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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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That demo was so underwhelming. Shows us the whole roster, and only 5 ppl available. Though, I hate it, I guess the demo is doing its job by tempting you to buy it in order to live the full experience. Just wished Villager wasn't one of the playable people... I just hate him.

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That demo was so underwhelming. Shows us the whole roster, and only 5 ppl available. Though, I hate it, I guess the demo is doing its job by tempting you to buy it in order to live the full experience. Just wished Villager wasn't one of the playable people... I just hate him.

lol at hating villager

especially if you are implying that Ninty's 5th biggest series doesn't deserve at least them, if not Tom Nook too.

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The game looks amazing, the ground speed is fantastic and the little landing lag on most moves makes it look so smooth. Also it's good to see Link finally being good. All the characters look awesome to be honest. I saw one of the streamers get Ghirahim out of an assist trophy, so it must be a fairly recent build of the game

It's cool hearing the excitement in the Japan Time crew's voices, it's been awhile since there was something people could all relate to

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30 uses is A LOT for a demo. People rarely load a demo that many times.

Yeah, I suppose that's true.

it's been awhile since there was something people could all relate to

This is the biggest reason Smash needs to stick around and why I think Sakurai would never abandon it. He knows full well that it's a game nearly every Nintendo fan can enjoy because it brings everyone's favorite series and many fan favorite characters together. Sure, there will always be a few peeps that don't like the character choices or something, but you can't please everyone.

Edited by Anacybele
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Pic of the day. Users in Japan, you can now download the demo for Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS! You can pick among 5 fighters with which to play. The stage is Battlefield, and the rules are fixed. There will be a few items and assist trophies available too. You can battle via local wireless, so have fun battling with your friends. For users outside of Japan, stay tuned for more news about the demo for Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS. Screen shot is from Japanese version.


The only mode available on the demo version is Smash, but I also left open a feature called Tips. Just remember to tap that button. You'll figure the rest out once you do.


Demo for NA and Eu to be announced essentially


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I've been watching ZeRo's stream for like
hours now
(and it's considerably more interesting than Derpanite's stream imo)

also currently they've got PvP fights going on which is lots more fun

Link looks so awesome

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Japan's getting the full game in three days, I think, so we'll be finding out lots of stuff real soon anyway. :P

But geez, the closer we get to ANY release date, the harder it seems to be to wait...

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This game is rated T for Teen. Puff-Puff is too naughty Dragon Quest.

Jessica for SSB4.

Give her Puff-Puff as her final smash.

In all fairness, I don't think DQ has ever gotten over a T, a younger kid won't get the idea with puff-puff at all considering the animation...

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As I said earlier, it's great to see Link buffed. The only problem is that it makes him yet another character I need to put a decent amount of effort into. He was my main in Melee, despite being pretty mediocre. So if this Link is even better than that one...

And if Bowser, my favorite Nintendo character, seems to be useful now too...

And all the great newcomers like Shulk and Lucina...

Plus, there's always the possibility that I might try some character on a random whim and turn out to be really good with them (that's how I got my Brawl main).

I'm starting to wonder if I'll ever have one solid main this time.

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Nintendo Treehouse will be sharing new info about Smash Bros. 3DS when they stream it on Friday. It says on Facebook. :D

I just wish I didn't have to wait until after work to see it. Ugh.

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