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I want to know who to keep and who to stop leveling up... Exact teams would be nice. My team is as follows (Ch. 9):
Avatar (F): Level 12 Tactician (MAGIC)
Chrom: Level 11 Lord
Panne: Level 10 Taguel
Miriel: Level9 Mage
Ricken: Level 10 Mage
Stahl: Level 11 Cavalier
Frederick: Level 9 Great Knight
Nowi: Level 11 Manakete
Donnel: Level 10 Villager
Vaike: Level 9 Fighter
Virion: Level 8 Archer
Cordelia: Level 8 Pegasus Knight
Gaius: Level 9 Thief
Lissa: Level 8 Cleric
Gregor: Level 11 Mercenary
Sumia: Level 9 Pegasus Knight
Lon'qu: Level 9 Myrmidon
Sully: Level 8 Cavalier
Kellam: Level 9 Knight


Edited by catdogmouse
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Do rush through chapters or do you level up of reinforcements. Grind DLC or a mix. Really just how you play can affect a character's worth.

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You shouldn't need grinding if you're on Normal. 15 units is a great number to aim for, as I think there are only 3 battles where you can bring more than that. Chrom is required in many maps, so choose him. Make some S pairs and you'll end up getting children who can also get S supports.

I went through my first playthrough on Normal levelling up many units who I dropped and not planning for the end. And because I did a bit of grinding it was too easy. I wish I played on Hard my first playthrough, so my advice to you is that if it's too easy, then don't try to plan to make it easier. You can use any characters and be fine.

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Uh, shouldn't you have Maribelle too? :/

And yes, you should make some S supports. But be careful with how you handle Chrom. If he doesn't already have an S support by the time you finish chapter 11, he'll automatically be married either to the woman with whom he has the most support points or a generic village girl. He has limited options as well, so pick wisely. Same with Sumia (for a reason I don't know). Because of Sumia's limited supports, it's possible to lock yourself out of getting her child, so be careful there as well.

If you want some pairing suggestions, I can tell you which I've gone for, only I don't choose based on efficiency and that's probably what you're looking for. So I doubt I'm a reliable source to help you with this. xP

Edited by Anacybele
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On Normal, it doesn't really matter who you have on your team. I would keep either Lissa or Maribelle, because healers are always useful.

I would certainly keep: Chrom (no choice), Avatar, Cordelia, maybe Gregor, either Mirel or Ricken (generally the faster one, but it doesn't matter too much), probably a Cavalier. Keep Chrom's wife as well. That'll probably be Sumia or Sully (or Avatar, come to think of it).

As other people have said, it helps if you choose male/female pairs for support/marriage bonuses.

Nowi and Panne can generally be nice to have as well - Nowi takes very little damage, while Panne seldom gets hit.

Drop Frederick, he's gonna be dead weight later on, and should be starting to look that way by now.

I don't think anyone here is gonna give you an exact team. I already feel kinda weird about this much team-building guidance. As I said earlier, it really shouldn't matter on Normal difficulty.

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Frederick makes a good father for some kids (namely Severa, Morgan, and Gerome, from what I've seen and heard), though, so you may actually want to keep him. Especially if you plan on grinding and like tanky units (like me...hehe). Frederick will really only fall behind if you don't Second Seal him. Otherwise, he can end up a beast.

But if you don't want to grind, then yeah, I'd advise using Stahl instead (as lovable and awesome as Freddy is).

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