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An Anacybelish Quiz!

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Randoman's SF member quiz idea looked fun, so I decided why not join in with my own quiz? :D

A lot of people here know me too, so at least some of these questions should be easy to answer. :) I'll start with ten questions like Rando did and add another ten once the first ten are all correctly answered.

So time to get started! :D

1. Which of these mental disabilities do I have?
A. ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
B. Asperger's Syndrome/Autism
C. Schizophrenia
D. Bipolar Disorder

2. I have all of these characteristics according to other people, but which am I most known for?
A. Dedication/Devotion/Loyalty
B. Patience
C. Honesty/Trustworthiness
D. Kindness

3. I'm quite an artistic person, but which of these forms of art do I do the most?
A. Drawing/Spriting
B. Music
C. Writing
D. Singing

4. Which of these genres of stories do I not like?
A. Romance
B. Mystery
C. Sci-Fi
D. Comedy

5. Which genre of video games is my favorite?
A. Adventure
B. Platforming
D. I've enjoyed games of all genres and don't have a preference

6. Which type of pairing in Fire Emblem do I tend to like the most?
A. HeroxPrincess
B. Cavalier KnightxPegasus Knight
C. Childhood Friends
D. KnightxPrincess

7. What kind of appearance do I prefer for a man?
A. Tall and skinny with light short hair
B. Short, a little chubby, and dark haired
C. Tall, muscular, with short dark hair
D. Average height, glasses, curly reddish hair

8. Which of these fandoms have I not done fanart and/or fanfiction for?
A. Mario
B. The Legend of Zelda
C. Pokemon
D. Smash Bros.

9. Which of these is my favorite food of all time?
A. Pancakes
B. Shrimp
C. Chocolate
D. Any berries

10. Which of these did not define my childhood as quite as much as the others?
A. Barbie
B. Nintendo
C. Disney
D. Scooby Doo

Edited by Anacybele
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1. Frederick

2. Frederick

3. Frederick

4. Frederick

5. Frederick

6. Frederick

7. Ike, (Frederick possibly, it's 60:40)

8. Frederick

9. Frederick

10. Frederick

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Emerald: You have a few incorrect ones as well...lol. But you guys are getting most of them!

Zeem: Sure, why not? :)

Elieson: Funny. :P

Hero of the Golden Land: Sorry, but...you don't know me too well. lol

Edited by Anacybele
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Okay, after going through all the answers so far, one question still has yet to be answered correctly! You guys know me well! ^^

EDIT: You got some right, Silver Pegasus! And Cerebral Palsy isn't mental? Doesn't it have to do with brain function though?

And that one question still hasn't been correctly answered...lol

Edited by Anacybele
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1. Frederick

2. Frederick

3. Frederick

4. Frederick

5. Frederick

6. Frederick

7. Ike, (Frederick possibly, it's 60:40)

8. Frederick

9. Frederick

10. Frederick


I'm gonna just go say C for question 3 and D for question 6!

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I'm gonna do process of elimination before my guesses. No offense intended.

1. Which of these mental disabilities do I have?

A. ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
B. Asperger's Syndrome/Autism There's just no way(no offense)
C. Cerebral Palsy
D. Bipolar Disorder

2. I have all of these characteristics according to other people, but which am I most known for?
A. Dedication/Devotion/Loyalty
B. Patience
C. Honesty/Trustworthiness
D. Kindness

Judging by your gallery topic(no offense)

3. I'm quite an artistic person, but which of these forms of art do I do the most?
A. Drawing/Spriting
B. Music
C. Writing
D. Singing

Did you just make "fish" and "clownfish" separate categories? ಠ_ಠ

4. Which of these genres of stories do I not like?
A. Romance
B. Mystery
C. Sci-Fi
D. Comedy

It has to be.

5. Which genre of video games is my favorite?
A. Adventure
B. Platforming
D. I've enjoyed games of all genres and don't have a preference

No comment

6. Which type of pairing in Fire Emblem do I tend to like the most?
A. HeroxPrincess
B. Cavalier KnightxPegasus Knight
C. Childhood Friends
D. KnightxPrincess

Taking a shot in the dark

7. What kind of appearance do I prefer for a man?
A. Tall and skinny with light short hair: There's no way.
B. Short, a little chubby, and dark haired
C. Tall, muscular, with short dark hair
D. Average height, glasses, curly reddish hair

8. Which of these fandoms have I not done fanart and/or fanfiction for?
A. Mario
B. The Legend of Zelda
C. Pokemon
D. Smash Bros.

9. Which of these is my favorite food of all time?
A. Pancakes Waffles are better
B. Shrimp Not the best fish
C. Chocolate Too stale too fast
D. Any berries Never gets old

...what? Yes, I did pick my own answer. Nyeh

10. Which of these did not define my childhood as quite as much as the others?
A. Barbie
B. Nintendo
C. Disney
D. Scooby Doo

There's just no way.

Edited by Boney
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...You seriously put A for number 4? I thought that one would be the most obvious incorrect answer ever. o_O

Anyway, you actually got only one right. But you get an A for effort! ^^

And that one incorrectly answered question still has not been correct yet! To help you guys out, if you want, I'll reveal which question you all haven't figured out yet, but in spoiler tags.

Number 8. Funny, it's my lucky number too!

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...You seriously put A for number 4? I thought that one would be the most obvious incorrect answer ever. o_O

I missed the "not", so I picked the one that I thought HAD to be your favorite instead. Derp

And I refuse to believe I got any of those questions wrong lol

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Okay, after going through all the answers so far, one question still has yet to be answered correctly! You guys know me well! ^^

EDIT: You got some right, Silver Pegasus! And Cerebral Palsy isn't mental? Doesn't it have to do with brain function though?

And that one question still hasn't been correctly answered...lol

While cerebral palsy is damage to the brain ( the cerebrum), it is classified as a physical disability. Cerebral palsy affects a person's motor skills, but not his reasoning or thinking abilities ( although some people with cerebral palsy can have some mental problems due to other brain damage). Sorry didn't mean to post something off topic.

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1: B

2: C
3: A.
4. B
5. C
6. D
7. C
8. C
9. D
10. A

Mostly these are just hunches. Lemme know the correct answers, okay?

Edited by Kay
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1. C. Schizophrenia. The rest don't seem all that likely.
2. A. Dedication/Devotion/Loyalty, especially based on your strong devotion to characters you like (especially Ike)
3. C. Writing, since you mention you writing fanfics a lot.
4. B. Mystery, since it'd likely seem too dull for your tastes.
5. D. All of them, since you tend to talk about games of different genres a lot and how you like them like Zelda, FE, Mario, and Smash Bros.
6. A. HeroxPrincess, based on you liking Ike x Elincia a lot
7. C. Tall, muscular, with short dark hair, since that fits Ike to a t.
8. A. Smash Bros., since any characters you would draw from those games are already in the other three game series.

9. D. Berries. I have no idea why I think this. You probably like sweet foods (I don't know why I think this, but your upbeat personality kind of implies it), so I definitely don't think it's shrimp.
10. A. Barbie, since you always struck me as a tomboyish person.

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Stahlypin: ...No, one of those answers is correct, I assure you.

Rando: DING DING DING! You got number 8 right! We finally have correct answers to all the questions! I'll reveal the other answers in a bit.

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