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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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It's a recolor carried over from Brawl. It means nothing, and I have no clue why people call it "Dixie colors" at all. It's just a pink shirt.

Maybe because his fur is lighter too and it resembles Dixie? I dno that sounds like an accurate name to me

It doesn't harm her chances but being salty over a small term like that is a bit hilarious. Did Mario having Wario colors mean he wasn't in Brawl? I guess we had Mach Rider Cosplaying as Wario in Brawl.

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It also has lighter fur that resembles Dixie's.

Oh, I didn't notice that. Still, I don't think it means anything. Alph shows that Sakurai is willing to create a new model and everything for an alt meant to be another character. If this was supposed to be a replacement for Dixie, I don't see why he wouldn't do the same here.

^Where am I being salty?

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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I don't think Mr. L was quite the highest priority in the game, if one at all, Ana. Be happy with RD Ike.

I AM happy with RD Ike. I just think that if Oni Link was done, Mr. L could've been a snap. Just...why. ;_;

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Well Super Paper Mario wasn't as widely played as Majora's Mask. I mean, I would've loved Mr. L, too, but the SPM fanbase is nowhere near as large as the MM one is. And, if Vanguard Ike isn't in, it's probably because of the small size of the Tellius FE games' fanbase. And, for those of us who HAVE played those games, but haven't done so in years, the Black Knight is way more iconic than Vanguard Ike. I mean, I remember Ike's appearance changing with each promotion, but I haven't played Radiant Dawn since about 2010 or 2011 so if someone asked me to draw what Vanguard Ike looks like I couldn't do it, and not just because I can't draw worth shit. By contrast, I remember very well what the Black Knight looks like. And I still remember Fierce Deity/Oni Link despite not playing Majora's Mask since my first playthrough back when it was new (I was one of the people that honestly didn't enjoy MM that much, so I've only played through it once).

Of course, costume choices like 'Murica Mario and the half-naked fanservice options for Zamus and Shulk prove that Sakurai doesn't really care how "iconic" something is.

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What Sakurai said about ZSS's outfit makes it seem like there wasn't a giant objective in mind with the costumes. I say that because of how ZSS's designer really pushed for her costume, so I think maybe it was less of Sakurai saying "We're doing this this and this" and more of them being of the designers' personal interests. Maybe Vanguard and Mr. L weren't done because the developers just didn't care or want to do them/weren't as interested in them as they were in the other costumes they wanted to do.

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I was thinking something about the "leaked" roster. Why would there be three Mario newcomers in this game, bringing the group up to seven? That's unreasonably big, especially for this point in time. And over fan favorites like Ghirahim and Takamaru, I'm not seeing it. Yes, Shulk's artwork is the same, but I don't think that the entire leak is true. Something about the placement of Mr. Game and Watch bothers me too. It was lumped with Sonic and Snake last time, so it would be somewhat reasonable to see him and Shulk with them this time, maybe another second-party rep as well as the Mii Fighters. But right now, it doesn't feel like it fits prior games and logic right.

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There are definitely oddities. Yoshi's placement, Shulk's placement, G&W and Little Mac not being with the rest of the single reps, the clone corner, the empty space. But the video evidence is pretty compelling. I find it doubtful that someone had legitimate information but decided to also throw forgeries into the mix.

It's always possible that it wasn't a final build and the roster in the final game will be arranged differently, but it's all speculation for now. The supposed starting roster we've seen also happens to match up with it.

Also, Ghirahim isn't really a fan favorite.

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I was thinking something about the "leaked" roster. Why would there be three Mario newcomers in this game, bringing the group up to seven? That's unreasonably big, especially for this point in time. And over fan favorites like Ghirahim and Takamaru, I'm not seeing it. Yes, Shulk's artwork is the same, but I don't think that the entire leak is true. Something about the placement of Mr. Game and Watch bothers me too. It was lumped with Sonic and Snake last time, so it would be somewhat reasonable to see him and Shulk with them this time, maybe another second-party rep as well as the Mii Fighters. But right now, it doesn't feel like it fits prior games and logic right.

Seven Years Earlier...

I was thinking something about the "leaked" roster. Why would there be three Star Fox reps? That's unreasonably big, especially for this point in time. And over fan favorites like Dixie Kong and Isaac, I'm not seeing it.

Also, Mewtwo getting cut despite his popularity, another Link clone, and ROB being both an SSE enemy AND a playable character? This Brawl "leak" is too fake for words.

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I find it doubtful that someone had legitimate information but decided to also throw forgeries into the mix.

If you're interested about the history behind the leak, this 20-minute video covers it all. Only linking it because leaks regarding Bowser Jr., DHD, etc, began spawning around I think June/July time, as well as some forgeries related to the leak

Regarding the odd placement of Little Mac and MGAW (I can't remember if this is in the video I linked above): I believe if you bunch all the series with multiple reps together, singular reps together, and third-party reps together, whilst keeping them in the order they are featured in the roster, the singular reps are listed in chronological order. This also applies to the third-party reps

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I am so hype for Link this game.

Possibly more than for any of the newcomers bar Shulk - possibly Robin or Lucina, but eh.

Buffs for Link to actually play well + Fierce Deity alt costume (which is the official name; Hyrule Historia says hi) makes me very happy.

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If Link doesn't suck anymore then that's another veteran I need to put lots of extra effort into trying, since he was my main in Melee. At this rate, SSB5 will be around the corner by the time I actually have one solidified main in SSB4.

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I was thinking something about the "leaked" roster. Why would there be three Mario newcomers in this game, bringing the group up to seven? That's unreasonably big, especially for this point in time. And over fan favorites like Ghirahim and Takamaru, I'm not seeing it.

On the topic of Mario characters, if representation was a thing Sakurai cared about to the point of monitoring that, you gotta remember that up till now Mario has been pretty much leading and opening Nintendo consoles since like 30 years ago, only losing to Pokemon on handhelds. Plus Bowser Jr. and Rosalina have interesting unique movestyles that warrant them being in, and Doctor Mario was easy to make. It really isn't that odd.

Thanks for the video by the way, interesting watch.

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Seven Mario reps would have been too much back in Brawl, but with the roster getting larger it makes sense that Nintendo's flagship series will grow with it.

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Seven Years Earlier...

I was thinking something about the "leaked" roster. Why would there be three Star Fox reps? That's unreasonably big, especially for this point in time. And over fan favorites like Dixie Kong and Isaac, I'm not seeing it.

Also, Mewtwo getting cut despite his popularity, another Link clone, and ROB being both an SSE enemy AND a playable character? This Brawl "leak" is too fake for words.

There's nothing about CSS design in here. Were these actually things people said back in the day? Three Star Fox reps didn't seem surprising to me, Diddy was already added so another DK rep was unlikely, and I don't think was really a "fan favorite" yet.

The stuff on the last line makes sense, though.

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Of course, the point is that the roster doesn't have to make sense to us, and having a roster that cuts characters we like or puts in characters we don't doesn't mean it's fake. I mean, if Sakurai had come to me in early 2013 and asked me to come up with the roster, assuming:

1. The Ice Climbers had to be removed due to technical limitations

2. Transformations had to be taken out, too.

and, 3. I was given access to what the Gen VI Pokemon would look like to help me decide on Pokemon reps

The roster would've looked something like this:


(except, honestly, I probably would've gone with Melia as a second Xenoblade rep over Dunban. It's just that there was no Melia icon in the SSB Roster Maker)

Granted, I will admit that some of those are even weirder choices than Sakurai's.

Edited by ClevelandSteve
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So this happened.


It's looking more and more likely that the leaked roster isn't final.

Who's left? Hmm...


It'll probably be some of the other newcomers that were mentioned many pages back. I'll be extremely happy if those "extra characters" happen to be any of the Brawl veterans that were likely to be cut.

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My day has been made. I have no issue with Squirtle, Lucas, or even Mewtwo returning. I'll bet one of those slots, though, is for DLC characters, like Soul Calibur 3 did with bonus characters like Hwang and Li Long.

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Well, I guess I was wrong about the leaked roster being the final one. Here's hoping for Mewtwo, Dixie, K. Rool, Ridley, Isaac, Lucas, Wolf, Ice Climbers, Snake, or a Gen III Pokemon who isn't Blaziken. Any 5-6 of the ten characters I listed. Or maybe just one or two of them plus a few others I didn't list. To tell you the truth, I'm honestly good with the roster as we know it and anything else is just bonus.

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