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What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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To most people, Ike is just Ike.

Honestly, I think people getting this would kill most of the headaches from this thread involving the guy.

No everyone has time nor cares these days to play Radiant Dawn in its entirety.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Also disappointed that Peach's Daisy alt isn't actually Daisy when Olimar's Alph alt is actually Alph. I don't get this either.

To be fair, people wouldn't know Vanguard Ike either unless they played his games.

They wouldn't know Greil, Black Knight, OR Vanguard Ike unless they played the games or saw art of them. But even still, I'd say that the order of iconicness of the three is Black Knight > Vanguard Ike > Greil. :/

But I'm still all HELL YES for Steeler-colored Peach, Rosalina, AND Yoshi. Even if I'm only actually going to use Rosalina out of the three. :P

Edited by Anacybele
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But I'm still all HELL YES for Steeler-colored Peach, Rosalina, AND Yoshi. Even if I'm only actually going to use Rosalina out of the three. :P

I maintain that those are actually Monroeville Eagles (my old high school) colors. The football helmet is really a Browns helmet, though, despite getting the design wrong.

Where's Zelda's page?!

I can't find it anywhere! It skips from Link (page 34) to Sheik (page 38).

I can't believe no one (including me) has noticed this until now.

Edited by ClevelandSteve
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I love how the Lucina alts are basically "What if Lucina's hair color could change based on her other parent, like the rest of the Gen 2 characters".

Or decided to dye her hair to look like her favorite aunt.

Edited by Jave
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nintendoeverything.com probably forgot to post it.

omg out of everyone. The luck shines down on Zelda.

Aside from Zelda's page not being shown... :(

I'm glad Lucina gets costumes based on Awakening girls. Smart to pick Cordelia, Sakurai. Now I can play as *Cordelia*!


heres all the alts including Zelda


EDIT: accidental double post. sorry, I meant to edit that ^ can a mod do something?

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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I just noticed that Megaman and the Wii Fit Trainers have black and gold palettes too. SO MUCH BLACK AND GOLD. :o

But Luigi really got shafted. He only actually has SEVEN colors because two of his are his normal green and blue. Why does Nintendo hate him so much?

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omg out of everyone. The luck shines down on Zelda.

Aside from Zelda's page not being shown... :(

I'm glad Lucina gets costumes based on Awakening girls. Smart to pick Cordelia, Sakurai. Now I can play as *Cordelia*!

yeah they put zelda's page on the last image. Seems like they forgot to post it in proper order.


Edited by kingddd
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I just noticed that Megaman and the Wii Fit Trainers have black and gold palettes too. SO MUCH BLACK AND GOLD. :o

But Luigi really got shafted. He only actually has SEVEN colors because two of his are his normal green and blue. Why does Nintendo hate him so much?

Let's not jump to conclusions. It's very possible Famitsu simply got the screenshot wrong.
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I thought that Marth alt was Roy... I thought it was Eliwood at first too, but then I noticed the white on the boots. Eliwood has gold trim on his.

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I wonder where they got the idea for a orange marth? I saw on smashboards a theory that it's supposed to be Mia but it seems a bit farfetched to me.

Also Murica' Mario

And somehow Lucina feels all the more cheeper to me, I really hope she won't be that bad a character, but if they keep the same length of the blade as Marth, then she might end up having even shorter range due to the lack of the tipper hitbox... yeah I'm getting less and less impressed with her, but then again these are just speculations and I might be completely wrong.

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