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What stops you from committing suicide, anyway?


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That motivation is stupid.

Who knows? Maybe after Julius Oppenheimer remarked, "Now I am become Death, Destroyer of Worlds," following the Trinity experiment, he realized that all he ever really wanted to become was Destroyer of Pussy.

Because I'd rather he'd have been the biggest bachelor to ever exist than to be the father of the most destructive device we know as of yet.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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I think "suicide out of disgust" is more or less justified when nausea overflows and lingers on. The reason why I never killed myself in spite of that is because doing so would mean I somehow find myself above the world, and who wants to die in a delusion? Not a good way to travel away. Life comes and goes; we're staying for good.

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I've always thought about committing suicide, but I keep going by thinking, "maybe life will get better soon" because it almost always does for me, although I usually sink back to depression soon afterwards. Life is full of new things to discover and I know that if I die now, I won't be able to see the positive side to it. Plus, my uncle has helped me through a lot of things that I wouldn't trust my dad to do, and it would be a waste to throw that and everything else away.

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What? Suicide? There's too much money to be made and sex to be had to think about it.

How dare you adopt a manly attitude? Sex is like super evil dude didn't you get the memo !11!11

Here's mine :

Too much fast food, porn, games and mangas to have the time to think about suicide.

No seriously thinking about it we are amongst the luckiest people that ever lived on Earth. You can live a perfectly awesome life in the confort of your home/appartment. Sure society hates us and we are treated even worse than slaves at the workplace but life is still pretty damn good as long as you live for yourself and don't kill yourself trying to please your family or something. Also there aren't any dead people in the street just like in third world countries.

All ya gotta do is not be too ambitious and not work too much. Being ambitious is the best to have your dreams and your life destroyed and working is simply making someone else richer while killing your soul.

Oh and don't marry you'll end up working like a slave for your whole life.

Keep it simple. Every single second you spend doing whatever you love is a second you lived. Studying and working is time wasted. You got to waste some time in order to live but try to not waste too much.

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Who knows? Maybe after Julius Oppenheimer remarked, "Now I am become Death, Destroyer of Worlds," following the Trinity experiment, he realized that all he ever really wanted to become was Destroyer of Pussy.

Because I'd rather he'd have been the biggest bachelor to ever exist than to be the father of the most destructive device we know as of yet.


I like that quote. THere's also the part "You people laughed, you people cried- Most people were silent".

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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't check out early so i can see what the world has in store for me during the time that i have left being alive. There's also some decent things in my life too...

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How dare you adopt a manly attitude? Sex is like super evil dude didn't you get the memo !11!11

Here's mine :

Too much fast food, porn, games and mangas to have the time to think about suicide.

No seriously thinking about it we are amongst the luckiest people that ever lived on Earth. You can live a perfectly awesome life in the confort of your home/appartment. Sure society hates us and we are treated even worse than slaves at the workplace but life is still pretty damn good as long as you live for yourself and don't kill yourself trying to please your family or something. Also there aren't any dead people in the street just like in third world countries.

All ya gotta do is not be too ambitious and not work too much. Being ambitious is the best to have your dreams and your life destroyed and working is simply making someone else richer while killing your soul.

Oh and don't marry you'll end up working like a slave for your whole life.

Keep it simple. Every single second you spend doing whatever you love is a second you lived. Studying and working is time wasted. You got to waste some time in order to live but try to not waste too much.

Stop speaking for others, because clearly you have no idea what you're saying.

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Several reasons:

I still have a life ahead of me.

There are goals and stuff that I feel I need to accomplish

My life isn't that depressing. It's actually good.

And I can say more, but that's all I got. :P

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I came close to killing myself a few years ago, but not for your usual reasons. I thought it would be interesting. I've been depressed, but nothing negative got me as close as the positive prospect of an experiment. I would have done it on a whim. I don't know what happened, but I got to thinking about probability. I still hadn't read all of those books I wanted to read. I still hadn't finished all of those games I started. I still hadn't felt the elation of having a nice play to live in. I still hadn't saved someone's life. What was the probability that I would have access to those joys in death like I had in life?

I concluded that the probability that I would be able to do all of those things was much lower with me dead. Even if there is an afterlife, there is no guarantee that I can access the joys of the living world as well as the joys of that one. I figured that if I was going to die anyway, I might as well let it happen or wait until I have nothing more to enjoy. The experiment can happen at any time. There are things in this world you have to be there for. Why would I gamble those things when I don't have to?

When I get depressed, I think a little differently. It starts with realizing that I don't care about anything that otherwise bothered me. If you are willing to kill yourself for any reason, that means that nothing can hold you back from doing what you want. You have stopped caring about those around you and lost your sense of self preservation. You could become a serial killer with the same conviction that you would kill yourself because you do not fear the consequences. You could become a vigilante. You could find a person you like and chase them until you have them, you could start a business, you could go gambling. You can do anything, because risk doesn't matter to you. Worst case scenario, you die, which you were okay with anyway. If you reach a point where you will risk everything, you have inadvertently freed yourself from all external restrictions. Why would you waste a chance to live in world without fear?

Edited by Makaze
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Why does everyone here speak for other people

If you meant me: Ironically, I cannot speak as to why others do so, but I tend to speak as if what applies to me applies to everyone. If I am capable of something, everyone else is as well. 'You' means 'a person'. Goes along with my solipsist history.

I don't think I stated anything questionable in that particular post.

Edited by Makaze
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I can think of various quotes that my best friend had said to me that make me happy:

"It gets better", at this time, I was an overweight homosexual fourteen year old boy without a job, without a licence to get out of my house, stuck in a small town, and had no foreseeable future. It is because this thing called "hope" that I stopped myself from ending my life. Somehow, although it was intangible at the time, I knew that I would someday have a job, live elsewhere, look better and meet someone I care for. I also now take the bus everywhere, but hey, at least it's better than being stuck at home!

"Someone else has it worse" sort of speaks for itself, but whenever I feel down these days, I just am thankful for all the wonderful things I have in my life, and how things will only continue to get better. I am also thankful that I have the privilege to travel, as there are people out there who will live in die in the same place all their lives, which having lived through my bleak childhood, I never want to stay stationary ever again.

"I'm happy being around you in general" I am a very tough person to get along with, and as a result, I always feel self-conscious and scared of interaction out of fear that I may come on too harsh. This lack of human interaction sometimes depresses me, especially when my friend is elsewhere for a long time. But I always remember the time I was a total asshole to him, but the next day he came to visit me as though nothing ever happened, and I asked him why he wanted to hang around with such a crude, aggressive person, and this is what he said. It made me feel that despite my flaws, my beauty also comes through, and even if I am a jerk a lot of the times, I have people who will care for me no matter, just as I feel the same about others.

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holy crap shmo agreed with maybe in the same exact minute she posted the frickin post

what exactly do you mean by "respect for my life"?

he stalks me ;p haha

and well you only are given the precious gift of life once so you better not waste it on suicide.

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What keeps me from commiting suicide is a very simple math problem. Suicide = Bad, don't do it.

he stalks me ;p haha

and well you only are given the precious gift of life once so you better not waste it on suicide.

THIS, you win the topic.

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You live once, even then your unconsciousness for 8hr a day. Death means you are unconsciousness for the rest of eternity. I like consciousness and since I am apathetic toward religion, I do not know what is after death. So I have to make sure I am conscious for as long as possible and fill that time with happy memories.

It is like that character in Catch-22 says:

"I shall live forever or die in the attempt" and suicide seems to go against the whole staying conscious as long as possible bit.

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The title of this topic is dumb. It makes it sound like people, everyone on earth, are fighting to not kill themselves all the time. Actually, people fight to live, which is the complete opposite. So the title should be "What stops you from living, anyway?"

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The title of this topic is dumb. It makes it sound like people, everyone on earth, are fighting to not kill themselves all the time. Actually, people fight to live, which is the complete opposite. So the title should be "What stops you from living, anyway?"

I actually liked this topic for this reason.

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