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Olivia is a combat unit...

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...and you totally did that on Lunatic+. Not that that really matters for TSON anyway...

I also knew she was a good combat unit.

Since the difficulty never changes.

I like watching the AI run up to attack her and have them get slaughtered. Clearly, someone can't handle her sparkle-sparkle kawaiiko.

That's not a joking manner.

Galeforce + Vantage + Astra + Swordfaire + Special Dance = optimum Dancer!Olivia build.

Better to have Lethality/All Stats+2 there. She needs these for her pitiful Str cap.

Rejected for having Vantage.

But Hawkeye exists and Vantage is actually useful.

That still doesn't clarify for her pitiful defense caps.

I don't really like Vantage because attacking first, in my book, doesn't make up for needing to be below half health.

And for the fact that it really doesn't do too good in the enemy phase when skills like Sol, Lucky Seven and such are alot more relieable.

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That Luck stat's a lie for me - apparently the second you're a part of the royal family, dodging is a forgettable concept. Chrom you're infected, damn it.

Why is why I use Vantage instead of anything else, in case I'm on the enemy phase and the RNG decides to royally screwed Olivia over, at least she has a chance at suriviving then until I can heal her.

Actually, not that that's mentioned above poster, the only offensive skills she can get are Astra and Lethality. the rest are all passive or rallies.

Edited by Vashiane
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Rejected for mentioning Lethality.


I've forgot to say that slot actually should be filled with Limitbreaker.

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Rejected for mentioning Lethality.

Lethality's a fun skill for Streetpass and if Anna likes you that day. I had my Gaius-fathered Cynthia once Lethality the living crap out of two of the generals in Infinite Regalia (her other skill is Luna, and her skill cap was what... 45 as a Falcon Knight if I recall? Luna EVERYTHING.)

But I'm usually in Normal mode, because everything will work for you there if you get it enough love. Yes, even Lethality.

If I attempt a serious playthough again when I actually get some sleep and can think properly course I wouldn't use it.

Edited by Vashiane
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Lethality's a fun skill for Streetpass and if Anna likes you that day. I had my Gaius-fathered Cynthia once Lethality the living crap out of two of the generals in Infinite Regalia (her other skill is Luna, and her skill cap was what... 45 as a Falcon Knight if I recall? Luna EVERYTHING.)

But I'm usually in Normal mode, because everything will work for you there if you get it enough love. Yes, even Lethality.

If I attempt a serious playthough again when I actually get some sleep and can think properly course I wouldn't use it.

I know.

Tell me about it. I plan to give Kellam both Lethality and Luna suitable for his quiet like personality and being unnoticed. Plus Aggressor+Luna+Lethality is my favorite combination aside from Aggressor+Renewal+Sol+Nosferatu/Aversa's Night

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Aggressor on EVERYONE! And that really fits him... I'll admit, Kellam usually ends up being leveled for the sake of passing down either Pavise or Luna to whomever he's fathering at the time - I need to legitimately try to use the guy one day. I mean, I feel really bad that I don't except for being on the Risen elimination team (which is anyone not on my late-to-endgame team to take care of Risen skirmishes).

Yeah, Renewal's a good skill. [/nodnod] On my hardhitters, I usually try to get them Lifetaker (Virion + Lifetaker + Killer Bow = practically never having to worry about him) but yeah, Renewal's awesome. The only thing about it is getting some characters like Sumia, Cherche, Miriel and Maribelle through the War Cleric class to get it. (Especially the two magic users... gods, that's a painful experience indeed. And the other can get Lifetaker. Not nearly AS stressful.)

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Lethality's a fun skill for Streetpass and if Anna likes you that day. I had my Gaius-fathered Cynthia once Lethality the living crap out of two of the generals in Infinite Regalia (her other skill is Luna, and her skill cap was what... 45 as a Falcon Knight if I recall? Luna EVERYTHING.)

But I'm usually in Normal mode, because everything will work for you there if you get it enough love. Yes, even Lethality.

If I attempt a serious playthough again when I actually get some sleep and can think properly course I wouldn't use it.

Being an RPG nut, the universal truth about instant kills is: They're generally useless. Of course, Lethality's no exception - in any one situation that Lethality would actually be useful, there are other, more reliable methods to kill enemies. And pair up doesn't help its case any.

Aggressor on EVERYONE! And that really fits him... I'll admit, Kellam usually ends up being leveled for the sake of passing down either Pavise or Luna to whomever he's fathering at the time - I need to legitimately try to use the guy one day. I mean, I feel really bad that I don't except for being on the Risen elimination team (which is anyone not on my late-to-endgame team to take care of Risen skirmishes).

Yeah, Renewal's a good skill. [/nodnod] On my hardhitters, I usually try to get them Lifetaker (Virion + Lifetaker + Killer Bow = practically never having to worry about him) but yeah, Renewal's awesome. The only thing about it is getting some characters like Sumia, Cherche, Miriel and Maribelle through the War Cleric class to get it. (Especially the two magic users... gods, that's a painful experience indeed. And the other can get Lifetaker. Not nearly AS stressful.)

As to that, I'd actually care much for Aggressor were it not player phase only. And the same thing tends to be the case with Kellam in my games as well.

Well, Cherche wouldn't be too bad as a War Cleric. And while Miriel and Maribelle can get Lifetaker, I have mixed feelings when it comes to player phase only skills.

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