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Little things about the game that annoy you

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Actually, nope. With his other father's Owain talks about how they died in front of him. With MaMU, he talks about how he never saw him again, but never actually saw him die.. Which makes sense, given that no-one knew that the Avatar had been possessed by Grima.

Still impossible/massive plotholes.

Grima is not nice, would not block arrows.

This is the original timeline, not Future Past, which had everything, except Grima (who's suggested to possibly be weaker), be stronger- even if MaMU was resisting (which isn't likely, as everything points to a swift dive off the slippery slope), a stronger MaMU required massive amounts of help from Naga/Tiki just to merely freeze Grima's body in place for a matter of seconds. No way would original MaMU been able to do that, let alone block arrows.

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Still impossible/massive plotholes.

Grima is not nice, would not block arrows.

This is the original timeline, not Future Past, which had everything, except Grima (who's suggested to possibly be weaker), be stronger- even if MaMU was resisting (which isn't likely, as everything points to a swift dive off the slippery slope), a stronger MaMU required massive amounts of help from Naga/Tiki just to merely freeze Grima's body in place for a matter of seconds. No way would original MaMU been able to do that, let alone block arrows.

i'm not saying he did. First things first, why does the attack have to occur after Grima's resurrection? It was a Risen attack, yes, but the Grimleal have shown themselves capable of summoning and commanding Risen, such as when those Risen archer's popped in to prevent Emmeryn from being rescued. Nor does Owain say how old he was at the time of the attack. And remember, Lucina was old enough to have known her father well enough to remember him telling her stories when she last saw him. That implies that she was at least five or six when he died.

So there's no real reason to believe that it was after the Avatar got possessed.

Chrom and the Avatar team up to kill Validar in the Interlude, we know that for certain. What we don't know is how that situation played out to get them both there. It was obviously different to the 'main' timeline, simply because Validar and them are the only people in the main Table chamber.

My theory is pretty basic: Avatar get's hit and captured by the Grimleal. Everyone thinks he's dead. Then, Chrom charges to the Table. Find the Avatar. Team up to kill Validar. Avatar gets possessed and stabs Chrom. Game Over, Bad Future. Game Over.

Edited by Onestep
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It was a Risen attack, yes, but the Grimleal have shown themselves capable of summoning and commanding Risen, such as when those Risen archer's popped in to prevent Emmeryn from being rescued.

That was -after- Future!Grima had made his appearance. Risen only started appearing once the time-travel shenanigans got underway.

Everything shown, Grima has to be around for there to be risen.

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That was -after- Future!Grima had made his appearance. Risen only started appearing once the time-travel shenanigans got underway.

Everything shown, Grima has to be around for there to be risen.

Risen exist independently of Grima in the DLC. And in Gaiden, undead were pretty common. If you're a believer of the one world theory, then undead also came into being in Magvel.

Grima might be the only one with the power to summon and bind so many, but that doesn't seem to be unique. There's no real reason to think that others can't summon them. I'm pretty sure no-one says that the Risen only appeared after Chrom was killed in the Bad Future.

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Actually she gains pants. She lacks pants in Cav and Paladin which, although a part of her design, really annoys me, but magically gains pants on Great Knight while her daughter who actually has pants both in her art and as a Knight as per model, loses it.

I'm not exactly sure why. I think GK looks ridiculous without pants and Sully's model should be the basis for the generic instead. Although they totally forgot to change the skin colour of the legs to fit Flavia's face so we got this WoC with pale-ass legs and it looks like white tights under a leotard for her despite it being a generic model :B

Yeah, Kjelle is really big let down for me because her purple color as GK is really great. Thing feels so stupid because it GK we talking about, a cavalier ride in whole clad of armour. The thing could said to same to Wyvern Lord too, but I found this pantless rider more disturbing on GK and Paladin.

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It's especially ridiculous on GK since it's all heavy armour and then suddenly a butt. It just doesn't match up well, even when I don't consider practicality reasons and go for pure aesthetics. It creates a kind of dissonance (or someone give me a better word i'm awful at words) and it's not a good one.

Paladin is just like "okay you have pants like things but you cut away the parts where having fabric would matter the most???" type of deal. Like the whole thing about me being bothered about pantsless riders is chafing and Paladin's "pants" is pants with a cutout at the thigh for a panty shot. It's so ridiculous. At least Wyvern branch skirts, while I'm not a fan, isn't anything new, but Cav-branch battle-panties just... I don't even. It really sucks too because I love the cav branch classes in gameplay too. GK is one of my favourite classes and most of my team ends up GK and well, I'm glad I play with animations off all the time.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I kinda tolerate it too on Wyvern Rider lines because I don't really matter it that much since their animation kinda sucks. In other hand, cavalier lines is different. Their animation is cool, and I really love to see it. I know Sully wear pants as GK and I expect Kjelle would be the same too. But when I'm found it out..... Dissonance is actually a fitting word for it.

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I *really* wish there were better animations for when you turn off animation. PoR and RD had some of the best non-cutscene animations (NCA).

While this is the best NCA I've seen in FE besides the last two I listed, I was kinda hoping for something similar prior to the game getting released.

And I'm pretty sure I'm alone on this one, but I kinda wish you couldn't use weapons like bows when paired and other unit is attacking next to enemy. Or a sword when someone is attacking one space away.

Also would be cool if there was one giant - I'm talking huge - map that you could practice/play on. That last one is more of wish =D

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  • Lucina's siblings being unable to use Falchion.
  • Not being able to name Morgan.
  • Being unable to buy Tiki's Tears from normal shops, but being able to buy all of the Tonics from normal shops.
  • LOL-calization stuff like the [Companion] S-Rank tag, and Sumia's pies.
  • Being able to S-Rank Olivia!Lucina!Morgan and Chrom!Inigo.
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I'd like to have a selectable option that skips the level up screen too, though mostly for postgame. I don't need my full-capped units' 0 stat levels showing up when I'm just trying to get some skills.

Then again I kinda just think grinding is really tedious so I want to minimise the effort put in it as much as possible.

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I hate how the story has zero effort put into it yet some potential.

IS,never change.

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The few personalized father-chlid conversation from futur past are not saved in the extra. Why? Just...why?

Coding Nightmare.

You DO realize that it was at least a few months after the final game was released before they were able to make those extra, gorgeous DLCs right?

Their time crunch was one of the reasons for generic parent conversations.

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I guess that one's because it would kinda mess up Laurent's back-story. Although I guess it could be altered.

"I was alone; couldn't find my parents" doesn't work when you're a prince's son. But I guess that "the guards didn't believe me that I came from the future" could.

But that would mean more than one father support. And we can't have that. Way too much effort.

Just kidding on that last part!

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Coding Nightmare.

You DO realize that it was at least a few months after the final game was released before they were able to make those extra, gorgeous DLCs right?

Their time crunch was one of the reasons for generic parent conversations.

Do you know how bad it is? I mean the development time for Awakening, how long it is?

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The fanservice. Oh, the fanservice.

If I want to be a Great Knight I shouldn't have to wear a thong, and of I want to be a Sorcerer half of my chest shouldn't be hanging out. And that's not even the beginning! Seriously, are the Cleric and Troubador lines the only ones that don't play the girls up for sex appeal?!

Along with that, the generic dad convos (at least give Cynthia some unique ones since her choices are so limited!) and the generic mom convos with Licina (like Cynthia they could have made them more unique considering how small Chrom's options are). Along with that, I'd like two children while playing as a girl without having to marry Chrom. At least give us FeMorgan as MaMorgan's twin or something, just with a different name...

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