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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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If a FE item makes its way to Smash 4, it will be the pure water

It will raise the user's defense just like what it does in the series

I remember talking in one thread(might've been this one actually) about how the warp and rescue staffs could work.

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Yeah I don't understand why a few people keep going out of their way to point out every reason why Ike won't make it or shouldn't and then comment rather insultingly at Ana

Because she won't shut up about it. I've about as much of a hard-on for Sigurd as Ana has for Ike, but you don't see me making post after post about how OMG I WANT HIM IN or I WON'T GET THIS GAME WITHOUT HIM. It kinda gets grating reading post after post when the screenshots come out that show "WAAHH NOT IKE".

Yes, I know Sigurd was never in Smash Bros, but that's not my point. And before you bring up the ignore function, that doesn't stop people from quoting her.

That's all I'm going to say on the matter.

Edited by NoNameAtAll
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I remember talking in one thread(might've been this one actually) about how the warp and rescue staffs could work.

I know your going off topic on my reply, but how would the staffs work in Smash 4?

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Second, I dont think the rescue and warp staffs in Smash 4 would work out. Just think about it, players would abuse the warp staff to warp their opponents far as possible off the stage so they wont recover back on and normally the user would be open for upcoming attacks. As for the rescue, if that were possible, it will be an item for only team battle.

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Guess what? Tiki is playable in SSB4. No lie. Saw it in my 3ds in the Wii preview 34 min video.



This is so rad.

EDIT: It's at 7min 39 sec.

Edited by Dark_Huntress
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No Aya. That was a trophy

It is confirmed that she is playable. Playable characters get trophies too.

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Yeah, and so do non playable characters.

For example, The Black Knight was a trophy in Brawl, but wasn't playable

Edited by Hero-King
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Yeah, and so do non playable characters.

For example, The Black Knight was a trophy in Brawl, but wasn't playable

Nintendo couldn't resist her cleavage that they had to put her in. ^^

She now can use her bewbs for her defense. Smack them upside the head with her Dragonstone and shout "Now, I'm mad!" and transform whenever you obtain the special item and having her smack them out of the ring.

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Nintendo couldn't resist her cleavage that they had to put her in. She now can use her bewbs for her defense and smack them upside the head with her Dragonstone and shout "Now, I'm mad!" and transform whenever you obtain the special item and having her smack them out of the ring.


In the video, it even said that she was a trophy. Do you recall the "Trophy Quiz"? Yeah, that was showing trophies that are in the game. That's it

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Yeah sooo Also guess who got confirmed to be in today Greninja so does this mean jigglypuff not join ssb4 or will he be the 5 pokemon also its been confirmed for lucarios final smash he transforms into his mega forme so charizard who also got confirmed as a seperate character might use one of his two mega evos

Anyways for FE the three likly cannidantes remaining are Chrom (as he is the most recent fe star i believe lucina will be on of marths alts kinda like hos there were two different wario looks from brawl) Ike( easiest to program as he has been in a brawl so they can rehash him) or Lynn( since she was a assist trophy in brawl she could get the official treatment like little mac did and its kinda easy to code) but tiki probally not

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Damn it Hero-King, you ninja'd me!

If there is going to be another FE character, I would bet on it being Chrom.

I honestly don't see how an argument could be made for it to be anyone else, he is the main lord of the most recent game and thats kind of how the developers have decided on FE characters in the past, why change it now

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In the video, it even said that she was a trophy. Do you recall the "Trophy Quiz"? Yeah, that was showing trophies that are in the game. That's it


Never heard of it!

Yeah sooo Also guess who got confirmed to be in today Greninja so does this mean jigglypuff not join ssb4 or will he be the 5 pokemon also its been confirmed for lucarios final smash he transforms into his mega forme so charizard who also got confirmed as a seperate character might use one of his two mega evos

Anyways for FE the three likly cannidantes remaining are Chrom (as he is the most recent fe star i believe lucina will be on of marths alts kinda like hos there were two different wario looks from brawl) Ike( easiest to program as he has been in a brawl so they can rehash him) or Lynn( since she was a assist trophy in brawl she could get the official treatment like little mac did and its kinda easy to code) but tiki probally not

Greninja should be one of the pokes to help assist you in battle, like for example Ho-Oh and Entei were. Charizard and Lucario should get their Mega formes only with them grabbing the special item. Chrom will likely be the next candidate to replace Ike.

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True true but it did get released as a normal character qnd who knows maybe they plan on doing three fe characters lol

Yes which will be Tiki, Chrom, and likely Lucina for the third. It's unknown if Lyn will be in though.

Edited by Dark_Huntress
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Yes which will be Marth, Chrom, and likely Lucina for the third. It's known that Lyn will not be in though.

Edited by VenosaurusRex
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Yes which will be Tiki, Chrom, and likely Lucina for the third. It's unknown if Lyn will be in though.

They confirmed Marth, Tiki is just a trophy (just like Fi, Phosphora, Pseudo Palutena, etc. who were shown as trophies), and Lyn is just an assist trophy. As for Chrom and/or Lucina, that's unknown so far.

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