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@ChanServ My role doesn't say I can vote for 3 people at once. I had to start somewhere.

@Supreme Ruler

Question 1: While I did my research, the results are still unsatisfying. If I posted about it, I would've been more hated than now.

Question 2: I never liked you, but that isn't a lynchworthy argument is it? I don't like posting town/null reads but if you insist.

Question 3: No, but some pressure vote might convince you to stop posting with {quote + 1 liner}

Then why the grandstanding about doing research?

It's not about posting town/null reads, it's about saying whether I'm still worth attention after providing the content you were so interested in. Fishing for content and then not doing anything with it is disconnected.

All right, let's take a flight of fancy:

Suppose no one had voted me at all, but all those unhappy with my one-liners are still unhappy with the one-liners. Lo, comes SupremeRuler, quoting one line and posting a one-liner, blatantly disregarding all complaints about this conduct.

Is this action indicative of alignment, and regardless of, what do you think the reaction would have been from Town? :-)

Minty, you seem mad, no offence intended. ChanServ is convincing you he's scum; He's not doing it for me. Mind rehashing why ChanServ needs to die, preferably why he's worse than Darth?

ChanServ, you also seem mad. Deep breath, step back, (in any order), re-collect your thoughts. It's a party game so let's keep it peaceful. ☆~(ゝ。∂)

Also LOL I think everyone knows who I am by now.

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Top Posters In This Topic


(3) Darth Vader: Resolute, SupremeRuler, Ultimate Muscle

(3) Uncle Bob: ChanServ, Jugger, Fluttershy

(3) Orion: Javert, fffff, Darth Vader

(2) Jugger: Orion, Uncle Bob

(1) ChanServ: Mint Slice

(1) Javert: Kumaneko

(1) Kumaneko: England

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I could lie and say I have been busy but I'm better than that. So many goddamn walls.

I would like to begin by saying that the last line of my second post-RVS post is badly worded. I was simply trying to get the people on the wagon to reconsider their vote or to address the issues. Chanserv you said that I thought the votes were bad, but I didn't say that. I believed that the votes were thought out but I disagreed with the idea that Orion is scum simply because he wanted to policy lynch a miller claim.

And? What was the purpose of this part of your post? Stating facts, sure, but what does it mean?

It means I disagree with the Orion wagon.

In relation to that post; you were mostly stating facts over actually having opinions. The only thing that was an opinion were "I'm not fond of this" in relation to the wagon itself. Everything else I quoted? Stated facts. Which aren't actually thoughts, and just pads out the post. The last part which isn't quoted was another opinion, I'll grant, but the post overall was still weak, in my opinion.

Explain the scum motive behind the wagon hopping in this instance. I want to know why exactly it looks scummy.

I posted facts and my interpretation of the facts, hoping to start a discussion.

It seems opportunistic and lazy. Was Jugger not keeping up with the thread at all? Did he not care about the opposition to the wagon? He said that he saw some malicious program or some nonsense and that he voted it, but that just gives me the impression that he saw something he just disagreed with and voted for it, which is either town jumping to conclusions or again, is scum trying to lynch an easy target.

I think that's everything. Oh Jugger called me a hypocrite for some reason but I can't read his posts. Point me to anything I missed, now I'm reading everything else.

I don't like how Kumaneko votes SR for reading Orion's post differently and for not posting much else (even though there wasn't that much to post considering town had only just exited RVS) then abandons ship after CS calls out the wagon. Then his vote for Javert is dumb because Jugger was even later than Javert and explained his vote far less and he had nothing to say on him; not to mention where is the arbitrary line between townies and scum trying to bandwagon? I really want Kuma to answer for these two posts because they're absolutely terrible.

Mint seems like he's very very focused on CS and his points are trying to find holes in his posts which are either not there or aren't as big a deal as he's making them out to be. As an example, the point he made about CS "flailing" or whatever seems like total rubbish from my perspective.

Mint Slice looks worse at the end of the interaction, because of the amount of emotion used as well as a lack of reasoning behind his vote.

Why is being emotional look bad? Town members are just as likely to get worked up as scum are. Using emotion is a null tell.

This post by Orion looks really lazy.

Mind quoting what I should reply to, specifically?

Read the thread and respond instead of getting us to do your dirty work for you.

Anything else you wanna explain about why they're making your opinion worse?

Orion has been writing a LOT about ChanServ. I don't agree with any of it, but it's clear as day that there's a lot that Mint disagrees with CS with. I also don't like him saying that lynching people who do nothing is reasonable, because inactivity is not a scum tell.

From what I understand of Jugger's posts, I'm liking his content and effort so I'm willing to overlook the sheepy vote for other things. ##Unvote

I never said Supreme Ruler is scummy to begin with.

Wait wait hold up, why would you resort to a pressure vote if you found me scummy and not SR? Why wouldn't you just vote scum?

Darth hasn't really said anything of value and it seems like he's just using laziness as an excuse. Sure this thread has a lot of walls, but I don't get the impression that you're really putting in any effort to reading it.

Tbh though Kumaneko's votes were so bad that they need answering for. ##Vote: Kumaneko

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mafia is srs bsns, not a GAME. Anyways, Mint Slice and I have argued enough in the past that I doubt he's really that angry.

Man, I just realized when I went to go look for ISOs that Elie isn't playing in the game. Fluttershy, you are no longer excused from having a MLP name and avatar.

Bob, yeah, Jugger ignored the opposition to the wagon. Where is the scum intent in voting for something you find scummy even if there's opposition to the wagon? Also, when you say that Orion has been talking a lot about me, did you mean Mint there? Because I don't think that Orion has spoken directly about me (or anyone except Resolute and Jugger, for that matter). As for you not saying that the votes on the wagon were bad, if you thought that the votes were reasonable, but you just disagreed with them yourself, why does that make Jugger's initial vote so bad? And if the votes weren't bad, why call out the wagon for being so fast? What's bad about it being fast if the votes were thought out?

ugh meta in an anon game, but Darth voting someone not his top scumread to "gain info about them" is something he's done before as anonymous scum (assuming he is who I think he is).

Hmm, not sure which of Kumaneko and Darth I find worse right now.

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Holy crap I keep almost posting on my main.

Yes I meant Mint, lots of names were flying around and it got a little confusing. I also remember correcting SR to CS and vice versa at least twice so if something there doesn't make sense because of that try swapping the acronym and see if it fits.

It's not just voting for something you find scummy even with opposition it's voting with opposition and not addressing that opposition. I voted him because he didn't respond to my thoughts and was still sheeping; which I find iffy. He wasn't super scummy but he was definitely the worst there and a better vote than my RVS vote.

I dunno it just bothered me how quickly the wagon was forming. In retrospect you're right though, I should've have no qualm with the speed at which is formed. I also maintain that lynching Orion just for that would've been wrong and that I still do disagree with that wagon.

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Logic engine running at full capacity.

I could lie and say I have been busy but I'm better than that. So many goddamn walls.

I would like to begin by saying that the last line of my second post-RVS post is badly worded. I was simply trying to get the people on the wagon to reconsider their vote or to address the issues. Chanserv you said that I thought the votes were bad, but I didn't say that. I believed that the votes were thought out but I disagreed with the idea that Orion is scum simply because he wanted to policy lynch a miller claim.

It means I disagree with the Orion wagon.

So you only merely disagree with the votes on the Orion wagon....

I posted facts and my interpretation of the facts, hoping to start a discussion.

It seems opportunistic and lazy. Was Jugger not keeping up with the thread at all? Did he not care about the opposition to the wagon? He said that he saw some malicious program or some nonsense and that he voted it, but that just gives me the impression that he saw something he just disagreed with and voted for it, which is either town jumping to conclusions or again, is scum trying to lynch an easy target.

...but you think my vote is scummy anyway? I was plenty keeping up with the thread (there was only one page of short posts), and I even went back to clarify on my vote better, so it couldn't have been lazy. Calling a ED1 vote "opportunistic" is pretty unrealistic.

I think that's everything. Oh Jugger called me a hypocrite for some reason but I can't read his posts. Point me to anything I missed, now I'm reading everything else.

Here, let Jugger access the data file associated with the vote in question...

Jugger thinks Uncle Bob is hypocritical since he did not actually have anyone to vote until the wagon resolved. It seems scummy that you would wait until afterwards and jump on programs with termination orders you considered weak.
##Terminate Program: Mr. Bob

Hmmm.... I don't see a lot of RPing here, aside from "programs" (easy enough to infer) and "Termination Orders" (followed directly by a vote with the same wording). It's easy enough to deduce that I think your vote is hypocritical because... you waited until the wagon resolved, after which you jumped on players voting the wagon, instead of placing a vote on players you disapproved the votes for while Orion was actually a wagon.

I don't like how Kumaneko votes SR for reading Orion's post differently and for not posting much else (even though there wasn't that much to post considering town had only just exited RVS) then abandons ship after CS calls out the wagon. Then his vote for Javert is dumb because Jugger was even later than Javert and explained his vote far less and he had nothing to say on him; not to mention where is the arbitrary line between townies and scum trying to bandwagon? I really want Kuma to answer for these two posts because they're absolutely terrible.

I can agree with this, but at the same time this vote that follows is laughably easy to make, because Kuroneko is so blatantly awful and only has two posts to go on.

Mint seems like he's very very focused on CS and his points are trying to find holes in his posts which are either not there or aren't as big a deal as he's making them out to be. As an example, the point he made about CS "flailing" or whatever seems like total rubbish from my perspective.

Not a jab at Bob here but I think it's just a really drawn out townie slapfight at this point, something Jugger finds odd that he is spectating, and is not actually partaking in...

Why is being emotional look bad? Town members are just as likely to get worked up as scum are. Using emotion is a null tell.

Likely because ~emotion is townie~

This post by Orion looks really lazy.

Read the thread and respond instead of getting us to do your dirty work for you.

Orion has been writing a LOT about ChanServ. I don't agree with any of it, but it's clear as day that there's a lot that Mint disagrees with CS with. I also don't like him saying that lynching people who do nothing is reasonable, because inactivity is not a scum tell.

Great, but is Orion scummy at all or is he just bad at Mafia?

From what I understand of Jugger's posts, I'm liking his content and effort so I'm willing to overlook the sheepy vote for other things. ##Unvote

Wait wait hold up, why would you resort to a pressure vote if you found me scummy and not SR? Why wouldn't you just vote scum?

Darth hasn't really said anything of value and it seems like he's just using laziness as an excuse. Sure this thread has a lot of walls, but I don't get the impression that you're really putting in any effort to reading it.

This seems kind of lazy itself, considering all the attention Darth has got (pretty sure he's a leading wagon now) and all you have to comment on is how lazy he is.

Tbh though Kumaneko's votes were so bad that they need answering for. ##Vote: Kumaneko
Read the thread and respond instead of getting us to do your dirty work for you.

But yeah, sure, vote The Easiest Target.

I'm kind of liking this vote. I was considering switching to Vader, but I don't think Bob is saving much face with this sub-optimal recap.

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Let's pretend no one suspects you're scum for a moment.

Who is scum and why? If Jugger is scum, do any of his latest posts make you think otherwise, or strengthen this belief?

Jugger is likely scum although his last few posts look a bit better so he is not as scum. Vader is most scum now because I don't like how he's not quite scumhunting. He's just posting a lot of generic "so-and-so is fishy, I don't like so-and-so" with no explanation all over the place.

So yeah, ##Unvote (Jugger), ##Vote: Darth Vader

Supreme Ruler, while Orion did vote, it was on RVS. And while Orion did say why he sustained his vote, Jugger has responded here and Orion made another post here and basically forgot about his Jugger vote. My first post might be a bit confusing.

Yes, it started as an RVS vote, but why does that matter when I explained why I was keeping it there? It's not like I just left my vote there to avoid saying anything about it, so I don't think it's relevant that I voted Jugger in RVS too? Also I've explained why that post of Jugger's hasn't influenced my opinion of him, because I didn't really understand it.

This post by Orion looks really lazy.

Read the thread and respond instead of getting us to do your dirty work for you.

Orion has been writing a LOT about ChanServ. I don't agree with any of it, but it's clear as day that there's a lot that Mint disagrees with CS with. I also don't like him saying that lynching people who do nothing is reasonable, because inactivity is not a scum tell.

I said it that way because I thought I had responded to basically everything, Bob, so it was a matter of someone thinking I should have replied to something that I didn't think I needed to reply to.

Inactivity, like, not being around and being busy with RL is not a scumtell. Lurking so you don't have to risk making yourself look scummy is.

Resolute #130 ends up having all the same opinons Jugger has, so I guess he's actually pretty cool in my book.

Agreeing with one isn't much of a towntell, imo.

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The Emirate of Enigmatic Individuals would like to remind you that this game is anonymous, which means all game-content-related posts must be made from one's anonymous account. If you screw up and use your main identity, please edit out your post and repost it exactly using your anonymous account. If you fail to do so before your next post or edit the post in any way, I break out the Mod Lightning.

Votals will be coming eventually.

Edit: ISOs also added to OP. Thanks to the Mod Minion for putting up in his post first.

Edited by Snike
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Are you criticizing him for keeping his vote in the same place as it was in RVS, when he had good reason to do it? That doesn't sound right to me.

Orion said that Jugger was the worst, without saying why the others weren't as bad. I didn't like the absence of wagon analysis (or the analysis of anyone else, for that matter).

@Fluttershy: Here the first first point, and the explanation can be found here the first paragraph is about Orion

I misread that, my apologies.

Why is being emotional look bad? Town members are just as likely to get worked up as scum are. Using emotion is a null tell.

SIDE 1: Relatively calm with some emotion

SIDE 2: Some argument mixed in with some negative emotion directed at Side 1

This makes Side 2 look worse by trying to invoke emotion in Side 1. Once things pass the logical mark, it becomes difficult to sort through the content. Speaking of, Mint Slice/ChanServ, please remember that this is a game, and act appropriately.

Man, I just realized when I went to go look for ISOs that Elie isn't playing in the game. Fluttershy, you are no longer excused from having a MLP name and avatar.

My Little Pony: Fighting is Magic

Responses over, back to everything else that has been happening.

Lynching people when they do nothing later in the game, whether or not they've promised to be useful, is not unreasonable. The rest of your points are...valid, though I think it should be reasonably clear that I didn't expect to get away nearly so easily with voting Resolute over his claim, or even his reaction unless it was absolutely awful bad, based on my crumbing the reaction test, so it's not like using that post to set up a Resolute vote would make that much sense.

Will you unhook your brain off of your "reaction test" and scumhunt?

Other points to note:

- I think Kumaneko's vote on Javert is horrible; Why do you think Javert is scum out of the later Orion-wagoners?

-As far as Orion goes, I don't think they deserve this much flak for their initial actions, however they haven't contributed to scumhunting since; can't say I find it to be pro-town. The Jugger vote is weak(I disagree with the couple of votes on Jugger, they look too easy)

- England, I don't see how my last post waffled? Jugger's actions at that point could've been done by either alignment; that isn't waffling- that's a null read on my part.

-ffffff makes a pretty good point about Orion: the effort ration of crumbing a reaction test to making the reaction test effective is low to say the least.

I like Supreme Ruler's case on Darth Vader. ##Unvote ##Vote: Darth Vader

There's literally nothing in his ISO that I can say is actual contribution... apart from that point about Orion.

-The first actual 'content post' is nothing but one line summaries. Hell, you even handwave Orion's earlier post, saying they lacked response to their wagon, when in fact they did respond earlier. Whether you found this satisfactory is a different issue, but it seems to me like you didn't have a proper read of the thread at the time of that post. Assuming you did read well though, What did you mean by Orion's lack of response?

Do you have any scumreads with your own logic? Why aren't you getting on the case of those who put "easy" votes on Jugger?

Did you think I just sit around and wait for your answer? While I did wait for your answer, I had my research on scum.

You had like, a grand total of 1 pressure vote before mine. Well, 2 technically but I was ninja'd by Kumaneko.

What if SupremeRuler never showed up? Your vote would sit there and do nothing, while your research goes to waste. I don't like the logic in this quote.

The thing in the spoiler tags is post #178, by Uncle Bob.

I could lie and say I have been busy but I'm better than that. So many goddamn walls.

I would like to begin by saying that the last line of my second post-RVS post is badly worded. I was simply trying to get the people on the wagon to reconsider their vote or to address the issues. Chanserv you said that I thought the votes were bad, but I didn't say that. I believed that the votes were thought out but I disagreed with the idea that Orion is scum simply because he wanted to policy lynch a miller claim.

It means I disagree with the Orion wagon.

I posted facts and my interpretation of the facts, hoping to start a discussion.

It seems opportunistic and lazy. Was Jugger not keeping up with the thread at all? Did he not care about the opposition to the wagon? He said that he saw some malicious program or some nonsense and that he voted it, but that just gives me the impression that he saw something he just disagreed with and voted for it, which is either town jumping to conclusions or again, is scum trying to lynch an easy target.

I think that's everything. Oh Jugger called me a hypocrite for some reason but I can't read his posts. Point me to anything I missed, now I'm reading everything else.

I don't like how Kumaneko votes SR for reading Orion's post differently and for not posting much else (even though there wasn't that much to post considering town had only just exited RVS) then abandons ship after CS calls out the wagon. Then his vote for Javert is dumb because Jugger was even later than Javert and explained his vote far less and he had nothing to say on him; not to mention where is the arbitrary line between townies and scum trying to bandwagon? I really want Kuma to answer for these two posts because they're absolutely terrible.

Mint seems like he's very very focused on CS and his points are trying to find holes in his posts which are either not there or aren't as big a deal as he's making them out to be. As an example, the point he made about CS "flailing" or whatever seems like total rubbish from my perspective.

Why is being emotional look bad? Town members are just as likely to get worked up as scum are. Using emotion is a null tell.

This post by Orion looks really lazy.

Read the thread and respond instead of getting us to do your dirty work for you.

Orion has been writing a LOT about ChanServ. I don't agree with any of it, but it's clear as day that there's a lot that Mint disagrees with CS with. I also don't like him saying that lynching people who do nothing is reasonable, because inactivity is not a scum tell.

From what I understand of Jugger's posts, I'm liking his content and effort so I'm willing to overlook the sheepy vote for other things. ##Unvote

Wait wait hold up, why would you resort to a pressure vote if you found me scummy and not SR? Why wouldn't you just vote scum?

Darth hasn't really said anything of value and it seems like he's just using laziness as an excuse. Sure this thread has a lot of walls, but I don't get the impression that you're really putting in any effort to reading it.

Tbh though Kumaneko's votes were so bad that they need answering for. ##Vote: Kumaneko

This is the line in question:

Also I want other people on the Orion wagon to respond well or to hop off.

This does not sound like "reconsider their vote" or "address the issue". It's one thing to disagree with a wagon, but it's quite another to end a post like this.

Interpreting facts is nowhere near as effective to starting a discussion as voting for someone and building a case on them. It sounds like an excuse to stay neutral, without rustling anyone's jimmies, which strikes me as scummy. From that passive stance, it goes to neutral on Jugger, then goes passive-aggressive ("hypocrite" = aggressive, "for some reason" = passive), then says something about other people, BUT doesn't address ChanServ/Jugger's reasons for voting him. The vote on Kumaneko looks like a vote that's, again, trying not to get on important people's cases. Kumaneko is an outlier with questionable and scant content who isn't receiving the lion's share of attention. I think it's a "safe" vote, and thus I do not like it.

(then I hit Preview, and more posts appeared)

Jugger is likely scum although his last few posts look a bit better so he is not as scum. Vader is most scum now because I don't like how he's not quite scumhunting. He's just posting a lot of generic "so-and-so is fishy, I don't like so-and-so" with no explanation all over the place.

So yeah, ##Unvote (Jugger), ##Vote: Darth Vader

Yes, it started as an RVS vote, but why does that matter when I explained why I was keeping it there? It's not like I just left my vote there to avoid saying anything about it, so I don't think it's relevant that I voted Jugger in RVS too? Also I've explained why that post of Jugger's hasn't influenced my opinion of him, because I didn't really understand it.

I said it that way because I thought I had responded to basically everything, Bob, so it was a matter of someone thinking I should have replied to something that I didn't think I needed to reply to.

Inactivity, like, not being around and being busy with RL is not a scumtell. Lurking so you don't have to risk making yourself look scummy is.

Agreeing with one isn't much of a towntell, imo.

After all this discussion, you've come to the conclusion that Vader is scum because of all the attention on him and Jugger is sort of scum for reasons all the way back several pages? I don't like how lazy this attempt reads.

Mint Slice: Who is scum besides ChanServ?

I am displeased with Orion's attempted scumhunting, which looks really lazy, and a continued lack of early wagon analysis. I am far more displeased with Uncle Bob's tone shifts, current vote, and complete ignorance of two-thirds of his wagon. I have absolutely no objections to lynching Orion, but would prefer an Uncle Bob lynch for the aforementioned reasons. My vote stays. I would like Darth Vader to out his research and answer my question. Dumping one's thought process is superior to alluding to it.

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At this point I agree with ChanServ that Mint Slice is probably just town with tunnel vision but the amount of misplaced antagonism and threadshitting is very grating.

Javert is just so-so right now. I haven't had any issues with him since my last post.

I'm finding myself nodding along with Bob's Kumaneko vote and wouldn't mind sheeping there if Orion dies out as a viable target.

SupremeRuler seems a bit fishy to me! He was quick to label Orion as scum over his suggestion about lynching Resolute, and to call out ChanServ on cheerleading a Resolute vote. Methinks he's never heard of a reaction test before. :P I shall be keeping my eye on him!

This post is really, really bad. Several people were voting Orion, so why go for SupremeRuler when you could easily criticize me or Javert for similar reasons? Also, how is calling out ChanServ is scummy?

So, out of the three main targets right now...

Orion is still putting a lot more effort into talking about his ED1 and defending himself than looking for scum. I mean, yeah, town D1 targets have had trouble with this in the past, but in this case there's a bunch of discussion about people other than Orion and he's not doing anything to contribute to it, unless you want to push jumping on Darth Vader with everybody else as contribution. IMO, people are letting him off too easy when he has bare minimum content.

I'm still not really interested in wagoning Bob, as I just don't understand how his shift in tone conceals scum intent. I'd vote him for over a townread at deadline, but he's the least scummy of our current wagons. If Jugger wants to summarize the case on Bob without using quotestripes then I'll give it a read, but the wagons seems like leftovers from ED1 at the moment.

Everything that you can say about DV has already been said, and there's nothing really objectively wrong with it. I think Orion is scummier, though, because DV actually tries to make his opinions clear instead of coasting without next to no content, even if what he has to say is pretty weak. Also, I have this feeling that DV is just a bad townie which I don't get from Orion, particularly because of him acting indignant about thinking something others have already said. Call it gut. Depending on how he reacts to future pressure I'd actually vote Bob over him if this feeling persists.

Votewise, I'd go Orion > England > Kumaneko. This game has a lot of content for being less than 48 hours into Day 1, so the lazier players naturally look really terrible. The way England cherrypicks SupremeRuler out of all the Orion voters looks like he just wanted to be saying something. I don't think he's doing honest scumhunting. Would anybody actually be interested in wagoning him right now, though?

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Jugger is likely scum although his last few posts look a bit better so he is not as scum. Vader is most scum now because I don't like how he's not quite scumhunting. He's just posting a lot of generic "so-and-so is fishy, I don't like so-and-so" with no explanation all over the place.

So yeah, ##Unvote (Jugger), ##Vote: Darth Vader

Yes, it started as an RVS vote, but why does that matter when I explained why I was keeping it there? It's not like I just left my vote there to avoid saying anything about it, so I don't think it's relevant that I voted Jugger in RVS too? Also I've explained why that post of Jugger's hasn't influenced my opinion of him, because I didn't really understand it.

I said it that way because I thought I had responded to basically everything, Bob, so it was a matter of someone thinking I should have replied to something that I didn't think I needed to reply to.

Inactivity, like, not being around and being busy with RL is not a scumtell. Lurking so you don't have to risk making yourself look scummy is.

Agreeing with one isn't much of a towntell, imo.

This is pretty lazy IMO, and the Jugger unvote is just worded in a way that makes me feel like he's leaving himself a path to go back to it if necessary. The Darth vote isn't very well backed up either, and while I do find Darth scummy, Orion's vote is very shallow and doesn't really get into why Darth is suspicious (at least, why I find him bad). The rest of the post is a bit of defence and then commenting on what people say without really attacking or scumhunting, so it feels sort of fluffy in that regard as well.

I think that my Bob vote is based too much on a few ED1 posts, so while I'm not happy with his posts by any means, I think I'm going to go with this instead. ##Unvote, ##Vote: Orion

I think I'd go Orion > Darth > Bob > Kumaneko at this point.

As for England, I don't like his posts much either. I feel that he completely misses what's scummy about Orion. Not the reaction test itself, but what he did afterwards, and the motives for pulling it in the first place. Not sure whether that's scummy or not though. I think if Orion flips town, I'll be more suspicious of his half-hearted defence, but he's not an immediate lynch priority for me.

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So you only merely disagree with the votes on the Orion wagon....

I meant from the perspective of my first content post. Your vote came after that.

And I had no idea if the wagon had ended or not as only an hour had passed since your vote. The wagon could easily have continued way past that.

Great, but is Orion scummy at all or is he just bad at Mafia?

I'm not sure. Meta-wise it's probably the latter.

This seems kind of lazy itself, considering all the attention Darth has got (pretty sure he's a leading wagon now) and all you have to comment on is how lazy he is.

He is the leading wagon, but he isn't really saying much so it's hard to read him from my view. He's very forgettable compared to a lot of other people.

Kumaneko is not the easiest target, Darth clearly is as he's the main wagon.

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Best. It was pretty obvious anyway.

The Emirate of Enigmatic Individuals would like to remind you that this game is anonymous, which means all game-content-related posts must be made from one's anonymous account. If you screw up and use your main identity, please edit out your post and repost it exactly using your anonymous account. If you fail to do so before your next post or edit the post in any way, I break out the Mod Lightning.

This would be a good thing to put in the rules. Also sorry for being a derpy derp. I'm not doing that though because

This does not sound like "reconsider their vote" or "address the issue". It's one thing to disagree with a wagon, but it's quite another to end a post like this.

Well that's what I meant it as. You're misreading my tone.

Interpreting facts is nowhere near as effective to starting a discussion as voting for someone and building a case on them.

Perhaps not but it can start discussion and I didn not think anyone on that wagon is vote worthy.

Let me ask you this: Do you, at the time I made my post, think that the people on that wagon were vote worthy? Would you have agreed with that wagon at the time I made my post? Then let me ask you if it would've been better had I not posted to out my opinion at all?

It sounds like an excuse to stay neutral, without rustling anyone's jimmies, which strikes me as scummy.

I'm not sure how saying "I disagree with that wagon" makes me neutral?

it goes to neutral on Jugger, then goes passive-aggressive ("hypocrite" = aggressive, "for some reason" = passive)

How is me saying the word hypocrite being aggressive? I was using Jugger's words; he called me a hypocrite and I don't know why. That was me asking for clarification on why Jugger voted me so I could address them.

As for "not addressing ChanServ's points against him" that entire first paragraph was dedicated to that, I even specifically mentioned ChanServ in that paragraph and it's not like he has pointed me to anything which I missed so it seems he thinks I've addressed enough. Once clarified I also addressed JUgger's points to. Saying that I ignored 2/3 of my wagon is a total misrep. Either that or you failed to read my post.

And tbh Kumaneko should be getting more attention, everyone seems to think what they've done is scummy/bad yet she's getting off relatively easily compared to Darth/Orion who just seem like lazy players, which exist and have been shown to be both scum and town before in games. I would obviously like to see more of them though and I'm not going to miss any sleep if they're lynched because what they've done so far hasn't been great.

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(4) Orion: Javert, fffff, Darth Vader, ChanServ

(4) Darth Vader: Resolute, SupremeRuler, Ultimate Muscle, Orion

(2) Uncle Bob: Jugger, Fluttershy

(2) Kumaneko: England, Uncle Bob

(1) ChanServ: Mint Slice

(1) Javert: Kumaneko

Rules 6 and 7 amended. Just under 27 hours left in the phase.

Will not confirm nor deny my inability to read.

Edited by Snike
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Well, at least I can guess one Anonyaccount's identity now.

Orion what makes Darth worse than Jugger, and can you rehash why Jugger is "likely scum"?

They're similarly bad in that Jugger is posting a lot of easy comments, mostly pointing out that someone doesn't have much content or many posts, but Darth is worse in that Jugger has posted more proper scumhunting now. I also don't like Jugger apparently saying that other votes on someone shouldn't really matter, or whatever it was he meant, and I didn't like how I couldn't tell immediately what he meant. I'm not saying roleplaying is a scumtell, but phrasing stuff in a vague way is, and if roleplaying is the method used to do that, it's still annoyingly vague.

Orion said that Jugger was the worst, without saying why the others weren't as bad. I didn't like the absence of wagon analysis (or the analysis of anyone else, for that matter).

Will you unhook your brain off of your "reaction test" and scumhunt?

Um, this?

Keeping my vote where it is, because I don't like the wagon on me in general, but Jugger voted after a bunch of people had already commented on the wagon building up quickly, without adding anything new or commenting on anything else except for one post without a vote, so I think he's the worst atm.

I'll gladly "unhook my brain from the reaction test", as you put it. Would you mind, though, pointing out exactly what I've said about it besides responding to direct questions or accusations that you think should have been addressed by me?

misrep better pls

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Bob- your Orion/Darth stance feels kind of weird. I get that you find Kumaneko worse than them, but it feels like you're defending them even though you just attacked them earlier, and also said that you wouldn't actually mind lynching them.

Orion, I don't even understand what you said about Jugger in that last post. Can you link which post you're referring to? I don't see how Fluttershy is misrepping you either. Your Jugger vote also has the same flaw as Bob's in that Jugger ignoring people saying the wagon was fast is apparently scummy somehow?

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Mint Slice and ChanServ, you both need to relax. It's just a game :P

I didn't see what was so wrong about Orion at the time I posted, but his later posts don't seem to do much other than defend his reaction test. I also don't like his last post where he says "Jugger is likely scum although his last few posts look better so he is not as scum". Methinks he's trying to give himself some leeway on Jugger. You should explain to us why you think his last posts look better or if you think anyone else on your wagon looked bad :P

SupremeRuler so verbose, but he explained himself well enough and I have no problems with him for the time being.

Darth Vader doesn't look good to me. He voted SupremeRuler to pressure him for content although he said he found Orion more scummy. Asks Kumaneko to post, notices that Kumaneko has posted, but doesn't comment on his content. So chump! Why vote someone you didn't think was scummy? And what do you think about Kumaneko's post?

ChanServ and Mint Slice's arguments are hard to read, so much emotion :P Looks to me like ChanServ commenting on one of Mint Slice's early posts led to Mint Slice arguing hard against him and voting him over misrep. Now the two of them are fighting over ChanServ saying Mint Slice is "voteparking" him.

Mint Slice's jump to put his vote on ChanServ was fast, and I do wish he would have explained why his "later" posts seemed worse and if he thinks ChanServ is worse than other players right now. But I personally don't find either of them scummy at the moment from their posts, just too emotional. You both should calm down and have a cookie. :P

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As for why I'm voting Bob over you, good job cutting out the paragraph explaining why I'm still voting Bob that followed RIGHT AFTER THAT SENTENCE YOU QUOTED.

way to miss the point. i know you find bob scummy but exactly why is what he did worse? specifically? why are the reasons you put below a better vote than i was?
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also ChanServ; if i was votable when way back whenever (cbf looking up the post), but yet now i'm apparently town, i have to wonder about how your mind changed so quickly. i got the reasoning but still

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This game is hard and I wasn't around and I am wanting to be really lazy and uninterested. That's not good. Sigh. Let me read through the thread from my last post. Wherever that was.

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Jugger is likely scum although his last few posts look a bit better so he is not as scum.

Why am I scum again?

Vader is most scum now because I don't like how he's not quite scumhunting. He's just posting a lot of generic "so-and-so is fishy, I don't like so-and-so" with no explanation all over the place.

So yeah, ##Unvote (Jugger), ##Vote: Darth Vader

Oh, cool, well at least whatver vauge suspicion you have on me isn't as awful for the following vauge reason to vote Vader.

Yes, it started as an RVS vote, but why does that matter when I explained why I was keeping it there? It's not like I just left my vote there to avoid saying anything about it, so I don't think it's relevant that I voted Jugger in RVS too? Also I've explained why that post of Jugger's hasn't influenced my opinion of him, because I didn't really understand it.

You don't understand my post, you ask for clarification (which I gave here, but your opinion hasn't moved because you still don't understand it. Good job.

I said it that way because I thought I had responded to basically everything, Bob, so it was a matter of someone thinking I should have replied to something that I didn't think I needed to reply to.

Inactivity, like, not being around and being busy with RL is not a scumtell. Lurking so you don't have to risk making yourself look scummy is.

That's about the most somewhat sensible statement, but suggesting a D1 lurker lynch is lazy. bad, and denies town information.

Agreeing with one isn't much of a towntell, imo.

And your opinion matters so much more.

I have more to catch up on but I thought I'd get this out of the way first.

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