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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Oh, cool! ^^ Ike players need to get out to tournaments then and show what stuff the sexy mercenary can do! :3


Edited by Anacybele
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Well apart from Smash, when is Ike actually capable of being good anywhere? The only other game he's been in is STEAM.

... Right?

Brawl, SSB Wii U/3DS, Codename Steam. That's three non-FE titles so far. He's also appeared in FE games that aren't his own. DLC in Awakening, Amiibo in Fates.

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Well apart from Smash, when is Ike actually capable of being good anywhere? The only other game he's been in is STEAM.

... Right?

dohohoho he is laughable in STEAM.


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"Apart from Smash"

"Brawl, SSB Wii U/3DS, Codename Steam."

Heh, I think he meant games outside of Smash, not non-FE games! I'm glad Ike is in Fates too, especially since I was able to (finally) get the Ike amiibo! But non-smash talk aside, it's good to see Ike is actually a pretty good fighter! Especially since his initial speed buff in one of the earliest Smash updates, I thought he was unbearable at first.

Edited by Carter
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I realize that he said "non-Smash" I just felt like mentioning Smash games anyway. xP

It's awful that Ike is so bad in Steam. I was planning to use him a lot, now it looks like that would only make the game too hard. >_>

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Ooh, that's neat. ^^

My parents are going to Vegas for my brother's wedding soon (couldn't afford to have me and my younger brother go), wish they could check it out and possibly get Bill's autograph for me. :P

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Interesting development wonder if they are trying to get an idea of how competative Smash is and hopefully in the future recognize its viability and support it as a thing.

Or he could just be joining for fun which is cool too.

Edited by LordTaco42
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Oh yeah did I forget to tell you guys M2k was in Houston last weekend and lost to Grimturtle.

Think he got the bug bites over here tho. Hope he fares OK.

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Lol. Okay. Ike, other than FE, is only ever good in Smash 4.

I beg to differ. Ike kicks copious amounts of ass in Brawl. Whenever I'm playing with my brother (who mains Ike) he always gets 4-7 KO's in about 2 minutes. (with cpu's on)

I'm starting to think I should do another vote and vote for Waluigi.

Edited by Star and Moon
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I beg to differ. Ike kicks copious amounts of ass in Brawl. Whenever I'm playing with my brother (who mains Ike) he always gets 4-7 KO's in about 2 minutes. (with cpu's on)

I'm starting to think I should do another vote and vote for Waluigi.

I too. But I then play competitively with friends and Ike can get handed. Just too slow and laggy. Even getting poked off the edge and accidentally pressing a into a neutral air get's you Ko'ed.

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I beg to differ. Ike kicks copious amounts of ass in Brawl. Whenever I'm playing with my brother (who mains Ike) he always gets 4-7 KO's in about 2 minutes. (with cpu's on)

I'm starting to think I should do another vote and vote for Waluigi.

CPUs =/= Players

He only dominates in 4 player matches but struggles with 1 on 1 easily considering how easy it is for him to get gimped.

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Ike's wide ranged attacks in Brawl make him perfect for free-for-alls, but awful for 1v1s. Smash 4 seems to be remedying that however, so soon Ike will be the all-terrain super character.

Out of curiosity, do they make tier lists for things like free-for-alls, team battles and modes like multi-man and home-run contest?

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CPUs =/= Players

He only dominates in 4 player matches but struggles with 1 on 1 easily considering how easy it is for him to get gimped.

He was still the gateway to mid-tier in Brawl, heck he was banned in low-tier tournaments in Brawl lol.

Ike's wide ranged attacks in Brawl make him perfect for free-for-alls, but awful for 1v1s. Smash 4 seems to be remedying that however, so soon Ike will be the all-terrain super character.

Out of curiosity, do they make tier lists for things like free-for-alls, team battles and modes like multi-man and home-run contest?

He's becoming really solid for 1v1's I say this as someone who'd had Ike as a main since 3DS first came out and maaan he was very bleeeeh back then. Now he's really solid.

No I don't think so, we could make them though! With the method Shin did. For giggles.

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No I don't think so, we could make them though! With the method Shin did. For giggles.

That'd be fun, I don't know how to go about doing it though.

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That'd be fun, I don't know how to go about doing it though.

I think I can ask Shin and Euk how they made theirs. I'll get back to you on it.

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