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What are the details in your role that hint toward the lack of a Godfather?

Miller makes Godfather more likely than not, actually, since it implies the lack of a Tailor.

I refuse to elaborate anything else about my role. I trust my result.

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Skype is like the biggest distraction ever. Urk.


Since we're obviously not lynching the cop's inno

I had a feeling he was cop before now fyi. f5 looks was worse with that whole "he's not shin but he's faking it" meta attack now too. YELL AT ME IN HALF AN HOUR if I haven't read mint slice by then, but my vote's probably gonna be there by the end of the dya.


1. Inspection results are not guaranteed to be accurate.
also chanserv's claim makes me think he's town since why wouldn't scum hook cop from the shadows?
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I have half a mind to just go "oh shit, well I guess my reads have been wrong all game" and lynch Mint Slice, since England + Javert + Jugger are likely town.

In fact, yeah, I'm going to do that.


##Vote: Mint Slice #YOLO

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dafuq it said that investigation results were accurate at the start of the game

If that were the case, then why weren't you contesting Resolute's early miller claim?

(now I'm genuinely confused)

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Bleh, I was thinking for most of today that either Jugger or Mint was the Cop based on crumbs, so I'll believe that claim.

##Unvote, not lynching a town scan when GF is by no means guaranteed.

fffff is probably town because while him making me claim was super lame, he wouldn't actually have wanted to get into a 1v1? Maybe he was planning on just saying "lol i'm dumb" no matter what I claimed, but ehhh probably not.

I guess that leaves... Javert and Bob whom I might want to lynch.

##Unvote, ##Vote: Uncle Bob I guess

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Really, to get a good sense of this game at this point I'd need to re-read, and I don't think I could come up with well-thought-out opinions in a hour.

Do we have time for a Bob wagon? I'd really just be sheeping at this point but PoE is a better reason than none.

Cut: My role is already heavily implied in-thread since I did the same thing you did when Javert planned on claiming.

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