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New guy, New sprites


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I think the capeless unmounted great knight looking guy looks better, although I feel animated the caped version would probably be cooler. (idk if you have those planned yet)

I also dig the Reaver looking kind of guy (it's based off the sketch obvi, but it could def be used as a reaver.)

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I havn't started on any actual sheets for a bit. I've been doing one shot sprites trying out what seems to work and what doesn't. Right now I might not do a sheet unless someone asks me to do one but I find that highly unlikly. All in good fun though. It's nice to have a creative medium again.

Anyways, another small update. Found another random pic looking up sprites to see others work that might not be on this site exactly but other places.


Spear guy. I took the base of the sprite from another sorce. Bad thing is, I only have the sprites. Got the base on Spritedatabase fire emblem section. Somewhere there... If I wasnt so lazy I'd look it up. I dont like how the legs turned out but hey, good enough for now.

And look! It's you? Commander guy who is suppose to be on the feild giving commands. I just mashed alot of sprites together and got this guy.

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The shield needs some perspective and the lance seems to be fused with the leg.

Other than that, it's a nice sprite of the soldiers from FE13.

I don't have anything to say in particular about the Tactician, it seems like a Summoner for various reason, but other than that it's quite cool too.

Keep it up, you're doing well!

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I agree with the spear and leg situation. Might go back one day and redo the legs from scratch. As for the tactician, I litterally stole the neck thing from the summoner sprite. It is also the shamans body and someones head. Again I kinda... mushed sprites together on that one.

As for the not knowing what game it is from, I knew they were FE units of somesort but I didn't know which game since I've only played one FE game so far... sad face on that fact.

Still, I thank you for your comments and hopfully I can get some more inspiration and decent work pumped out atlest once or twice a week. Maybe even everyday. Now that be something.

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And thus I have the ability to make another post!


I got those boots fixed up on the soldier guy and got him a new shield... and his old shield kinda got betterish...

We have the dismounted Cavalier holding a sword and even Merlinus gets off his damn cart for once.

The Valkyrie and the Pegasus Knight loses their mounts and one of my old character Bobsong gets chainmail and his fattyness. Normal merc sword and zweihander difference.

Lastly, just as a little nod to this person who happened to check my profile and have gold armor.... Zephias, here is you as a dismounted Cavalier just for the quick look at my page.

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  • 9 months later...


It's been some time but I had a rather large time where I couldn't post at all and then I just needed some more time away. I'll try getting back in a small groove but I can't make promises. Gonna practice some small sprite updates and customize alittle bit more than pure slices.

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Since I'm an absolute clown when I have to do battle animations (only animations è_é) I won't say anything technical.

Beside, I see a super big potential in you! I love what you're doing so keep it up!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I thank anyone still fallowing this once dead thread. Makes me happy just to see one responce still. ^ ^

I would always love comments saying that I need to do something different or point out things needing to be changed. I know for a fact that some of the old sprites were over the color limit for the actual game and Im trying to make sure that isnt the case with my sprites.

These next ones are 90% custom. The heads were pulled off of other characters. I cant seem to make them without making it look to out of place for my oppinion. Though I did try to make the guy with the hair slightly different on the hair style. Then we have Mini Zerker again. All I did was give him a possible portrait which is a splice... Idk if I'll really do a custom of those... they seem a bit to advance for my work on ms paint. Still, I really like Mini Z so I may make a full sheet one day.


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Way too much outline.

I found this little picture online ages ago, no idea where from but just wanted to say that it's not mine, but it's a great example of not using too much of your outline in your graphic when unnecessary.


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I'm not claiming NICKT's wrong, but a lot of the fe battle sprites I've perused have a surrounding black outline on top of darker shades as you go outwards.

A lot of interesting, original stuff here. Keep it up.

Edited by deranger
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I'm not claiming NICKT's wrong, but a lot of the fe battle sprites I've perused have a surrounding black outline on top of darker shades as you go outwards.

A lot of interesting, original stuff here. Keep it up.

I suppose I shouldn't have used the term outline, as I was more just referring to the use of the outline colour overall in the sprite, rather than exclusively on the outline. Things like where all the armour plates meet and the like I find should probably use the darkest blue shade instead of the outline, et cetera.

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  • 3 weeks later...



I was making a few clasical Castlevania sprites in 8 bit to pass some time. Then, BOOM. Simon belmont. In FE. Idea. Done. I have the animation in mind for the attack but I havn't worked on anything else because I wanted to try that... not so bold outine thing. So I tried it. Well?

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Never fear, Simon Belmont is here! To destroy evil monsters and all you hold dear!

Welp. I gave it an animation. Gotta say I couldn't think of a good crit thing to do so for now I just made it the flame whip. It's a weapon there's not really a FE animation for so I just made it look similar to how he whips in the castlevania games. Feet perfectly still and all. Also, future sorry's for any pixels that are off by a color or that puts it over the 16 bit thing. I was splicing some parts to a custom but I did my best to TRY and make it all good in da hood.

Oh, and there's a sprite I'm working on for someone there too. Just kinda... put it there.... just cuz... Ok, I love you, bye bye.

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