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What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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I find it unlikely also if Sakurai has stated anything about a character not working etc in the past. They probably will not be considered.

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I find it unlikely also if Sakurai has stated anything about a character not working etc in the past. They probably will not be considered.

That post is directed towards me, right?

I just saw that on GoNintendo and thought I should post it here. I don't know for sure if it means the ballot is strictly Nintendo characters only, but since the official Smash facebook page run by Nintendo implies it, I thought it at least warranted a mention here.

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That post is directed towards me, right?

I just saw that on GoNintendo and thought I should post it here. I don't know for sure if it means the ballot is strictly Nintendo characters only, but since the official Smash facebook page run by Nintendo implies it, I thought it at least warranted a mention here.

I know and I read it. I was simply stating that those hoping for Ridley, Ice Climbers, Chrom or other characters that Sakurai has stated would not work, may not be counted in the greater poll

There is also a chance that even if some obscure character won (see Geno) they wouldn't actually win due to (the Square deal or the fact he isn't relevant)

Edited by Jedi
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Ah, that clears things up.

Well, even if they won't ever be considered for SSB4/5 DLC, I hope Sakurai will take those requests for them in account for SSB5/6. I know that some requests like Ridley and Ice Climbers are quite unfeasible as DLC, but for the sake of their fans I hope he'll keep those two in mind for the next Smash Bros. I mean, from what I know of this is literally the only chance American/European Smash fans have had to directly request for Smash characters and have their opinions go straight to Sakurai (well, barring Club Nintendo surveys and Miiverse posts since those probably don't give much weight to character requests). So even though this is simply for DLC requests only, this is literally the only straight out opportunity for American/European smashers to vote for characters to be playable in Smash period.

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I wouldn't read too much into that. The Smash Ballot page makes no mention of 1st/3rd Party characters whatsoever, so the phrasing in the Facebook page doesn't mean you can't vote for a non-Nintendo character.

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I wouldn't read too much into that. The Smash Ballot page makes no mention of 1st/3rd Party characters whatsoever, so the phrasing in the Facebook page doesn't mean you can't vote for a non-Nintendo character.

That won't stop them from excluding third party characters, after all it is their game.


You, good sir, have won all my respect LOL

That's sad, but true...

So why are they wearing Home Depot aprons? I get that Shrek and Goku are popular joke requests, I think 4Chan has requested Home Depot as a character too.

Is Home Depot a character or alternate coloring/costume for Shrek and Goku? I don't understand how of all possible characters, people choose a store

Edited by Rabbattack
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Ah, that clears things up.

Well, even if they won't ever be considered for SSB4/5 DLC, I hope Sakurai will take those requests for them in account for SSB5/6. I know that some requests like Ridley and Ice Climbers are quite unfeasible as DLC, but for the sake of their fans I hope he'll keep those two in mind for the next Smash Bros. I mean, from what I know of this is literally the only chance American/European Smash fans have had to directly request for Smash characters and have their opinions go straight to Sakurai (well, barring Club Nintendo surveys and Miiverse posts since those probably don't give much weight to character requests). So even though this is simply for DLC requests only, this is literally the only straight out opportunity for American/European smashers to vote for characters to be playable in Smash period.

Honestly I'm very surprised they didn't stress that you should only vote for Nintendo characters, because it's a huge hassle to get third party characters in. (Yeah I know I said I wanted to vote for Vyse, but I'm not going to because yeah.)

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That won't stop them from excluding third party characters, after all it is their game.

But we don't know this. They said nothing about excluding 3rd party characters on the Direct nor the official site.

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For indie character I would choose Quote, for third party I would choose Ryu from street fighter then Black Mage.

But we don't know this. They said nothing about excluding 3rd party characters on the Direct nor the official site.

I would like to see a third party character and I would be ok with some other third party character I'm not familiar with, but I think that it's very unlikely, not that it won't happen.

I'm pretty sure they used the word "consider", so they could go with the easiest choice, that being a Nintendo character.

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I actually love that Micaiah pic because I considered voting for her (for some reason I can picture her so easily being a cool addition dropping Thani bombs everywhere), but ultimately didn't because I'd rather not risk my Isaac vote not being counted. Sorry Micaiah!

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Honestly I'm very surprised they didn't stress that you should only vote for Nintendo characters, because it's a huge hassle to get third party characters in. (Yeah I know I said I wanted to vote for Vyse, but I'm not going to because yeah.)

Apparently Nintendo is going to consider third-party characters for Smash Bros.

I recant my above statement but I'm still not 100% sure about who to vote for. Gonna think long and hard on this.

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Apparently Nintendo is going to consider third-party characters for Smash Bros.

I recant my above statement but I'm still not 100% sure about who to vote for. Gonna think long and hard on this.

This is true. http://mynintendonews.com/2015/04/05/nintendo-of-america-representative-says-any-video-game-character-is-eligible-for-super-smash-bros/

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I am so proud of myself. I finally got all of the customs in the 3DS version. All Headgear and Outfits, too. Only took me entirely too long to do so. XD

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It's really great that were getting more outfits and hats, too. Since we won't see Smash 5 in another 7-8 years.

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It's really great that were getting more outfits and hats, too. Since we won't see Smash 5 in another 7-8 years.

Or if we ever get another one in the first place. (We might not)

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Or if we ever get another one in the first place. (We might not)

There's going to be another one. Nintendo won't just shelf such a huge moneymaker. The real question is if Sakurai will continue to direct the series.

Edited by Anacybele
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It's really great that were getting more outfits and hats, too. Since we won't see Smash 5 in another 7-8 years.

I'd like to see more outfits for the regular cast. Anyone else feel the same way?
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I'd like to see more outfits for the regular cast. Anyone else feel the same way?

Totally! I still really want Mr. L for Luigi and Vanguard for Ike. :P

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Posted (edited) · Hidden by Florete, April 5, 2015 - No reason given
Hidden by Florete, April 5, 2015 - No reason given

EDIT: Ugh, accidental double post due to crappy internet...

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Way off-topic, but I got my Fox Amiibo and my King Dedede Amiibo to Level 50...and now I can hardly beat them. I've created monsters.

On-topic, I would like costumes as well. As suggested by Anacybele, Ike's Vanguard would be cool.

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