the Book of Naga, who is too rare to be worth it...

I'm gonna vote neither here...

Edited by TendaSlime
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I thought its about Beastbane vs wyrmbane?

Beastbane is weaker because Beast Killer is better? Wyrmbane has wyrmkiller to compete too.

Beastbane is a better skill than wyrmbane because it got higher coverage, and those beast will get killed in one round no matter whether it is beaststones or beast killer.

Let's look at this:

Panne could have Beastbane, but that locks her to Taguel.

Or she could go Wyvern Lord and Equip a Beast Killer, which puts her in a better spot, and still accomplishing the task, but much better.

And 18 MT is not a whole lot. Pavise+ exists.

Panne as a Taguel, capped (I'm not going to try average stats, because too many variables, and unreliable so I'm jumping to something I can use: Caps.) with Beaststone:

80 37+3 29 42+5 43+5 44+4 36+1 29+0

6 MT, she's got 46 Attack power at Range 1.

vs. Wyvern Lord with Beastkiller

80 48 29 40 41 44 47 29

9 MT, she's got 57 Attack power at Range 1. She's got way better Mobility as well, and superior defenses. Not to mention access to brave weapons and Range 1-2 which is huge.

Both are effective on the Calvary storm that is Chapter 19.

She'll pull 58 ATK on the Pallies/DKs/etc. with that Beaststone.

She'll pull 75 ATK on the same enemies as a Wyvern Lord.

Panne actually GAINS from not using Beastbane, because she can get out of Taguel! She can accomplish the same slaying of riders as a Wyvern Lord, too. (Now, if she is capped at Ch19, something's wrong, but that's beside the point.)

Now, let's look at Wyrmsbane vs. Wyrmslayer:

Wyrmsbane + Dragonstone:

Dragonstone MT: 8

Effective: 24

Wyrmslayer MT: 8

Effective: 24

Well, ain't that lovely. The BASE Dragonstone matches the Wyrmslayer.

Forged Wyrmslayer gets up to 13 MT

Effective: 39

Dragonstone+ MT: 12

Effective: 36.

Alright, so Fully forged Wyrmslayer actually outdoes the Dragonstone+ + Wyrmsbane

Exalted Falchion and Book of Naga both also have 45 MT vs. Dragons. (And the enemy can run around with 16 MT Wyrmslayers (Which they do))

But the distance between the base Effective weapon and the 'bane stone is a lot smaller on the Dragonstone vs Wyrmslayer than the Beaststone vs Beast Killer. (12 entire points of MT at Fully Forged vs Stone+ in the case of the Beaststone vs Beast Killer, compared to 3 in the case of Dragonstone vs. Wyrmslayer), however that's not to say that Wyrmsbane is worth a skill slot either- as it's a lot easier to kill dragons with Exalted Falchion, Book of Naga, and -WIND MAGIC- in the case of Wyverns (Like, say, Celica's Gale, which has a 27 MT x2 when fully forged vs a Wyvern who isn't going to have a lot of Res anyway.)

But, yeah, Wyrmsbane is DEFINITELY the better skill, because it's actually harmful to try to make use of Beastbane.

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Let's look at this:

Panne could have Beastbane, but that locks her to Taguel.

Or she could go Wyvern Lord and Equip a Beast Killer, which puts her in a better spot, and still accomplishing the task, but much better.

And 18 MT is not a whole lot. Pavise+ exists.

Panne as a Taguel, capped (I'm not going to try average stats, because too many variables, and unreliable so I'm jumping to something I can use: Caps.) with Beaststone:

80 37+3 29 42+5 43+5 44+4 36+1 29+0

6 MT, she's got 46 Attack power at Range 1.

vs. Wyvern Lord with Beastkiller

80 48 29 40 41 44 47 29

9 MT, she's got 57 Attack power at Range 1. She's got way better Mobility as well, and superior defenses. Not to mention access to brave weapons and Range 1-2 which is huge.

Both are effective on the Calvary storm that is Chapter 19.

She'll pull 58 ATK on the Pallies/DKs/etc. with that Beaststone.

She'll pull 75 ATK on the same enemies as a Wyvern Lord.

Panne actually GAINS from not using Beastbane, because she can get out of Taguel! She can accomplish the same slaying of riders as a Wyvern Lord, too. (Now, if she is capped at Ch19, something's wrong, but that's beside the point.)

Now, let's look at Wyrmsbane vs. Wyrmslayer:

Wyrmsbane + Dragonstone:

Dragonstone MT: 8

Effective: 24

Wyrmslayer MT: 8

Effective: 24

Well, ain't that lovely. The BASE Dragonstone matches the Wyrmslayer.

Forged Wyrmslayer gets up to 13 MT

Effective: 39

Dragonstone+ MT: 12

Effective: 36.

Alright, so Fully forged Wyrmslayer actually outdoes the Dragonstone+ + Wyrmsbane

Exalted Falchion and Book of Naga both also have 45 MT vs. Dragons. (And the enemy can run around with 16 MT Wyrmslayers (Which they do))

But the distance between the base Effective weapon and the 'bane stone is a lot smaller on the Dragonstone vs Wyrmslayer than the Beaststone vs Beast Killer. (12 entire points of MT at Fully Forged vs Stone+ in the case of the Beaststone vs Beast Killer, compared to 3 in the case of Dragonstone vs. Wyrmslayer), however that's not to say that Wyrmsbane is worth a skill slot either- as it's a lot easier to kill dragons with Exalted Falchion, Book of Naga, and -WIND MAGIC- in the case of Wyverns (Like, say, Celica's Gale, which has a 27 MT x2 when fully forged vs a Wyvern who isn't going to have a lot of Res anyway.)

But, yeah, Wyrmsbane is DEFINITELY the better skill, because it's actually harmful to try to make use of Beastbane.

wow, lets not go too far out of point here. Thanks for the info though.

No, it's more because Wyrmsbane doesn't allows 1-2 Range...

Wyrmsbane is inferior in every point to Dragonstone (it needs a 3mt boost to have 1 more power than a Dragonstone, and will never surpass Dragonstone +).

The main competitor is Book of Naga, but it's far too rare to have any uses.

Beastbane is what saves Taguel to be completely useless, though. And his power is effectively 35. It avoid every breaker skill, too.

Grifffon Rider learns Lancebreaker, but they are their Flying weakness who will see more abuse, especially coming from Wind Magic.

If you're goal is to kill a dragon, Wyrmsbane is nearly always better, surpassed only by GK!Chrom (or some version of King Marth...) with the Exalted Falchion, and the Book of Naga, who is too rare to be worth it...

I'm gonna vote neither here...

You meant wyrmslayer right?

Do you guys think it's redundant to have wyrmbane on Manakete since there's like Book of Naga, Wyrmslayer and Falchion to deal with the small amount of dragons in game? If it is, any suggestion of other skills to replace, since I want to stick to using manakete.

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wow, lets not go too far out of point here. Thanks for the info though.

You meant wyrmslayer right?

Do you guys think it's redundant to have wyrmbane on Manakete since there's like Book of Naga, Wyrmslayer and Falchion to deal with the small amount of dragons in game? If it is, any suggestion of other skills to replace, since I want to stick to using manakete.

The first is effectively Wyrmslayer, the others are Wyrmsbane. Gonna correct that.

@Airship Cannon : You have to consider the Stones' Str Bonus who gave Dragonstone 32 Str and Dragonstone + 47 Str.

Considering the Strength's stats capped, Exalted Falchion is 1 more for Greatlord!Chrom, equal for Paladin!Chrom and 6 more for GK!Chrom, without the 1-2 Range. Even maxed forged Wyrmsbane only have 1 more Mt than Dragonstone +. ANd still no 2 Range options...

Wyrmsbane is, all things considered the better option. Wyvern's knight just appears to be beaten far worse by Wind Magic...

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The first is effectively Wyrmslayer, the others are Wyrmsbane. Gonna correct that.

@Airship Cannon : You have to consider the Stones' Str Bonus who gave Dragonstone 32 Str and Dragonstone + 47 Str.

Considering the Strength's stats capped, Exalted Falchion is 1 more for Greatlord!Chrom, equal for Paladin!Chrom and 6 more for GK!Chrom, without the 1-2 Range. Even maxed forged Wyrmsbane only have 1 more Mt than Dragonstone +. ANd still no 2 Range options...

Wyrmsbane is, all things considered the better option. Wyvern's knight just appears to be beaten far worse by Wind Magic...

What you said makes much more sense. I'll keep my wyrmsbane just for the 2 range and the novelty of exclusive skill.

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Neither, because I don't use Taguel or Manaketes. D| I always reclass them because I can't be arsed to buy stones.

Isn't stones much easier and cheaper to stockpile than forging brave weapons?

I tried a max armsthrift pt, and i still have 4 classes that cannot have access to armsthrift, being manakete, taguel, Lucina and Cynthia.

Unless you totally have spotpass with AS over those without.

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Oh no, lesser of two evils time...

Okay, so taguel's max stats, INCLUDING the beaststone+ are nothing to write home about, and to the best of my knowledge, beaststone+'s don't have much mt to triple. I would go wyvern lord panne with a beastkiller or whatever it's called anyday, just because beastbane isn't going to solve much.

Manaketes on the other hand, they have good strength and their dragonstones are slightly more powerful, plus their more solid defense keeps them alive long enough to actually help. I've heard wyrmslayers are close if not more powerful than a dragonstone+, but is the loss of a ranged attack always worth it? (Yet another point against beastbane) I prefer wyrmsbane over not only beastbane, but over its near equal; the wyrmslayer.

Plus I never really got into panne, her attitude of constant strife rubs me the wrong way, and Yarne, oh Yarne, he's a bit to much of a defeatist for me.

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Oh no, lesser of two evils time...

Okay, so taguel's max stats, INCLUDING the beaststone+ are nothing to write home about, and to the best of my knowledge, beaststone+'s don't have much mt to triple. I would go wyvern lord panne with a beastkiller or whatever it's called anyday, just because beastbane isn't going to solve much.

Manaketes on the other hand, they have good strength and their dragonstones are slightly more powerful, plus their more solid defense keeps them alive long enough to actually help. I've heard wyrmslayers are close if not more powerful than a dragonstone+, but is the loss of a ranged attack always worth it? (Yet another point against beastbane) I prefer wyrmsbane over not only beastbane, but over its near equal; the wyrmslayer.

Plus I never really got into panne, her attitude of constant strife rubs me the wrong way, and Yarne, oh Yarne, he's a bit to much of a defeatist for me.

No, wyrmslayer is inferior in any way compared to a Dragonstone + Wyrmslayer have about equal power with Exalted Falchion and Naga

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Beastbane is what saves Taguel to be completely useless, though. And his power is effectively 35. It avoid every breaker skill, too.

Grifffon Rider learns Lancebreaker, but they are their Flying weakness who will see more abuse, especially coming from Wind Magic.

If you're goal is to kill a dragon, Wyrmsbane is nearly always better, surpassed only by GK!Chrom (or some version of King Marth...) with the Exalted Falchion, and the Book of Naga, who is too rare to be worth it...

I'm gonna vote neither here...

Except by the time you actually get a Beaststone+, Beastbane's use is starting to run out.

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No, wyrmslayer is inferior in any way compared to a Dragonstone + Wyrmslayer have about equal power with Exalted Falchion and Naga

The STR Bonus isn't tripled.

The MT of the weapon comes out as 36 vs. 39.

Let's look at something here:

GK Stahl with Wyrmslayer (+5/15)

Nowi with Wyrmsbane with Dragonstone+



80 50 19 35 37 43 50 29


80 41+11 36+6 34+5 33+4 46 43+13 42+9

STR: Nowi wins at 52 vs. Stahl's 50

Effective Attack: Stahl wins at 89 vs. Nowi's 88

So, yeah... about that. That's a Forged Wyrmslayer.

Oh and Stahl could run Swordfaire and Aggressor, which'd run his ATK up to 104, which matches Exalted Falchion (In the hands of Chrom, King Marth stomps both them with Swdfaire, Aggressor, and a much better STR)

Let's see a different comparison:

GK Chrom with Exalted Falchion

Nowi with Wyrmsbane with Dragonstone+


80 49 20 35 38 46 47 29


80 41+11 36+6 34+5 33+4 46 43+13 42+9

STR: Nowi's on top, with 52 of course, compared to Chrom's 49.


Chrom has 94 ATK compared to Nowi's 88.

(Chrom could be using Aggressor which'd put his ATK at 104)

And just to be stupid

Sage Miriel with Book of Naga

Nowi with Wyrmsbane with Dragonstone+


80 28 49 44 43 45 29+5 40+5


80 41+11 36+6 34+5 33+4 46 43+13 42+9

Book of Naga is also A-rank, rather than D or PRF, so we can assume A-rank tomes, which means a 2ATK/10Hit bonus to Miriel.

So, we've got 96 Magic Attack in Miriel's case. 1 Higher than Chrom (but we weren't assuming A-rank swords in Chrom's case (He'd have 97)) and she's a lot faster, not to mention Range 1-2, and is dealing Magic Damage, which considering unless you're fighting Manakete in Streetpass, means you're attacking a glaring weak point of a class.

Nowi... still pulls 88.

In all cases, the effective weapon is better than Wyrmsbane. And none of that accounts for skills... except Nowi who has to have the skill.

(And to note, in Stahl and Chrom's case, I was being unfair to them by cutting their Weapon Rank Bonus. They'd get +3 ATK with A-rank Swords. Not to mention Wyverns tend to have Axes, which in that case, they'd have another +1 ATK from WTA, which puts their ATK at 92/93 in Stahl's case and 97/98 in Chrom's.)

It's not as much of a stomp as Beast Killer vs. Beastbane though.

TL;DR: Wyrmsbane sucks too. Save a skill slot and don't use either of the Banes.

Edited by Airship Canon
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The STR Bonus isn't tripled.

The MT of the weapon comes out as 36 vs. 39.

Let's look at something here:

GK Stahl with Wyrmslayer (+5/15)

Nowi with Wyrmsbane with Dragonstone+



80 50 19 35 37 43 50 29


80 41+11 36+6 34+5 33+4 46 43+13 42+9

STR: Nowi wins at 52 vs. Stahl's 50

Effective Attack: Stahl wins at 89 vs. Nowi's 88

So, yeah... about that. That's a Forged Wyrmslayer.

Oh and Stahl could run Swordfaire and Aggressor, which'd run his ATK up to 104, which matches Exalted Falchion (In the hands of Chrom, King Marth stomps both them with Swdfaire, Aggressor, and a much better STR)

Let's see a different comparison:

GK Chrom with Exalted Falchion

Nowi with Wyrmsbane with Dragonstone+


80 49 20 35 38 46 47 29


80 41+11 36+6 34+5 33+4 46 43+13 42+9

STR: Nowi's on top, with 52 of course, compared to Chrom's 49.


Chrom has 94 ATK compared to Nowi's 88.

(Chrom could be using Aggressor which'd put his ATK at 104)

And just to be stupid

Sage Miriel with Book of Naga

Nowi with Wyrmsbane with Dragonstone+


80 28 49 44 43 45 29+5 40+5


80 41+11 36+6 34+5 33+4 46 43+13 42+9

Book of Naga is also A-rank, rather than D or PRF, so we can assume A-rank tomes, which means a 2ATK/10Hit bonus to Miriel.

So, we've got 96 Magic Attack in Miriel's case. 1 Higher than Chrom (but we weren't assuming A-rank swords in Chrom's case (He'd have 97)) and she's a lot faster, not to mention Range 1-2, and is dealing Magic Damage, which considering unless you're fighting Manakete in Streetpass, means you're attacking a glaring weak point of a class.

Nowi... still pulls 88.

In all cases, the effective weapon is better than Wyrmsbane. And none of that accounts for skills... except Nowi who has to have the skill.

(And to note, in Stahl and Chrom's case, I was being unfair to them by cutting their Weapon Rank Bonus. They'd get +3 ATK with A-rank Swords. Not to mention Wyverns tend to have Axes, which in that case, they'd have another +1 ATK from WTA, which puts their ATK at 92/93 in Stahl's case and 97/98 in Chrom's.)

It's not as much of a stomp as Beast Killer vs. Beastbane though.

TL;DR: Wyrmsbane sucks too. Save a skill slot and don't use either of the Banes.

Oh, didn't counted Aggressor/Rank Bonus...

Wyrmsbane have 1-2 Range, but this is pretty insignificant in most cases... It can help if you run manakete, though...

We all know that in reallity we'll kill most of those with dragon's weakness with wind magic anyway...

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Oh, didn't counted Aggressor/Rank Bonus...

Wyrmsbane have 1-2 Range, but this is pretty insignificant in most cases... It can help if you run manakete, though...

We all know that in reallity we'll kill most of those with dragon's weakness with wind magic anyway...

I'm going to point out, that I didn't really account for those either. Without WRB, The Forged Wyrmslayer beat DS+ in the hands of Stahl, (It'd tie in the case of Chrom but he has Exalt Falchion), Exalted Falchion beat it too, and of course, so did Book of Naga (which, without the WRB, in the hands of Miriel, completely ties with Chrom, but she's got the SPD and is dealing Magic damage.)

One last Calculation:

Nowi vs Nowi.

Nowi (Manakete) with Dragonstone+, Wyrmsbane

80 41+11 36+6 34+5 33+4 46 43+13 42+9

Nowi (Sage) with Book of Naga

80 31 47 42 40 46 34+5 42+5

52 STR vs 47 MAG

88 ATK vs 92 ATK

(No WRB calculated there, although she'd have 94 ATK in that scenario.)

And just because we're killing Wyverns, a Forged Rexcalibur would work the same (15 MT).

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I'm going to point out, that I didn't really account for those either. Without WRB, The Forged Wyrmslayer beat DS+ in the hands of Stahl, (It'd tie in the case of Chrom but he has Exalt Falchion), Exalted Falchion beat it too, and of course, so did Book of Naga (which, without the WRB, in the hands of Miriel, completely ties with Chrom, but she's got the SPD and is dealing Magic damage.)

One last Calculation:

Nowi vs Nowi.

Nowi (Manakete) with Dragonstone+, Wyrmsbane

80 41+11 36+6 34+5 33+4 46 43+13 42+9

Nowi (Sage) with Book of Naga

80 31 47 42 40 46 34+5 42+5

52 STR vs 47 MAG

88 ATK vs 92 ATK

(No WRB calculated there, although she'd have 94 ATK in that scenario.)

And just because we're killing Wyverns, a Forged Rexcalibur would work the same (15 MT).

So, that settles it then... Both skills are completely awfull...

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No, wyrmslayer is inferior in any way compared to a Dragonstone + Wyrmslayer have about equal power with Exalted Falchion and Naga

Thanks, it's now not a lesser of two evils, but instead a slaughter. Wyrmsbane for sure.

I guess what I was going for was that you could forge a wyrmslayer with +5 mt, so I THINK you could in theory make it stronger than a dragonstone+ (being unforgable). Plus better classes like great knight or paladin can use said wyrmslayer. Among the skills, wyrmsbane is the one I prefer, but their are other methods to having a strong dragon-buster. PS. I didn't know about book of naga's dragon weakness.

Pre-Edit: This seems to invalidate my other post about wyrmsbane being the best dragon-buster, I didn't know BoN was strong to dragons and I forgot about forging wyrmslayers. Oops.

Actual Edit: forged wyrmslayers can have up to 13 mt, and the fact that Chrom (maybe Lucina?) is/ are the only one(s) who can use the exalted falchion could change their standings.

Sorry for going off topic for no good reason.

Edited by SpikyRtG
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Thanks, it's now not a lesser of two evils, but instead a slaughter. Wyrmsbane for sure.

I guess what I was going for was that you could forge a wyrmslayer with +5 mt, so I THINK you could in theory make it stronger than a dragonstone+ (being unforgable). Plus better classes like great knight or paladin can use said wyrmslayer. Among the skills, wyrmsbane is the one I prefer, but their are other methods to having a strong dragon-buster. PS. I didn't know about book of naga's dragon weakness.

Pre-Edit: This seems to invalidate my other post about wyrmsbane being the best dragon-buster, I didn't know BoN was strong to dragons and I forgot about forging wyrmslayers. Oops.

Actual Edit: forged wyrmslayers can have up to 13 mt, and the fact that Chrom (maybe Lucina?) is/ are the only one(s) who can use the exalted falchion could change their standings.

Sorry for going off topic for no good reason.

Only Chrom can use the Exalted Falchion, and it comes all of one chapter before the end of the game.

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...how is Beastbane winning? You guys realize that the *bane skills are locked to the Taguel and Manakete classes, right (the latter class being much more useful as a lead combatant in almost all cases)?

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...how is Beastbane winning? You guys realize that the *bane skills are locked to the Taguel and Manakete classes, right (the latter class being much more useful as a lead combatant in almost all cases)?

Good question - I guess they only see the fact that Beastbane is useful in Valm and ignore the fact that Beast Killers do the job better.

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Only Chrom can use the Exalted Falchion, and it comes all of one chapter before the end of the game.

Chrom, Pr. Marth, Pr. Marth, and King Marth. (Which I kinda mentioned earlier)

BTW: Let's look at King Marth for some funnies:

GK King Marth, Exalted Falchion

80 52 17 36 36 45 50


He ties Nowi in STR, and has available any skill a guy could get.

Just for hilarity, Let's throw Aggressor, and Swordfaire on him. Why not?

80 52+5 17 36 36 45 50 29

He's got 112 ATK vs. Wyverns. Hello, Wyvern Deleter.

A wyvern would need 32 DEF (which isn't unreasonable) to not get OHKO'd by that.

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Chrom, Pr. Marth, Pr. Marth, and King Marth. (Which I kinda mentioned earlier)

BTW: Let's look at King Marth for some funnies:

GK King Marth, Exalted Falchion

80 52 17 36 36 45 50


He ties Nowi in STR, and has available any skill a guy could get.

Just for hilarity, Let's throw Aggressor, and Swordfaire on him. Why not?

80 52+5 17 36 36 45 50 29

He's got 112 ATK vs. Wyverns. Hello, Wyvern Deleter.

A wyvern would need 32 DEF (which isn't unreasonable) to not get OHKO'd by that.

Didn't mention the Marths since I'd assume most people don't use Spotpass units.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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