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Lord debate.


Random Class Debate  

25 members have voted

  1. 1. Lord

    • Eliwood
    • Lyn
    • Hector

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I like debating about FE. So I'm going to make a series of topics for each class of FE7 (I'm going to write the names) and you could just explain why you think that the character you chose is the best.

Eliwood: He might be the main lord but in Hector mode you will only use him either because you want to get the Linus chapter, because you have to sometimes or because you think that lords are important but if it he was just a random unit like a mercenary you wouldn't use him but when he promotes he does get extra movement and lances. 3rd

Lyn: I just wish that there was a class like her. Because Swordmaster+bows=Lyn which is awesome. I don't know what to say against her so yeah... 1st

Hector: Even in Eliwood mode you would probably promote him before Lyn but I like to promote Lyn first. At first, he is like a knight who uses axes (which is better) instead of lances and has his own personnal axe. But when he promotes, he is all that AND he could use swords that makes him the only unit who could use nothing but sword and axes(except in FE9-10 when you could pick a second weapon for your social knights). I think he would have been better if he used lances though. 2nd

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But that topic is very old.

If we're talking about the best Lord, Hector, hands down.

True, but it was only on the second page. I hardly doubt that it would've been hard to find...

Reading all of it is a different story, however....

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True, but it was only on the second page. I hardly doubt that it would've been hard to find...

Reading all of it is a different story, however....

8 pages to read? I don't think so. Plus we got a whole new bunch of people join since the last time that topic was bumped (which is May 15, Cinco de Mayo).

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Lyn: I just wish that there was a class like her. Because Swordmaster+bows=Lyn which is awesome.

They don't compensate for her not so good strength. Bows' utility is pretty eh. They don't do much to make her a better stand-alone unit. Swords are the worst melee weapon type.

But when he promotes, he is all that AND he could use swords that makes him the only unit who could use nothing but sword and axes.

Blah blah, already covered.

I think he would have been better if he used lances though. 2nd

You'd be correct.

Eliwood's out of the running by technical knockout.

Hector has balanced growths across the board. He starts out with the best weapon type, and is the only earlygame unpromoted unit you can really count on to smash faces without any help, from other units or from rng miracles. Lategame, he doubles (read: with his strength, one-rounds) people while being in about as little danger himself as you could hope for.

Pretty clear cut.

Edited by Mac
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They don't compensate for her not so good strength. Bows' utility is pretty eh. They don't do much to make her a better stand-alone unit. Swords are the worst melee weapon type.

Blah blah, already covered.

You'd be correct.

Eliwood's out of the running by technical knockout.

Hector has balanced growths across the board. He starts out with the best weapon type, and is the only earlygame unpromoted unit you can really count on to smash faces without any help, from other units or from rng miracles. Lategame, he doubles (read: with his strength, one-rounds) people while being in about as little danger himself as you could hope for.

Pretty clear cut.

Actually, Swords are VERY useful for Hector, seeing as how he has a low hit rate.

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By the time he's promoted, with a 45 skill growth, he's doing fine with axes.

He still can't hit anyone like say... Lyn with Axes. He'll have to switch to a Sword eventually when up against a really dodgy foe.

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He still can't hit anyone like say... Lyn with Axes. He'll have to switch to a Sword eventually when up against a really dodgy foe.

That speedy unit would probably be a myrmidon or a thief, so using an axe would be risky. Though if he had lances instead of swords then he would have even more chances of hitting.

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Enemies are also pretty slow in this game. Swordmasters, which are the only units really fast enough to matter, are in pretty short supply.

edit: Same with thieves.

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1. Hector - He is a god. He's a beast in both strength and defense(except for one playthrough where the RNG said "F You" and gave hector 24 strength... -.-). He's a tank, and he can use swords when he needs a hit rate boost. Also, he's cool.

1.5. Lyn - It's REEEALY difficult for me to compare the two, but Hector can rely less on criticals than Lyn, so I put him above. However, I usually have them paired together, so basically they're an unstoppable force. Also, upon promotion, not only does she get a bow, she also gets a kick ass attack and crit animation.

4. Eliwood - *sigh*... How could this wimp be the father of the beast know as Roy? He doesn't even deserve 3rd place with the horrible stats he always gets when I use him...

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