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What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Seen nothing else but these. :D

Duck Hunt Dog is just as adorable as I thought he would be. :D

Summoning a dude with a gun though wow lol.

But he doesn't exactly look like his NES self that he had brown fur instead of white/brown.


This is beautiful

Duck Hunt Dog is looking really good!


They won't allow him to use a Shotgun/Nintendo Zapper for one of his attacks which would refer to "Duck Hunt" greatly as I've played that as a kid with my Nintendo Zapper and still have them in great condition even to this day. ^-^

Edited by PuffPuff
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Oh yeah, I forgot, I wasn't happy about Lucina being in either (or Greninja). But of course, I don't have to play as her, nor do I have to ever see her in my matches, so yeah. Not really that big a deal, plus I've got Robin anyway for a second FE main to go with Ike. :3

Edited by Anacybele
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Oh yeah, I forgot, I wasn't happy about Lucina being in either (or Greninja). But of course, I don't have to play as her, nor do I have to ever see her in my matches, so yeah. Not really that big a deal, plus I've got Robin anyway for a second FE main to go with Ike. :3


the only reason you remembered lucina was because i said she was my most wanted newcomer

you got your robin, leave mine alone

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And I have Ike, Luigi, Robin, Duck Hunt Dog, and Toon Link (for top five). Let's just leave it at that and not get on each other's cases about who likes what character. Because frankly, I'm getting tired of being bashed for simply not liking a popular character. Lucina isn't the only character I've had this happen with either, just to point out.

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Whatever. I have her, Jigglypuff, Shulk, and Alph. Adding Missingno could not ruin this.

It maybe a good idea to spoiler that as well as using a different avy as not many people including me knew that Jigglypuff is in the game. -.-

But...we at least have our original cast.

And I have Ike, Luigi, Robin, Duck Hunt Dog, and Toon Link (for top five). Let's just leave it at that and not get on each other's cases about who likes what character. Because frankly, I'm getting tired of being bashed for simply not liking a popular character. Lucina isn't the only character I've had this happen with either, just to point out.


Edited by PuffPuff
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It maybe a good idea to spoiler that as well as using a different avy as not many people including me know that Jigglypuff is in the game. -.-

it's Jigglypuff. It's not like I said that Flying Man was a newcomer (which he isn't) or something like that.

Edited by Monado Boy
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Oh yeah, I forgot, I wasn't happy about Lucina being in either (or Greninja). But of course, I don't have to play as her, nor do I have to ever see her in my matches, so yeah. Not really that big a deal, plus I've got Robin anyway for a second FE main to go with Ike. :3

Unless she comes up randomly when you're playing through Classic, or if you ever play the fully unlocked All-Star mode. Or if you're playing against other humans and one of them chooses Lucina.

Unless you're going to go on the most ridiculous anti-Lucina crusade to ensure you never see her, how do you think you'll avoid fighting against her?

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ANYWAY, Jigglypuff was obviously staying, I don't see how it's really a spoiler.

That's kind of close to saying Mario doesn't have a chance in getting in the next smash bros

Edited by Formerly ShockMaster
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Unless she comes up randomly when you're playing through Classic, or if you ever play the fully unlocked All-Star mode. Or if you're playing against other humans and one of them chooses Lucina.

Unless you're going to go on the most ridiculous anti-Lucina crusade to ensure you never see her, how do you think you'll avoid fighting against her?

Oh yeah, you're right about Classic. I might never try All-Star mode. And I just won't play against anyone that uses Lucina. If she shows up in a random online matchup, I'll just leave. If I can do that without getting in trouble due to the regulations Nintendo has added to the WiFi.

No, that's silly. xP I'm not going to try to stop other people from playing as Lucina or anything. I just won't play with them, that's all. It's my choice.

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Oh yeah, you're right about Classic. I might never try All-Star mode. And I just won't play against anyone that uses Lucina. If she shows up in a random online matchup, I'll just leave. If I can do that without getting in trouble due to the regulations Nintendo has added to the WiFi.

No, that's silly. xP I'm not going to try to stop other people from playing as Lucina or anything. I just won't play with them, that's all. It's my choice.

Geez your aversion to Lucina is that strong? Why not instead of leaving matches where she is in, take out your hatred on Lucina by beating the crap out of her?

Edited by Shulk
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Brace yourself; this one might hurt.

Oh yeah, you're right about Classic. I might never try All-Star mode. And I just won't play against anyone that uses Lucina. If she shows up in a random online matchup, I'll just leave. If I can do that without getting in trouble due to the regulations Nintendo has added to the WiFi.

No, that's silly. xP I'm not going to try to stop other people from playing as Lucina or anything. I just won't play with them, that's all. It's my choice.

...The ridiculousness of this is unfathomable. Ana, you've said some smart things and some dumb things in the past (we all have), but I think now you've reached a new low. You are seriously planning to:

1. Never play All-Star.

2. Not play against someone who might use Lucina.

3. Leave a match if someone chooses Lucina.

All because you dislike the character?

I just...what? If someone told me there was somebody else out there like this, I wouldn't believe them, because it's way too ridiculous and immature. Chrom is the character I was most dreading to potentially see in this game and even for that I wouldn't go to nearly the lengths you're going here. And it's not even like Lucina got in the way (if such a thing could have happened) of a character you wanted, because we got Robin (and Ike) and she's just a clone! How the hell can you be so petty?

"No, that's silly." What the actual what? Are you internally confused now? You're saying what you're doing is silly, but then talk like it's completely justified? What is going on in your head?

And before you whine, yes, it's your choice. You can do it if you want. But that doesn't mean you can't be criticized for it. And if you're actually going to go through with this, expect to be criticized. It would be one thing if you refused to ever play as a Lucina (I wouldn't even bother responding to that, makes sense enough), but this...I don't know if there is a strong enough word for what this is.

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I'm still excited to try out every character in the game, even if I do not like the character themselves because they were included when someone I wish was in wasn't.

Like D. Pit and Dr. Mario. I don't hate them since there was room for more original characters, like Isaac, but since they're in, I have to try them out to see if they are fun to play as. Heck, the Duck Hunt Dog, which was one of the newcomers I seriously didn't want to be true, seems interesting to me now.

Not gonna make any judgements until I actually get my hands on the game.

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I'm just going to say one thing, because I don't want be involved in anymore ridiculous arguments that get me on people's bad sides. It's not only because Lucina is one of my least favorite FE characters. It's also because 1. I don't think Awakening needed two reps, regardless of who the second one was. It could've been Frederick for all I care and I would say the same thing. Robin is enough, Lucina, Frederick, or anyone else would be overdoing it. And 2. she's a clone when someone more unique like Ephraim or Hector would've been more interesting (and I'm not even that fond of Hector either). I know clones are EASY to make and such, but I'd have been willing to give up three clones (yes, talking about Dr. Mario and Dark Pit too) to get a unique newcomer. Quality over quantity, you know.

Edited by Anacybele
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I'm still excited to try out every character in the game, even if I do not like the character themselves because they were included when someone I wish was in wasn't.

Like D. Pit and Dr. Mario. I don't hate them since there was room for more original characters, like Isaac, but since they're in, I have to try them out to see if they are fun to play as. Heck, the Duck Hunt Dog, which was one of the newcomers I seriously didn't want to be true, seems interesting to me now.

Not gonna make any judgements until I actually get my hands on the game.


how at all did dark pit or dr mario take isaac's place

that's ridiculous

I'm just going to say one thing, because I don't want be involved in anymore ridiculous arguments that get me on people's bad sides. It's not only because Lucina is one of my least favorite FE characters. It's also because 1. I don't think Awakening needed two reps, regardless of who the second one was. It could've been Frederick for all I care and I would say the same thing. Robin is enough, Lucina, Frederick, or anyone else would be overdoing it. And 2. she's a clone when someone more unique like Ephraim or Hector would've been more interesting. I know clones are EASY to make and such, but I'd have been willing to give up three clones (yes, talking about Dr. Mario and Dark Pit too) to get a unique newcomer. Quality over quantity, you know.

italics and bold do not match up

you'd be white knighting frederick to the ends of the earth, don't kid yourself

Edited by Monado Boy
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I'm just going to say one thing, because I don't want be involved in anymore ridiculous arguments that get me on people's bad sides. It's not only because Lucina is one of my least favorite FE characters. It's also because 1. I don't think Awakening needed two reps, regardless of who the second one was. It could've been Frederick for all I care and I would say the same thing. Robin is enough, Lucina, Frederick, or anyone else would be overdoing it. And 2. she's a clone when someone more unique like Ephraim or Hector would've been more interesting. I know clones are EASY to make and such, but I'd have been willing to give up three clones (yes, talking about Dr. Mario and Dark Pit too) to get a unique newcomer. Quality over quantity, you know.

Still just quitting and avoiding specific modes/leaving online matches just because you might see Lucina is ridiculous. Red Fox of Fire worded it better, but that is ridiculous. I HATE Wario, and while I am disappointed he made it back I'm not gonna leave online matches or avoid modes just because I might see him. I'm gonna kick the crap out of him.

Edited by Shulk
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Still just quitting and avoiding specific modes/leaving online matches just because you might see Lucina is ridiculous. Like Red Fox of Fire worded it better, but that is ridiculous. I HATE Wario, and while I am disappointed he made it back I'm not gonna leave online matches or avoid modes just because I might see him. I'm gonna kick the crap out of him.

this is equally terrible

i mean wario of all characters you wished was cut


Also, the whole "single them out" thing isn't very sportsman like.

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