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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Still doesn't give them the right to reveal these characters since we aren't supposed to know that they are in the game yet. Because of this as well as it happened in the other two games, it'll be hard now to convince Nintendo to create another one. -.-

Nintendo should tighten their security in the future.


Ho. Ho. Ho.

Edited by PuffPuff
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Still doesn't give them the right to reveal these characters since we aren't supposed to know that they are in the game yet. Because of this as well as it happened in the other two games, it'll be hard now to convince Nintendo to create another one. -.-

Nintendo should tighten their security in the future.


Ho. Ho. Ho.

Smash basically prints money for Nintendo, and Brawl's roster (and I think Melee's) was leaked as well.

In regards to DLC, it would be nice but I hope that the game has been developed with no current plans for DLC so they won't just not put something in because it could be DLC later.

Edited by Shulk
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Smash basically prints money for Nintendo, and Brawl's roster (and I think Melee's) was leaked as well.

In regards to DLC, it would be nice but I hope that the game has been developed with no current plans for DLC so they won't just not put something in because it could be DLC later.


They could hide them as DLC next time so their work is safe and protected.

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In regards to DLC, it would be nice but I hope that the game has been developed with no current plans for DLC so they won't just not put something in because it could be DLC later.

Don't worry, the game was. Sakurai himself said that there were no current plans for DLC, but that this could change in the future. So I'm pretty sure he and his team made the games without DLC in mind.

This is nice, because then, after the games are released, they can compile a list of things that were considered/planned for the game but didn't make it in for whatever reason, or things they could add to the game that would work nicely, like costumes and stages, as I said before. Trophies, stage builder parts, anything like that.

Edited by Anacybele
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Don't worry, the game was. Sakurai himself said that there were no current plans for DLC, but that this could change in the future. So I'm pretty sure he and his team made the games without DLC in mind.

This is nice, because then, after the games are released, they can compile a list of things that were considered/planned for the game but didn't make it in for whatever reason, or things they could add to the game that would work nicely, like costumes and stages, as I said before. Trophies, stage builder parts, anything like that.

Good. I personally think that's the best mindset to have when developing a game.

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Yes, I think so too, especially for a guy like Sakurai who hates cutting people's favorites. He can have a few peeps figure out the issues with the ICs if they didn't already and add Lucas, Snake, and Wolf in a character pack if they aren't already in the game. Same with any other vets that didn't make it into the released product.

I also remember awhile back, someone pointed out Venusaur coming up as a search result in the Smash site. Other such results were Ike and Robin, who are confirmed as playable. Even though Robin could've also referred to Isaac since that's his Japanese name. But where does Venusaur come in, especially when its pre-evo was playable in Brawl? Was it meant to replace Ivysaur and complete the starter triangle? (even though I would prefer Sceptile for this so gen 1 isn't overdone) Or is it a Pokeball mon? Either is a possibility. It could've also been an idea that was later scrapped, so whatever Venusaur was/is supposed to be could also be moved to DLC if that's the case.

Edited by Anacybele
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With a project as big as Smash Bros, I think a leak in almost inevitable.

It still puzzles me as to why that Smash is getting a release a month earlier in Japan than us when the whole thing is just going to be leaked everywhere by the nihons. lol

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Venusaur is probably a Pokeball mon.

Smash basically prints money for Nintendo, and Brawl's roster (and I think Melee's) was leaked as well.

In regards to DLC, it would be nice but I hope that the game has been developed with no current plans for DLC so they won't just not put something in because it could be DLC later.

I found out through a bit of research that even SSB64's roster was leaked. However, Sakurai said after Brawl (and after Melee, too, I think) that he wasn't going to make another Smash Bros. game. I'm always worried that he might actually do it this time, since the whole process seems to wear him down a lot. I mean, if Nintendo had their way, Smash would probably be a yearly release like Madden and CoD due to how much money it makes, but Sakurai's the guy who makes the games.

As for DLC, as Ana said Sakurai didn't plan for it during development. However, development has been finished (on the 3DS version at least) since probably July or even late June. I'm not sure if DLC is being discussed right now or not, but it very well might be.

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Sakurai has been known to change his mind entirely a lot though. lol He also said Villager would never be in Smash. :P

But Smash as a yearly release? Yeah, no. I can't see it being as good in that case... Nintendo wouldn't do this anyway though. Not even Mario and Zelda are yearly releases.

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But Smash as a yearly release? Yeah, no. I can't see it being as good in that case... Nintendo wouldn't do this anyway though. Not even Mario and Zelda are yearly releases.

Pokemon is turning into a yearly release. If I recall correctly, the last year without a main series Pokemon game was 2008. (Platinum in 2009, HeartGold and SoulSilver in 2010, Black and White in 2011, Black 2 and White 2 in 2012, X and Y in 2013, and OmegaRuby and AlphaSapphire later this year). The Mario series, if you count spinoffs, usually has at least one game (sometimes more) per year. Granted, these yearly releases usually are more inspired than the robotically cranked out sequels that EA and Activision spew (Usually. Some Mario games can be pretty similar to one another. And this doesn't account for games that are different from their predecessors in a bad way like Paper Mario Sticker Star). Edit: Of course, I'm not saying that every installment in a series has to be radically different than what came before it, "If it's not broke, don't fix it" after all, but at the same time why pay $40-$60 for a slightly different version of a game you already own? It's a tough balance, and Nintendo is at least doing their best to keep away from the extremes, even if they sometime err towards making things too much the same (Like in the "New Super Mario Bros." games) or too different (like Sticker Star or Metroid: Other M).

Still, I agree that turning Smash into a yearly release is a bad idea from a quality standpoint. While it might not make them bad games, very little would change between installments (maybe a newcomer or two per year, and a few balance tweaks, and the occasional graphical update. But that's about it) so, like sports games and CoD, there still wouldn't be any point in buying more than one year's installment per console generation (I personally don't see the point in buying CoD at all, but I'm not an FPS fan). However, there would still be countless people who would buy the new Smash every year regardless of whether or not it was 99% the same game as the previous year, because lots of gamers (as in enough to frequently shatter sales records) buy yearly release games like Madden and CoD already. Hell, you could keep just giving graphical updates to Melee and you'd get less whining from the competitive crowd than Sakurai has to put up with now.

The way I see it, Sakurai is more of an artist than a businessman, and luckily under his leadership I don't see Smash ever going the "slightly-updated yearly release" route. However, the Wii U still isn't selling that well. I don't think (and never thought) that Nintendo is "doomed" because of it, but I'm afraid that they might decide to adopt policies of more financially successful developers in order to make money, and most of those policies are very anti-consumer and anti-creativity. If Sakurai leaves Smash after this game, there's no telling what Nintendo will do with the franchise.

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Well then, I would probably stop buying Nintendo games if they start doing what some others do and give yearly releases to more franchises. The reason I don't play Sony or Microsoft games it that they don't seem to be as creative or varied or plain fun as Nintendo's games. I like the more colorful atmosphere of Nintendo's games better too. I mean, take Zelda: The Wind Waker (even though I dislike it) and the Pokepark games. Their graphical style is awesome, imo, because it's so pretty and colorful.

I'm sorry, but I just see Nintendo going downhill even further if they take this route. I think the main problem with the Wii U is more that they didn't market it well enough, not so much that they haven't made enough good games for it. It's fun to use without a massive library of games, if you ask me.

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The final 3DS version is being shown off at the NOA treehouse on Sept 12th, twitch stream so you can watch it if you want. It's 8 hours of content.


Huh. Honestly wasn't expecting that. I thought NoA would wait for the official North American release to do something like this. Still looks like it will be fun, though.

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The final 3DS version is being shown off at the NOA treehouse on Sept 12th, twitch stream so you can watch it if you want. It's 8 hours of content.


8 hours? Wow that's a LOT!

I don't think I'm gonna watch more than an hour of it. Most of the stuff will probably just go over stuff we already knew (clarifying some things that weren't as easy to understand) probably Multi-Man Smash (like the types) and Target Smash. I really hope characters get individualized Target Smashes.

Melee got it done right!

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It's 8 hours total of video game streaming, Carter, not 8 hours of Smash. lol it doesn't say how long they're going to play Smash. :P


Japan is going all out in advertising apparently these kinds of posters are up in quite a few areas.

Ooh, Ike and Luigi are in one, cool! ^^ I like how Link is there with Luigi, making it a men in green match. XD

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Oh good! Scared me for a while there.

Still, 8 hours? That's a buttload of time! The only way I'd even have time to watch all of that is if I completely ignore school, friends, AND throw away my entire day!

Do we know what time specifically Smash will be aired? It's the only part I'll be watching.

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I personally have a distaste towards Shadow the Hedgehog even though his movestyle could be cool, but I prefer Tails and Knuckles, of course assuming 3rd party franchises get more than one.

Not sure if it's been mentioned before but a Protoman costume for Megaman would be great.

I wonder if Nintendo of America realizes there's gonna be leaks from Japan so at the treehouse they're gonna announce everyone else.

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That could be. I also hope the Treehouse decides to try more characters that weren't in the E3 demo since, well, they weren't in the E3 demo and we haven't seen quite as much of them. And I want to see Luigi beat people up rather than the other way around for once. Why does Sakurai use him as a punching bag in the game so much? :(

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"because everyone is going to be checking for smash, we'll show you the games nobody cares about first." gg nintendo. hopefully something big will be shown like unlocking ridley and crashing the game when he comes out of the console

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No one said anything about them doing games no one cares about. xP What about some of the stuff from E3, like Hyrule Warriors, Yoshi's Wooly World, Captain Toad's Treasure Tracker, and maybe even Pokemon OR/AS.

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