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New Fire Emblem Sacred Stones Tier List

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  • Top:
  • Seth
  • Natasha
  • Franz
  • Colm
  • Joshua
  • Ephraim (Ephraim)
  • Vanessa
  • Lute
  • Artur
  • Gerik (Erika)
  • Duessel (Ephraim)
  • Cormag (Ephraim)
  • Erika (Erika)
  • Forde
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  • Garcia
  • Marisa (Erika)
  • Neimi
  • Ross
  • Erika (Ephraim)
  • Gilliam
  • L'Arachel
  • Saleh (Erika)
  • Kyle
  • Marisa (Ephraim)
  • Gerik (Ephraim)
  • Innes (Erika)
  • Cormag (Erika)
  • Tethys
  • Myrhh
  • Ephraim (Erika)
  • Duessel (Erika)
  • Rennac
  • Saleh (Ephraim)
  • Innes (Ephraim)
  • Amelia
  • Ewan
  • Dozla
  • Syrene
    worse than a granny:
  • Knoll

I made it quickly, and what needs changed?

Edited by Mathew O'Connell
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2 levels higher than Natasha two chapters before she joins. Then you've got the arena to spam.

FE Tier lists aren't supposed to take external amounts of EXP into factor. Which means Arenas, Tower, or Creature Campaign can't be a factor in raising the units. Which is why Ewan didn't make it to top tier. Because he's so damn hard to train without external exp. Otherwise, at 10/20/20, he'd be an uber unit.

Edited by Not Knife
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FE Tier lists aren't supposed to take external amounts of EXP into factor. Which means Arenas, Tower, or Creature Campaign can't be a factor in raising the units. Why is why Ewan didn't make it to top tier. Because he's so damn hard to train without external exp.

He's hard enough to train with external exp.

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Colm, really? I like him a lot but dont feel he should be in the top tier because he lacks a little in strength. If it's because he comes early, he's the best Rogue, and has good supports (Neimi the Archer girl; forgot name) then I can see why.

Edit: Why is Ewan so low?

Edit Edit: nevermind

Edited by smashbro
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Why the HELL is Seth top tier <_< He sucks (I don't care if his growths are good)

Again, Tier Lists are for usefulness, not for how a uber a unit becomes when maxed. Seth becomes a very useful unit (meatshield) during early chapters and turns out pretty decent too.

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Why the HELL is Seth top tier <_< He sucks (I don't care if his growths are good)

If his growths, base stats, and avalibility are good, doesn't that automatically mean he's a good unit? :mellow:

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I hate 'em too, because it's based on more than raw stats. If it was just raw stats, Nino would be top of FE7 but she's near-bottom because of crap availability. I just like to debate in 'em to spark discussion.

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