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FE6 Localization Patch v1.2.1 - Full localization with new features, including Support Conversation reader

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Hello gringe!

I'm still translating your version of Fire Emblem 6 into French.

I don't know if you're still planning to correct a few mistakes, but sometimes the texts in the text bubbles don't correspond to the right characters.

Here's an example.

As you can see, Merlinus is talking with the words of Fae. I'm using the last version, the v1.1.3 as model.

I've corrected this in the French version.



I've noticed other mistakes like this in a few chapters,, especially when you have two characters talking on the left.

Would you need a list of such errors? As I go along...


I'm up to chapter 16, I can report them to you. :)


The text bubbles for Arcardo is still for Roartz when there's "only" [Serif].


Other little mistake with Hugh when we're recruting him, after the [Move].


And also with the location of the text bubbles after [Move].





End, once the map in completed...


There's also a mistake after the [Move] : what is it is supposed to be a text bubbles for Roy but Guinivere is speaking.

Upstairs, the text maybe not for Guinivere (I didn't checked yet IG).


It's often after a [move] we can have mistakes. Here's we sould read "[Serif] Guinivere" instead of "only" [Serif].


Same here with a doubt after the [Move]. There's no "[Serif] Guinivere".


On 6/24/2013 at 10:08 AM, gringe said:

There is a special Easter egg to view all Support Conversations once the feature is unlocked on the Extras menus...

For my translation, I also unlocked all the character supports but didn't notice this easter egg.

I was expecting the name of a character who has all his supports unlocked to be in green like in FE7.


Is it deliberate that this is not the case in FE6?

Exemple with Dayan.



As you can see here, in FE7 Dayan should be in green instead of white because I have all his supports unlocked.

Thanks again for your huge work!

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I didn't know about the glowing green text when a unit has all of its support convos unlocked. That's why it's not implemented in the FE6 translation... yet! I made some tests today to my original support convo coding and it seems to work correctly. I'll have to test it thoroughly though because their is only one subroutine for all the places that need to display the units list (same one used in support convo, items trading and picking units) and I don't want something to change in the other lists.

I'm eager to see your own translation, as French is my primary language.

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17 hours ago, tabachanker said:


I didn't know about the glowing green text when a unit has all of its support convos unlocked. That's why it's not implemented in the FE6 translation... yet! I made some tests today to my original support convo coding and it seems to work correctly. I'll have to test it thoroughly though because their is only one subroutine for all the places that need to display the units list (same one used in support convo, items trading and picking units) and I don't want something to change in the other lists.

I'm eager to see your own translation, as French is my primary language.

If you're curious, here's the Youtube channel I'm using for sharing what I'm doing : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcRc_Mdq2e8GeYhNLCjHWHw

You can find each chapter translated in the playlist "Fire Emblem 6 let's play debug en français". I also have a playlist for the supports etc. 😉

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  • 1 month later...
On 10/4/2023 at 9:12 PM, Spy said:

I don't know if you're still planning to correct a few mistakes, but sometimes the texts in the text bubbles don't correspond to the right characters.

Hey there, I apologize I left your message unresponded to for so long. Tabachanker and I are working on an update to fix the crash issue as well as some text changes for consistency with Heroes (Garret→Garrett, and some other fixes mentioned earlier in the topic).

This report of yours looked critical so I took a look, but the dialogue you reported is attached to the correct characters in the game. My guess is there's a quirk with the way dialogue events work in FEditor that FEBuilder doesn't reflect properly. Keep in mind that the bulk of work on this patch was done before FEBuilder existed, and FEditor, the tool I used at the time, created some issues we only discovered later--this could be another one (albeit apparently harmless). Feel free to clean it up to look right in FEBuilder for the patch you're making, but functionally it appears to work fine in the actual game as is.

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Got it. It's only a problem with FE Builder but not when the game is running and that is the more important.

So everything is fine. :) 

Thanks for your explanations.

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  • 2 months later...

Hello all,

Thanks to tabachanker, we've got a new update ready with some fixes, most notably removing a crash issue!



v1.2.0 Changelist

  • Corrected issue that can cause the game to crash
  • Corrected "Garret"'s name to "Garrett" as in FE Heroes
  • Adjusted one of Noah's supports with Trec to refer to Ilia as "peddling death" as in FE Heroes
  • Added missing songs to the Sound Room (this was an issue with the base game): Perilous Dance (Lalum being attacked), Within Sadness (ally death), and Arena Victory


We even have another version, but it has a feature I won't be able to test soon, so I will put it here as a beta version in case anyone is able to give it a look-through... If someone can confirm it works without issue, I will go ahead and update the first post in this topic with a link to this version.



v.1.2.1beta Changelist

  • All the changes in v1.2.0
  • Names in the Support Conversation reader will turn green once all their supports have been unlocked, as in FE7 and FE8

If anyone can give this a test, please confirm whether units with different statuses of Support Conversations unlocked display correctly in the Support Conversation reader, and the Support Conversation section of the Preparations menu.

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  • gringe changed the title to FE6 Localization Patch v1.2.0 - Full localization with new features, including Support Conversation reader
  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/21/2024 at 11:07 AM, gringe said:

If anyone can give this a test, please confirm whether units with different statuses of Support Conversations unlocked display correctly in the Support Conversation reader, and the Support Conversation section of the Preparations menu.

Hi Gringe !

Here's 2 pictures from the Support Conversation with your new version.



I already have all of the supports so I can't check all different statuses.

And here's 2 other pictures from the preparation menu. This time, I have a C support and no support to show you.



Everything is like in FE7, excellent work ! :)

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On 2/5/2024 at 5:15 AM, Spy said:

Hi Gringe !

Here's 2 pictures from the Support Conversation with your new version.



I already have all of the supports so I can't check all different statuses.

And here's 2 other pictures from the preparation menu. This time, I have a C support and no support to show you.



Everything is like in FE7, excellent work ! 🙂

Thanks! There's one last step to confirm, which is the most time-consuming...

At least one character needs a full set of support conversations, and we need to be sure the green name for that character displays properly if other characters have incomplete sets of support conversations. When I was thinking about how to test it, I think Lance would be the quickest character to finish all his support conversations for.

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On 2/12/2024 at 12:25 AM, gringe said:

At least one character needs a full set of support conversations, and we need to be sure the green name for that character displays properly if other characters have incomplete sets of support conversations. When I was thinking about how to test it, I think Lance would be the quickest character to finish all his support conversations for.

Could the full support with Roy/Sue from the preparation menu will be good for what you still need ?

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On 2/12/2024 at 12:25 PM, gringe said:

Thanks! There's one last step to confirm, which is the most time-consuming...

At least one character needs a full set of support conversations, and we need to be sure the green name for that character displays properly if other characters have incomplete sets of support conversations. When I was thinking about how to test it, I think Lance would be the quickest character to finish all his support conversations for.

Wolt's looking good to me. Hopefully that's everything.


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On 2/20/2024 at 5:34 PM, Seafarer said:

Wolt's looking good to me. Hopefully that's everything.


That's exactly it! Thank you. I'll go ahead and update the first post.

EDIT: Aaaaand done. I think this will probably be the last version for the foreseeable future. FE6 characters that don't yet have representation in Heroes probably never will (who'd whale for the armor knights or the fighters?), and aside from keeping character names and titles consistent with official content, I don't think there's much of anything left to do on the patch. With the support reader feature and even some oversight corrections, it's fair to say the game is notably more polished than the Japanese version.

So, although it's not necessarily goodbye forever, see you around, and thanks for the support, everyone!

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  • gringe changed the title to FE6 Localization Patch v1.2.1 - Full localization with new features, including Support Conversation reader
  • 1 month later...
14 hours ago, Vesly said:

Hello @gringe, I was wondering if I could use your translation for the FE6 Self Randomizing Rom that I'm working on. I released the FE7 one a couple weeks ago: 



You don't need to do anything further, I would just like to have your permission. Thank you. 

Feel free!

As mentioned in the first post of this thread, anyone is free to use this patch for their own purposes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Would applying an Average Stats patch to an FE6 rom that has this patch applied cause any technical issues or major/ game-breaking glitches?

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  • 1 month later...

Hey @gringe, I am trying to play your translation patch on the Nintendo Switch Online - Game Boy Advance app on a soft-modded Nintendo Switch using a tool called "CaVE Database Manager (v1.5.0.2)".

After adding a v1.2.1 or 1.2.0 patched ROM to the GBA NSO ROM Database to play on the Switch, the game doesn't boot:


"An error has occurred within the game."

When adding a v1.1.3 or 1.1.2 patched ROM to the app, the game boots but the text is all garbled up in many places like the opening text and character names. A vanilla, unpatched ROM also boots and runs without issue. I believe there is an issue with the patch that isn't being detected on original hardware or PC emulators. For comparison, a patched Mother 3 ROM works perfectly on the NSO GBA app.

In a reply on the GBATemp forum to a user having issues with FE:TBB patch in 2023, the CaVE developer said:

"I'm 99% certain that the FE:TBB ROM that you have is (not good) because it has an extra 316 bytes of garbage at the end of the file. If you remove those bytes, it will boot. In general... This is the extent of what I will say for helping with hack/translation compatibility. You will likely often need some tool programs to fix the roms in various ways. Fixing header ID's, internal checksum calculations, and invalid ROM sizes to name a few. Figure that out on your own."

and his Q&A on his blog says:

"Hacks/Translations fall into the same compatibility as the last category, but with the additional cavaet that they are more likely to do things that reduce the odds of the game remaining compatible. Often, expanding the size of the ROM, changing or forgetting to change the ROM's header, etc"


It would be great if you could look into this as it could perhaps also help make the patch more stable overall, but I understand if it is not a priority. 

Thank you for your work on the patch.

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@Oby This is really strange. You posting this encouraged me to try the ROM on my 3DS, and... it works just fine as an installed CIA. I wonder what's going on with NSO to make it not work there.

Sorry I don't have any solutions, but I just wanted to let gringe know it's just NSO that's rejecting it.

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Was asked to post this here (@EDIT mostly so it can be linked to in the future if anyone asks about this):
When you open the ROM for this translation in FEBuilder, you might notice that the Support Conversations are broken and FEBuilder throws an error.
But the data is actually there, FEBuilder just doesn't detect it. Open the Support Conversations window and type in the address "666CF8" with the "Count" of 143, then click Reload.
The data will now properly load. Note that this won't make FEBuilder remember the address and it will still show the error, and you have to reenter the data every time you open the window. But it seems to work.

This seems to have broken from update v1.0 to v1.1b, btw. Maybe the pointer to the supports table got moved from its vanilla location or something.

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On 6/15/2024 at 2:08 PM, Oby said:

When adding a v1.1.3 or 1.1.2 patched ROM to the app, the game boots but the text is all garbled up in many places like the opening text and character names. A vanilla, unpatched ROM also boots and runs without issue. I believe there is an issue with the patch that isn't being detected on original hardware or PC emulators. For comparison, a patched Mother 3 ROM works perfectly on the NSO GBA app.


It would be great if you could look into this as it could perhaps also help make the patch more stable overall, but I understand if it is not a priority. 

Thanks for reaching out. Hmm. I'm not sure how I'd go about solving this. If @tabachanker happens to see this or anyone else with the  technical skill to correct this wants to step in I'd be happy to put out a new version.

10 hours ago, Gofer2 said:

Was asked to post this here:
When you open the ROM for this translation in FEBuilder, you might notice that the Support Conversations are broken and FEBuilder throws an error.
But the data is actually there, FEBuilder just doesn't detect it. Open the Support Conversations window and type in the address "666CF8" with the "Count" of 143, then click Reload.
The data will now properly load. Note that this won't make FEBuilder remember the address and it will still show the error, and you have to reenter the data every time you open the window. But it seems to work.

This seems to have broken from update v1.0 to v1.1b, btw. Maybe the pointer to the supports table got moved from its vanilla location or something.

This is something I have seen reports of before, but I have no way to fix this on my end. Again, if someone with the ability to fix it wants to, please let me know. I'm sure the hacking community would appreciate it.

I believe this issue arose when, in order to cut ROM size down, a bunch of data was rearranged to delete garbage data inserted by the original patch creators and FEditor. To an end user just playing the game there's no visible effect, but it became incompatible with FEBuilder's auto detection.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi. Looking through the patch, and I noticed some wrong/improvable enemy names in some chapters. I'll list them here:

Ch11A (The Hero of the West), enemy 0x7F. Name: "Etruria" Desc: "Soldiers guarding Eburacum."
In the JP release, they're roughly called "Eburacum Soldiers". Suggestion: Rename them to "Eburacum". The enemies in Ch10A are named after the castle they're guarding (Armagh), so this would be good consistency.

Ch10B (Amidst a Struggle), enemy 0x81. Name: "Bandit" Desc: "Soldiers serving the lords of the Western Isles.."
In the JP release, they're roughly called "Western Soldiers". Suggestion: Rename them to "Soldiers".

Ch11B (Flight Toward Freedom), enemy 0xA3. Name: "Soldier" Desc: "Soldiers defending Castle Eidyna."
In the JP release, they're roughly called "Eidyna Soldiers. Suggestion: Rename them to "Eidyna". Same as in Ch11A.

Ch12 (The True Enemy), enemy 0x84. Name: "Etruria". Desc: "Soldiers defending the capital of the Western Isles."
In the JP release, they're roughly called "Juteaux Soldiers. Suggestion: Rename them to "Juteaux". Ditto.

Ch14 (Arcadia) and Ch14x (The Infernal Truth), this is an interesting one. Enemy 0x88. Name: "Bern". Desc: "Soldiers from the eastern kingdom of Bern."
In the JP release, they're actually called "Bern Mercenaries", with a description to match. Cramming in "Mercs" into the name would be a bit much, so how about just the desc? Suggestion: Just change the "Soldiers" in their description to "Mercenaries". Little bit of flavor.

Ch16A (Ocean's Parting), and ok this is a simple one lol. Enemy 0x91, is named "Bern" while should be "Etruria". The description is correct, just the name is wrong. The status screen even calls the enemy force "Revolution".

Ch20Bx (The Bow of Swift Wind), similar to the previous one. Enemy 0xBC (used for Nomads and Shamans in the chapter), is named "Bern" while should be "Sacae". The description is correct, just the name is wrong. 

These are pretty small issues so I doubt worthy of an entire patch update, but just something to keep in mind if you ever release one.

Also a little fun something I noticed after typing all the above - the "Enemy Army" on the status screen actually has more names in English. "Bernese South Army" in Lycia and Etruria, "Bernese North Army" in Illia, "Bernese West Army" in Sacae, "Bernese Main Army" in Bern, and "Bernese Army Remnants" in Ch23. Not even suggesting you implement them, just a pretty neat detail.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm still working on the French translation and I think I've spotted a little problem.

I don't know if it's the Japanese version or the patch.

We can reach chapter 21x If we haven't finished in 31 turns or more, or if Melady or Gall is dead. Elffin says : "we should ask those from our army who are natives of Bern". 

At the beginning of this chapter, if we have Melady on the battlefield, we have a text.

If we ever have Zeiss with us (and not Melady), we have a text... almost identical to Melady's.

If none of them are present, Guinivere speaks, again with almost identical text.

After testing, I realize that when only Zeiss is present, the text displayed is that of... Melady. Melady has the right text, as does Guinivere.

Here's the event with FE Builder.


I checked on the scripts for this chapter : https://serenesforest.net/binding-blade/scripts/translation-script/chapter-21x-the-silencing-darkness/

We only see a condition with Melady present or not. There's nothing about Zeiss. So, maybe this variation is also broken in the original game.

Since I have a doubt, I prefer to report it.


PS. Thanks Gofer2 for what you've found about supports !


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15 hours ago, Spy said:

So, maybe this variation is also broken in the original game.

I never thought to double check because when making my german TL patch, I just assumed the same and thought "welp, I gotta fix this anyways". But now I looked and...yeah, the issue is appearently NOT present in the japanese version of the game. Somewhere along the fantranslation process, there really was just made a copy-paste error here, but I can't be bothered to check what version introduced it. 

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to the future reader of sf.net: don't post like this, it is bad

e: kid got himself banned so i'm just going to ice the post. it added nothing. 

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On 7/19/2024 at 7:13 AM, Spy said:

We can reach chapter 21x If we haven't finished in 31 turns or more, or if Melady or Gall is dead. Elffin says : "we should ask those from our army who are natives of Bern". 

At the beginning of this chapter, if we have Melady on the battlefield, we have a text.

If we ever have Zeiss with us (and not Melady), we have a text... almost identical to Melady's.

If none of them are present, Guinivere speaks, again with almost identical text.

After testing, I realize that when only Zeiss is present, the text displayed is that of... Melady. Melady has the right text, as does Guinivere.

Here's the event with FE Builder.


I checked on the scripts for this chapter : https://serenesforest.net/binding-blade/scripts/translation-script/chapter-21x-the-silencing-darkness/

We only see a condition with Melady present or not. There's nothing about Zeiss. So, maybe this variation is also broken in the original game.

On 7/19/2024 at 10:35 PM, German FE Nino said:

I never thought to double check because when making my german TL patch, I just assumed the same and thought "welp, I gotta fix this anyways". But now I looked and...yeah, the issue is appearently NOT present in the japanese version of the game. Somewhere along the fantranslation process, there really was just made a copy-paste error here, but I can't be bothered to check what version introduced it. 

Nice find. This should be fixable enough in FE Builder with some tinkering, probably. I'll give it a look when I have some time.

Generally I want to leave the English text alone at this point or it could spiral into infinite revisions (I know how I get) but I like some of Gofer2's suggestions so I guess I'll give them a look too when I do.

I guess it was too early to declare it finished but what can ya do. 😛

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