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Several Fire Emblem Characters featured in Gamefaqs' Chracter Battle IX


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Crono and Mario were ranked high because they both appeared in the finals awhile back. But, the gaming community has changed since 2005, and neither has been in the finals since.

First off, Chrono Trigger in general has fallen off a cliff. Second, Mario making the finals was in a contest where Cloud, Link, and Sephiroth (who won the Villains Contest) were all removed from the bracket.

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whoa there

Crono has already fallen off, while Mario didn't show any indication of doing so

I know that. I was just saying that's why expectations were high for those characters. They unfortunately fell way short. I think Chrono Trigger has become a game played mostly by retro gamers, while Mario's popularity has been hurt by his multiple releases every year, over-saturating the market.

First off, Chrono Trigger in general has fallen off a cliff. Second, Mario making the finals was in a contest where Cloud, Link, and Sephiroth (who won the Villains Contest) were all removed from the bracket.

I forgot that was the case. It's been about 8 years after all.

Edited by Viewtiful_J
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I know that. I was just saying that's why expectations were high for those characters. They unfortunately fell way short. I think Chrono Trigger has become a game played mostly by retro gamers, while Mario's popularity has been hurt by his multiple releases every year, over-saturating the market.

I forgot that was the case. It's been about 8 years after all.

I kinda agree on the point about CT, but to be fair, most people expected Crono to lose that match after Magus advanced (yours truly included), whereas Mario's was more out of left field. Still, I can't really hold it against him when he was dealing with rallies and SFF from Ganondorf, as well as Vivi possibly being stronger than normal.

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I kinda agree on the point about CT, but to be fair, most people expected Crono to lose that match after Magus advanced (yours truly included), whereas Mario's was more out of left field. Still, I can't really hold it against him when he was dealing with rallies and SFF from Ganondorf, as well as Vivi possibly being stronger than normal.

It's been awhile since I did one of these contests, so maybe I'm a bit out of the loop. I'm really terrible at gauging the popularity of the characters from the last two years. Mario's definitely was outfield. I think if Mario had more consistent releases like Galaxy he would not be in this position. Unfortunately, the double edge side of the revival of separate Mario series is that we get a Mario every year of varying quality. We now have three separate Mario main series: Mario 3D (64 being the first), New Mario (2D Mario), and now the Mario Land (3D Land model). Each offers varying style of gameplay, but it just really hurt Mario's perception to non-Mario fans.

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clearly this contest must feature Red vs Blue in the final

come on.....!

Too bad Blue ain't getting there in all likelihood after the turd he laid against Nathan Drake...

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Considering the name of this thread, I just want to point out that out of all the FE characters in this character battle, Tharja made it the farthest. To round 2.

And also, it's Link vs Draven vs Shepherd at the start of next round. So let's see the power of rallying. There is no second Nintendo character to getvotes, so I hope the Nintendo fans unite (unless they like either of the other two better legitimately).

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Considering the name of this thread, I just want to point out that out of all the FE characters in this character battle, Tharja made it the farthest. To round 2.

And also, it's Link vs Draven vs Shepherd at the start of next round. So let's see the power of rallying. There is no second Nintendo character to getvotes, so I hope the Nintendo fans unite (unless they like either of the other two better legitimately).

You forgot about Ike.

Also, I'm expecting Shepard to get fodderized as Link vs. Draven is the main event.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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whoa there Mega Man

He was on fire right out of the gate

And he's still gaining!

Hot damn, Kratos sucks...

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It's been awhile since I did one of these contests, so maybe I'm a bit out of the loop. I'm really terrible at gauging the popularity of the characters from the last two years. Mario's definitely was outfield. I think if Mario had more consistent releases like Galaxy he would not be in this position. Unfortunately, the double edge side of the revival of separate Mario series is that we get a Mario every year of varying quality. We now have three separate Mario main series: Mario 3D (64 being the first), New Mario (2D Mario), and now the Mario Land (3D Land model). Each offers varying style of gameplay, but it just really hurt Mario's perception to non-Mario fans.

I don't know about that... I'd say what really happened for Mario to lose was ultimately the lower votals, as well as SFF from Ganondorf.

This also makes me think back to Sonic's loss to Kirby back in 2008 - it was a reason why people were hyping Kirby, as well as Ganondorf, to upset Sonic in 2010. No prizes for guessing how those turned out.

Kratos's design hasn't aged well. He looks like a design that was made to be popular. While Mega Man has stayed the same relatively in the classic series for many years.

The thing is, I really have to wonder how he couldn't even double Recette Lemongrass, who probably isn't THAT well-known...

Also, Cloud and Sephiroth's performances are looking really bad now...

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You know, Allen should've seeded more properly (being an 18 was worse than being a lower seed), and he REALLY should avoid SFF situations like the plague. It especially stands out since while we got crap like Fox/Wolf, Crono/Magus, Zelda/DK, Mega Man/Zero, Link/Yoshi, Luigi/Ness, and Mario/Ganondorf whereas a lot of Pokémon related entrants wouldn't run into each other until late into the contest, if at all. If that isn't evidence that the bracket was poorly constructed, I don't know what is!

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You know, Allen should've seeded more properly (being an 18 was worse than being a lower seed), and he REALLY should avoid SFF situations like the plague. It especially stands out since while we got crap like Fox/Wolf, Crono/Magus, Zelda/DK, Mega Man/Zero, Link/Yoshi, Luigi/Ness, and Mario/Ganondorf whereas a lot of Pokémon related entrants wouldn't run into each other until late into the contest, if at all. If that isn't evidence that the bracket was poorly constructed, I don't know what is!

Aren't those mishaps part of the reason the whole thing is fun to follow?

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I think if you can't overcome SFF, then you don't deserve to be champion.

That's a very poor justification, since SFF matches are VERY seldom interesting.

I'm just mad that Ness cost Luigi a shot at making it further than Mario

it's like 2007 all over again....!

And now you know what Tifa had to go through in 2008.

Aren't those mishaps part of the reason the whole thing is fun to follow?

The 2004 contest disagrees with you (it's considered one of the worst contests ever precisely because there was so much SFF).

Edited by Levant Fortner
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SFF in 1v1 is boring, but:

The 2004 contest disagrees with you (it's considered one of the worst contests ever precisely because there was so much SFF).

on the other hand, 2007 was great overall (even without the L-Block run)

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That's a very poor justification, since SFF matches are VERY seldom interesting.

And now you know what Tifa had to go through in 2008.

The 2004 contest disagrees with you (it's considered one of the worst contests ever precisely because there was so much SFF).

I think SFF in 1 on 1 can be boring. But SFF in triple threat matches is fun. It shows how match appeal a character has outside of their normal considered base.

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I think SFF in 1 on 1 can be boring. But SFF in triple threat matches is fun. It shows how match appeal a character has outside of their normal considered base.

Even in multi-ways, SFF generally makes matches uninteresting (see: Sephiroth/Fox/Meta Knight/Wario). It's more likely to turn a debated match into a foregone conclusion.

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Even in multi-ways, SFF generally makes matches uninteresting (see: Sephiroth/Fox/Meta Knight/Wario). It's more likely to turn a debated match into a foregone conclusion.

what, it was funny to see Sephiroth randomly nab 55+%

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Are any of those characters ever going to beat Sephiroth? It makes things unpredictable, and that's exciting. Mario just lost to a decade old character. Vivi upsetting Mario makes SFF worth it. The characters that are going to win it the end shouldn't be affected by SFF. And it appears to mainly affect Nintendo. It's nintendo's fault for having so many popular characters.

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Are any of those characters ever going to beat Sephiroth? It makes things unpredictable, and that's exciting. Mario just lost to a decade old character. Vivi upsetting Mario makes SFF worth it. The characters that are going to win it the end shouldn't be affected by SFF. And it appears to mainly affect Nintendo. It's nintendo's fault for having so many popular characters.

Correction: Once in a blue moon, SFF makes matches interesting. Much more often than not, it either has the exact opposite effect (making an otherwise interesting match a borefest) or doesn't matter at all. Which brings me back to the aforementioned Sephy/Fox/MK/Wario match. You could easily discern who out of the latter three would win based on their first round performances.

Edit: whoa there Zelda.

Edit 2: I thought this was possible after seeing Kratos drop a massive bomb against Mega Man and Jill Valentine (in addition to the bomb he dropped when he failed to double Recette Lemongrass), but... After seeing this debacle, I have absolutely zero doubt in my mind that Charizard is a complete and utter fraud.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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