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Several Fire Emblem Characters featured in Gamefaqs' Chracter Battle IX


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The next update's gonna be fun.

Or not.

static post-freeze updates, the best kind

but damn it Dragonborn, now you decide to show some strength?

god damn 4chan and their crusades.

more like god damn reddit and their crusades

Edited by shadykid
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static post-freeze updates, the next kind

but damn it Dragonborn, now you decide to show some strength?

Exactly what I'm thinking - even if Tom Nook's at his strongest, he was dangerously close to Pyramid Head, to say nothing of Tom Nook having his ass handed to him every single time he showed his face in one of these.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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Does 4chan have a Vivi allegiance? Because I don't see why people on the image boards wouldn't respond to pleas to help Viva by voting for Mario instead.

welcome to rallyFAQs, where nothing makes sense, up is down, and Vivi is beating Mario

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Vivi's beating Mario right now. This is pretty surprising, isn't it?

I'd say yes and no. No because Mario is being SFFed, and yes because I'd expect even an SFFed Mario to be more than enough for Vivi.

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Personally, I like Vivi, but I don't like this result. Honestly, I'd rather have Vivi barely lose to Mario 1v1 than barely win only because Mario had an anchor dragging him down.

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Wow it's close. I love a good underdog story, regardless of any rallying going on. I think rallying is fair game. Presumable Ganondorf is also taking a little bit of the Nintendo vote from Mario, so it's not surprising. My bracket is doing terrible anyway, so I don't mind.

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Wow it's close. I love a good underdog story, regardless of any rallying going on. I think rallying is fair game. Presumable Ganondorf is also taking a little bit of the Nintendo vote from Mario, so it's not surprising. My bracket is doing terrible anyway, so I don't mind.

lol brackets, I don't have one

anyone here doing the expert challenge?

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Crono goes down to Pikachu

Mario goes down to Vivi (lolwut)

which Noble Nine member shall fall next

Mega Man's still there in round 2....!

Mega Man's probably safe.

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yeah, well we all thought Mario was safe too

Maybe because people had inflated expectations of him. As for Mega Man... you can't possibly mean to imply that "I underperformed by like 10% and failed to double Recette Lemongrass, of all people" Kratos can threaten him, can you? Unless you were referring to Zero...

As an aside, I have difficulty giving most of the Pokémon entrants bar Squirtle respect.

So much for Missingno.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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yeah, well we all thought Mario was safe too

Crono and Mario were ranked high because they both appeared in the finals awhile back. But, the gaming community has changed since 2005, and neither has been in the finals since.

Why not use the Red from GSC? That's the coolest Red.

it's still pretty much the same Red:



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Crono and Mario were ranked high because they both appeared in the finals awhile back. But, the gaming community has changed since 2005, and neither has been in the finals since.

it's still pretty much the same Red:

whoa there

Crono has already fallen off, while Mario didn't show any indication of doing so

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