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Little things about the game that annoy you

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Those who do complain about the big open maps, mind explaining to me what the issue is? Are they really more common than other FE games? Are they really a bigger issue than in other FE games? Are there other issues with the maps and I'm just strawmanning the problems here accidentally?

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No save spaces. Battle Saves in Radiant Dawn make the game way too easy since you can save whenever you want within a chapter. Yet, most of the other games offer no way of saving mid-chapter, save the DS games where there were save spaces.

I'm starting to miss those save spaces out of convenience, for those inevitable times when the enemy gets a 1% critical. It doesn't bother me much on hard mode, but some midpoints in Lunatic would have been nice.

Edited by Insignificant Organism
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The background picture for the supports annoys me...

Some of the supports mention the tents, but the background is a wall of bricks with a map... And I don't think the tents are made of bricks Lol , but the BG picture it annoys me the most when the supports are not in the camp! Like Lucina and her mother walking in a town searching for a dress... And, the town is full of walls with the same map. Or the supports who clearly are in a forest or in an open area... Like Gaius and Sumia, with the bees.

I think they at least could have 3 pictures for the supports, one of the tents, one of a forest and one of a town... Or at least use the same pictures for the main story. In the Roster Rescue map, there are a background based in a tent, why don't use that picture instead?

But oh well :/

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no facial hair for Avatar.

I'm not joking

Seriously. I want a badass beard on my Male Avatar damn it! Also the lack of a nice Long Hair option for a male Avatar. I want my pretty boy Avatar dammit!

Swordmaster having two swords is wonky as hell.

Sumia not being able to marry Libra burns my bacon for some reason.

Male Morgs' derpy ass face.

No other options than rout enemy or kill commander.

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We can all agree that Awakening is a great Fire Emblem game, but nothing is perfect, so let's complain about little parts of the game that could have been easily fixed or changed, that annoy you.

  • Morgan having generic sprite faces: I know this is kind of nitpicky (so is the whole thread) but it makes Morgan, outside of Tactican/Grandmaster, seem generic. I mean, Lucina got the premium treatment. (maybe some other children, I'm too lazy to check) I can sort of understand how Avatar has generic faces due to the amount of customization options, but Morgan wouldn't have been to hard to implement.
  • Javelins look really strange to me: Short/Spears look fine, but the Javelin looks kind of big and cumbersome.
  • Swordmaster Sprites duel wield: It's cool at first, but due to the fact that they actually can't wield two weapons at once makes it seem off and not fitting.
  • Legendary weapons not having a lot of uses: It makes sense due to game balance, but I find myself not being able to use these weapons at all except on 50+ luck armsthrifters.

In addition to the swordmaster point: he actually doesn't use either of those swords, which adds to the frustration of the sprite.

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I was actually severely disappointed to find that you cannot recruit Cervantes. I was hoping he would find some weird ass way to tag along like Oliver in Radiant Dawn. Then FeMU could marry him and Morgan would inherit his beard!

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Classes of the same tree sharing critical hit animations. Especially bothersome since the GBA and DS games made each separate class extremely individual looking in battle. Also, no crit animation for Levin Sword/Bolt Axe/Shockstick. Plus the crits are boring, though the cut-ins still make them satisfying at least.

Lack of customization for the Avatar, especially if it's supposed to be a self-insert.

Bride and Dread Fighter don't make sense as counterparts.

Libra looks too bulky and narrow-eyed (according to anime conventions) to be androgynous IMO.

Most of the weapon designs are silly. Javelins and short axes in particular. The silver axe also rubs me the wrong way, it just seems incorrect.

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Most of the weapon designs are silly. Javelins and short axes in particular. The silver axe also rubs me the wrong way, it just seems incorrect.

I think this could be extended to armor designs as well. The knight and general armor still strikes me as unusual, as well as the masks on wyvern knights.

Though some of the designs were cool. The spikes on the assassins and the hats the dark mages wear made up for some of the weird stuff.

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The menu is really wonky. Like really wonky. It just doesn't feel right and everything got somehow smaller. Somehow. Never had this problem with the other FE games....

Also, little kid male Avatar has the same goofy look male Morgan has. Kinda hilarious.

Which brings me to another thing. No young sounding voices for either gender. Which makes the kid Avatars sound really dumb. It just annoys me.

I wanted to see the characters that aren't the avatar have about the same amount of supports. Surely the army interact with each other on a daily basis.

And more marriage options for Chrom and Sumia. Imagine blue haired Loran, Noire, Nah, Yarne, and so on. And more hair colors for Cynthia. That'd be pretty great.

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no facial hair for Avatar.

I'm not joking


I want my avatar have beard that manly enough to have a fair match against Cervantes's.

To be serious, most of the time if the option are avaible, I certainly would give my character facial hair. But again, except for enemies and Basilio we don't have any characters with facial hair.

I think this could be extended to armor designs as well. The knight and general armor still strikes me as unusual, as well as the masks on wyvern knights.

Though some of the designs were cool. The spikes on the assassins and the hats the dark mages wear made up for some of the weird stuff.

Yuusuke Kozaki did a really good job actually for me. Except female unit of course. His design have fair amount of style and utility (Knight and General are always exception because they are too ridiculous), which make most unit really feels that they are likely going to war. The mask you've just mention is the style that I mean before. Many reali life unit include personalization for their armor that have no actual use in combat to make themselves look more distinct. The Maybe its the color/style that make them feels "more armor-ish".
I'll probably have to write my evaluation on Kozaki unit design someday.
Edited by Shengar
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IIRC Kozaki isn't the one who made the armors and such, he only made the character behind the outfits. The art director does all the clothing and stuff.

Talk about designs, Sorcs are the worst. Especially the males. Just...why?

Really? Who is that guy? I hope he do the same job for the next FE, just like the music track.

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I think this could be extended to armor designs as well. The knight and general armor still strikes me as unusual, as well as the masks on wyvern knights.

Though some of the designs were cool. The spikes on the assassins and the hats the dark mages wear made up for some of the weird stuff.

I don't like the art style in general, but that's a pretty major problem I have with the game, going far beyond little annoyances.

But yeah, the armor is especially silly since Fire Emblem outfits have previously designed with combat practicality, other than the occasional battle-miniskirt. I hope that if the next FE game takes a more serious tone (which I really hope it will) that the armor designs and character personalities would be changed to be less comical/exaggerated.

Edited by RPG
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FEs characters are dressed in a way that is stylized.

They are not based around what soldiers in our world actually dress or groom like, let alone "practicality". Hence so many women not wearing pants or cutting their hair.

Edited by The Void
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FEs characters are dressed in a way that is stylized.

They are not based around what soldiers in our world actually dress or groom like, let alone "practicality". Hence so many women not wearing pants or cutting their hair.

I'm agree with that. But now at least their armor actually looks like an armor.

Just compared it:



This is what I mean. They should continue with that coloring/style and also applied to the main/named characters. Have their outfit similar to the base/generic unit, then heavily personalized them. At least the little "uniformity" would make them actually look like a soldiers than a RPG party. Only what I hope in the future, the character outfit especially female unit is less fetished that make it look stupid like waering no pants for cavalry unit.

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I'm fine stylized designs, that's where a lot of the charm in Fire Emblem comes from. Awakening just took it way farther than what I would have preferred.

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I'm agree with that. But now at least their armor actually looks like an armor.

Just compared it:



This is what I mean. They should continue with that coloring/style and also applied to the main/named characters. Have their outfit similar to the base/generic unit, then heavily personalized them. At least the little "uniformity" would make them actually look like a soldiers than a RPG party. Only what I hope in the future, the character outfit especially female unit is less fetished that make it look stupid like waering no pants for cavalry unit.

Eh, I guess that could happen if we get a FE where all or at least a large chunk of the playable characters are actual enlisted or drafted members of a military. And I guess it might be easier from a design standpoint.

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I was always a little annoyed that I couldn't choose the gender of my Morgan. I wanted a dad/son mother/daughter team up.

The other thing which annoys me is counter warrior reinforcement. Ugh nearly killed all enemies in fod 1 and just wanted to go to kjelle and then those jerks spawn and have one of my units commit suicide.

Edited by Sasori
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