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FE6 Localization Patch v1.2.1 - Full localization with new features, including Support Conversation reader

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I think at this point further name changes are pretty much out of the question unless we get more official names from a future FE.

I'll go ahead and link to Multipatch in the first post!

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And Crane isn't an odd name...? But I agree that Klane looks a little more natural.

Well, it's at least a real word, and could have been what he was named after. But I feel like spelling his name Klain could still lead to people mispronouncing his name, since ai can still make a long 'i' sound, but spelling it Clane or Klane makes it pretty clear that his name is meant to be pronounced with a long 'a' sound. Just my thoughts. Either way, gringe has made it clear he's not making any name changes until we get more official names, which I ca understand. Either way, I'm glad he linked to MultiPatch, as it's sure to help any Mac users like myself who want to know what Mac application to use for patching.

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Do you mean Wolt? I've tested it and had no problems with it... Are you emulating on a system other than a PC or Mac? It seems like an awfully strange emulation issue.

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  • 2 weeks later...

How do I use the numberspatch? Is it like the English Patch. I managed to apply the English Patch to a Japanese Rom but idk how to apply the numbers patch to the same ROM. I tried applying it to the ROM like a English Patch but it says files don't match. I'm new at emulating so I'm not really sure how this works.

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To quote the first post "Apply to any FE6 ROM using a UPS patcher such as NUPS. The ROM may not line up so be sure to allow patching even if the ROM is detected as different."

I assume this means that there's either a checkbox for patching it anyway, a popup that will ask you if you want to continue, or an option in NUPS' settings. There's a method to force it to patch anyway, so look for it.

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To quote the first post "Apply to any FE6 ROM using a UPS patcher such as NUPS. The ROM may not line up so be sure to allow patching even if the ROM is detected as different."

I assume this means that there's either a checkbox for patching it anyway, a popup that will ask you if you want to continue, or an option in NUPS' settings. There's a method to force it to patch anyway, so look for it.

Oh you're right, there was that option on the side to choose something other than abort. Thanks.

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I dunno if this has been known yet, but I'm playing a translation patch (idk which one tbh, but Deke's name is Deke if that helps). I'm on chapter eightX, near Henning's room. Sometimes he'll just randomly attack from the distance, not even one square over, but like five and his quote will show up, then the screen just hangs.

It looks like this http://i.imgur.com/1gtzkeG.png

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I dunno if this has been known yet, but I'm playing a translation patch (idk which one tbh, but Deke's name is Deke if that helps). I'm on chapter eightX, near Henning's room. Sometimes he'll just randomly attack from the distance, not even one square over, but like five and his quote will show up, then the screen just hangs.

It looks like this http://i.imgur.com/1gtzkeG.png

Never happened to me on any of my Japanese or Twilkitri patch runs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, does anyone know if that SMTxFE thing is supposed to have legacy characters? I'm thinking it's about time for an update, but if the new game has more official names, may as well wait for that.

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Hm, OK, then I guess I better wait. Not planning on doing regular updates, so I wanna make any update from now on count.

I played through the game recently and had a few revisions in mind (in addition to character name updates post-SMTxFE). If anyone wants to contribute to the idea list feel free.

-I seem to have subconsciously invoked Star Wars dialogue in the Chapter 8 (I think) prologue. Should probably rewrite this a little bit.

-In the Sacae route, there are several cases of armored soldiers talking as if they are Sacaen tribesmen. Being armored like that graphic is seems to be contrary to the way Sacae and Sacaen people are described in-game. Irrelevant of how it is in the Japanese, I want to rework these parts to make them talk like Bern soldiers.

-Link Arena update??? Probably not to 100% completion though. LoLoLoLolOLOL

-Some of the text seems a little bit lazy compared to other parts, so I wanted to give the whole script a general skim through and make sure everything looks OK. Want to play through the game at least one more time and pinpoint any particular problem areas, though, like the Chapter 8 dialogue listed above.

[spoiler=Personal time~]By the way, I managed to get a job in English localization at a Japanese game company! I've learned a lot already.

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-In the Sacae route, there are several cases of armored soldiers talking as if they are Sacaen tribesmen. Being armored like that graphic is seems to be contrary to the way Sacae and Sacaen people are described in-game. Irrelevant of how it is in the Japanese, I want to rework these parts to make them talk like Bern soldiers.

Uh, are you talking about the dialogues in 18, 19 and 20x where the bosses talk to Soldiers? Those definitely aren't Bern Soldiers...and if I remember correctly, they aren't even coloured the same as Bern ones, even if the graphic is the generic Soldier portrait. Whilst I'm all for appropriate localisations, and I recognise that this is primarily "your" patch, I'd have to express my dismay at the prospect of willfully altering any individual's allegiances in a rewrite, even if they are ultimately faceless goons. Whilst I agree that consistency wise, it makes more sense, but if a work has flaws (like say, a plothole), it's not the translator/localiser's job to tweak the script to fix the plothole.

Up to a certain point I'd be willing to accept a "well we made some new assets for the localised release that makes it different than the original" if say, one were to add a separate generic enemy underling portrait for Sacaens like there are generic underling portraits for Ilian Pegasus Knights. However, it doesn't sit well with me to actually completely modify who a person is and where they come from, even that detail in itself is largely irrelevant. It feels disrespectful to the original, as a matter of principle.

By the way, I managed to get a job in English localization at a Japanese game company! I've learned a lot already.


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[spoiler=Personal time~]By the way, I managed to get a job in English localization at a Japanese game company! I've learned a lot already.

It this project was in your portfolio, I'm not at all surprised. The quality on this is really good. Not only is it a good translation, it is also a good localization.

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aww. Thanys name was changed to shanna? well dang...

Yes, we're using official names.

It this project was in your portfolio, I'm not at all surprised. The quality on this is really good. Not only is it a good translation, it is also a good localization.

Thanks! :)

Uh, are you talking about the dialogues in 18, 19 and 20x where the bosses talk to Soldiers? Those definitely aren't Bern Soldiers...

Well, there ARE Bern soldiers (wyvern riders, more specifically) on all of those chapters, so why not? Actually, I think only the dialogue of chapter 18 implies any sort of allegiance anyway, and it's a bit roundabout and unspecific (usage of "we" which was probably not in the Japanese version).

and if I remember correctly, they aren't even coloured the same as Bern ones, even if the graphic is the generic Soldier portrait.

Actually, I believe they are. Just the generic red enemy color.

Whilst I'm all for appropriate localisations, and I recognise that this is primarily "your" patch,

All right, just need to point that I'm not a fan of this line of thought. Maybe I was the one who started the patch, but it's only been possible thanks to the contributions of lots of people, and I'm not doing it out of some OCD desire to get the script exactly as I want it. I'm trying to make a quality product.

I'd have to express my dismay at the prospect of willfully altering any individual's allegiances in a rewrite, even if they are ultimately faceless goons. Whilst I agree that consistency wise, it makes more sense, but if a work has flaws (like say, a plothole), it's not the translator/localiser's job to tweak the script to fix the plothole.

Have to disagree here as well. If inconsistency is an intention, then yeah, leave it, but if it's a tweak that fits in seamlessly and easily to fill in a hole, what is the problem exactly? In the case of a fan translation in particular, we have a lot of freedom to polish up the script as much as humanly possible. With the Japanese release and any official translation there are concerns of time and budget, but since we have no time limit and do it for free, we have a theoretically unlimited amount of time to catch and correct errors.

However, it doesn't sit well with me to actually completely modify who a person is and where they come from, even that detail in itself is largely irrelevant. It feels disrespectful to the original, as a matter of principle.

I don't want to start a "what is art" debate but games are products designed to be marketed and consumed. I don't intend to change the overarching story or anything.

I honestly don't remember the Japanese dialogue for these chapters very well so I guess I'll give them a look. It might just void this whole issue anyway if the soldiers' allegiances end up being Bern or entirely ambiguous. :Soldier:

EDIT: Checked on Youtube. Seems the soldier does specifically state that he's part of the Djute. I'll consider what to do depending on how the actual dialogue looks in English. I don't remember the specific words in the exchange, but I do remember this being one of the worst pre-battle conversations.

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It's what FE7 used, so of course. Haven't made the change yet, but I will.

And thanks! Will try to post more soon.

Rereading this thread, and while this is a reeeeeally old post, I have to ask: when does FE7 mention Idun and/or Demon Dragons? I'm pretty familiar with the script but this reference escapes me.

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