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Chapter 10

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Damn this was a very sad chapter I am guessing it is to compensate

emmeryn death? Two people on both sides didn't deserve to die IMO


After rushing the chapter I noticed Mustafa final words were "Please... spare my men." If I recall this is the first defeat the general objective so I felt kinda bad. So did anyone spare his men even though it would push you really far back xp wise?

I will probably boss rush it which means I'll have to promote cordelia to prevent being OHKOable in the next chapters...

He is definitely in my top 5 favourite characters in FEA.

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Great music, at least.

Mustafa was a missed opportunity. All they really had to do was give him a few other appearances beforehand, being berated by Gangrel, talking to his soldiers about the situations, whatever, and he would have left much more an impact. So while I did feel for the guy initially, he's a complete afterthought afterwards.

Edited by Constable Reggie
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He's brought up in Henry and Ricken's supports, so I guess if you support the two, you get more info about Mustafa.

He definitely has the foundation of being a great character, but FE13 doesn't care about anyone else but the Avatar, so after he's dead, adios.

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No one is spared in the march toward +1s and green numbers. No one.

(Yeah, Mustafa had potential to be pretty interesting, but like others said, the writers didn't really capitalize on it, so I ended up forgetting about him for the remainder of the game. :V)

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Great music, at least.

Mustafa was a missed opportunity. All they really had to do was give him a few other appearances beforehand, being berated by Gangrel, talking to his soldiers about the situations, whatever, and he would have left much more an impact. So while I did feel for the guy initially, he's a complete afterthought afterwards.

Basically that, its that way for a lot off things

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Great music, at least.

Mustafa was a missed opportunity. All they really had to do was give him a few other appearances beforehand, being berated by Gangrel, talking to his soldiers about the situations, whatever, and he would have left much more an impact. So while I did feel for the guy initially, he's a complete afterthought afterwards.

You can pretty much copy and paste this response to the entire game's storyline... it's kind of sad. The amount of wasted potential is astounding me right now.

But... nothing we can do but follow fan works and fill the voids with headcanons.

To the actual topic: no, I didn't. I felt sort-of bad the first time I ran through and slaughtered them all... but not any other time after that.

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No, I didn't spare the men, because I normally leave the boss for last and, first time through, I was so angry that I took great pleasure in slaughtering the pixels (didn't help that I was coming off a very stressful day and I have a bad habit of getting a little to into games). Now, I don't, just because I feel like it makes it sadder, and more in line with what the characters are likely feeling.

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My first playthrough, I killed them all without thinking, and I felt bad at the end. 8U All subsequent playthroughs, I just have Chrom and Fred rush ahead unequipped, killing ONLY if they got blocked.

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emmeryn death? Two people on both sides didn't deserve to die IMO


Emmeryn's tale is sad.
She is very softhearted. It must have been hard for her to drop off a cliff knowing that Gangrel didn't give a damn about anything except to see her dead and to have the Fire Emblem. Which she entrusted to Chrom. No one else. What Gangrel doesn't know is that this wavered his army's loyality (Knowing that they've only wanted peace and tranquility.) and Mustafa questioned his orders after Emmeryn sacrificed herself. She didn't like violence whatsoever. She only did what she had to do to get other people to understand that fighting is not the answer. If anyone has her softness, you'll understand. If she sacrificed herself for you to keep the Emblem, then you should protect it as long as you stand. I know that I will.

She is the bravest person beyond renown. When she did that, she really meant it! She will not succumb to evil.


Plus, she didn't expect to live. Losing her memory is the same. She is dead. Emotionally.

Emmeryn. Deserves respect from anyone as not even Elincia, Eirika and Maria would ever do something like that. Even though they are kind hearted exactly like her. After her sacrifice to such a kind person always makes me listen to sad soundtracks like
these afterwards while imagining their honorable courageous sacrifice.


And Mustafa only did what he had to do. As his wife was captured by Gangrel and being forced to serve him against his will. So...yes. It is sad for both of them to die.

Edited by 綾波
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Too bad Grima is still (somehow) revived anyway, even without the emblem. So Emmeryn's sacrifice was basically pointless LOL

From what I understand, Grima abused a loophole. Since he's Grima, he could siphon off the lifeforce of the Grimleal outside the Table and because he's still Avatar, he could use that power to awaken the present!Grima. I could be misinterpreting this.

However, I must respectfully disagree with your comment about the sacrifice being pointless. The biggest reason is because it worked. Chrom got the Fire Emblem out of Plegia, and kept it safe for two+ years (depending on how long the Valm arc took). The army retreated, safely. The war ended, quickly. That's all due to her sacrifice. I normally dislike heroic sacrifices, because of the aftermath, but this one had some real impact beyond a single incident.

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From what I understand, Grima abused a loophole. Since he's Grima, he could siphon off the lifeforce of the Grimleal outside the Table and because he's still Avatar, he could use that power to awaken the present!Grima. I could be misinterpreting this.

However, I must respectfully disagree with your comment about the sacrifice being pointless. The biggest reason is because it worked. Chrom got the Fire Emblem out of Plegia, and kept it safe for two+ years (depending on how long the Valm arc took). The army retreated, safely. The war ended, quickly. That's all due to her sacrifice. I normally dislike heroic sacrifices, because of the aftermath, but this one had some real impact beyond a single incident.

I agree. One of the main consequences of her sacrifice was that it touched the hearts of the majority of Plegians, there by making not only Chrom's job easier with all the Plegians who refused to fight, but also achieving Emmeryn's dream for peace and the least amount of bloodshed possible, compared to what it could of been and what it had been in the time of her father's reign. Emmeryn may be a ruler with a duty to her country to uphold, but she is also a person with feelings and ideals. She already had to sanction violence and killing against her will for the sake of the emblem and her people because no one would listen from Plegia; even her own subjects and family were calling for war, which she knew from experience was the last thing either country needed. In making the sacrifice, she was able to uphold her duty to protecting the emblem and her people with the price of her life as a hostage which was being weighed against the emblem, as well as staying true to her ideals as a person who wished peace for all. And as an added bonus, she took the decision out of Chrom's hands, so he wouldn't have to be haunted with the knowledge of sacrificing his sister for the emblem or sacrificing the emblem for his sister. Whether or not it was a good decision is up for interpretation, but at least to her it was the right one, with results to show for. And that's what I admired her most for; I may not have agreed with it, but it takes damn nerves of steel to do what she did, so to me, at least, that powerful scene hit me hard enough.

I think Emmeryn herself says it best:

"See now that one selfless act has the power to change the world!"

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