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New guy, New sprites


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The avi is a knight I made some time ago. I guess the ear does look a bit small but most of it is behind the armor stuff. As for the portrait in the post... I didn't make it. I used it as a refrence to the sprite and just kinda left it there...

Also. Um.... Idk how to make a gif to be honest. I can make it move in moviemaker and stuff but... Idk how to put it on the forum.

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Here's a gif.

If you can make a movie you should be able to find a website to convert it to a gif with a quick google search. You could also save individual frames and find a site to compile them into a gif. Some drawing programs allow you to save things as gifs so check if you can do that.

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I can hear it.

Whip cracking.

Even though I can't hear anything.

What is happening to my mind.

Oh btw, his legs looks weird when he whips out.

Edited by Fateborn
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I noticed a few things while trying to edit in a smoother looking whip so I attempted to fix most of the things I found. So, his whip animation has gotten a better? I think it looks better.

So there's the Normal attack. And then the empty hand whip for editing stuff. The (not) epic dodge. And.... Hydro Storm animation in the works?

Lastly, the overworld map original and slight edit version to make him Simon strut just a bit more.


Also, Animation!!!


Messed up by using an improperly placed arm in the second to last frame before it starts up again but all in all you see the whip crack.

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Yay, update. Used the warrior animation and not just the normal sniper animation.... I'll have to animate it later since I need to update it. Um, this was done in 2 days. Yay!

Again,for someone elses use in their thing but I figure I should update here still.

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Klock: Those frames are made to look exactly like the warrior's bow use animation. It will probably look better moving since its the same kind of animations. Hopefully.


So... Small update to both sheets. Done today. Also. Manly man and Goblin for no reason.

Maybe the item crash animation will be his new crit animation? Dont know. Really just testing things out.

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Well... Um, I see no one has responded yet. Alright. Well, a few little things I did. Figure since I'm using this mug I'd make a battle sprite for it. I know I had the unmounted paladin but I want to try and remake it so... yeah.

Also make a mini knight. So tiny.


Oh, and I'd like to know what weapon type should I do for the remake sprite or IF I should have the shield. Two handed sword? One handed? AXE? Suggestions?

Edited by MrStarster
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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey everyone. Sorry I keep taking long breaks from updating. I recently feel no urge to sprite because of the recent events that has happend these last few months. The most recent thing being the breach of my bank account. I wont update for a bit simply because I'm feeling down and just feel no creativity at the moment.

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Yeah I know. Though its going to take some time. about a week with no easy access to the account... it sucks. also i had alot more than just 50 bucks in the account. been saving up for a new computer so it was a good sum of money. I just dont feel to secure throwing numbers around anymore since ive been... ya know... robbed.

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