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Some Days I Just Shouldn't Be Near The Internet


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[/sigh] Some days I just really shouldn't be near a computer...

Because trying to explain to my friends why I haven't seen or talked to them in, like, a month turned into this giant apologetic, self-pitying rambling nonsense that I'm actually disgusted that came out of my head and onto paper. Screen. Whatever.

Ugh. I shouldn't have been on yesterday either, got all pissy because I got a couple quiz questions wrong. The fuck is my problem? If I were a different person watching myself, I would have smacked the hell out of me. No, not really. But point gotten.

And I'm not even typing this with my eyes open, they're, like, perma-closed. They won't consistently stay open. How am I even typing this, I don't even know, I'm surprised I'm even thinking. Or breathing for that matter. I'm worried that I'm so tired anf forgetful I might forget how to breathe. Can you actually do that?

And I'm going to formally "wake up" i.e. get another hour of sleep or so, come back, read this, and once again wonder what the fuck is wrong with me, because I'd rather post it here where I don't have 100+ family members, friends and other people read it... and I don't remember my Facebook password ATM. Good thing I'm perma-logged in here, huh?


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Vashiane, don't be too hard on yourself. I have days like that too, where I just shouldn't say anything because I'm already stressed enough, days when I should just stay away and wait until I'm more calm until I'm ready to say something. Unfortunately, I have like no self control. It happens. You're only human.

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Hey, I find that a good night's rest helps in coping with such meltdowns.

Unfortunately it doesn't seem like you're gonna get one seeing as how you were up until 4am this morning, but sometimes you've just gotta deal.

Have you been getting enough sleep recently? Sleep deprivation can contribute to irritability and emotional abnormalities in general.

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....You should have just marched yourself to bed.

You're definitely being too hard on yourself. Shouldn't have to explain yourself to such extents... and then no need to beat yourself up over that new FftF fad thing. Hope you've gotten some more sleep and hopefully it'll help.

Edited by Shirley
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