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Several Fire Emblem Characters featured in Gamefaqs' Chracter Battle IX


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There's a bonus battle up right now, the three fallen character battle veterans who unexpectedly came up short:
Mario vs Crono vs Mega Man X

I'm voting for Crono because it seems like his time as a popular video game character might be coming to an end.

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it seems like his time as a popular video game character might be coming to an end.

Or Crono's time as a popular video game character IS already nearing its end, if not outright over (case in point: Chrono Trigger characters generally haven't been looking good since 2005).

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Or Crono's time as a popular video game character IS already nearing its end, if not outright over (case in point: Chrono Trigger characters generally haven't been looking good since 2005).

yeah i meant essentially the same thing. They got a boost when Chrono Trigger DS was released in 2008, but Square stopped actually trying to continue series quite a while back.

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yeah i meant essentially the same thing. They got a boost when Chrono Trigger DS was released in 2008, but Square stopped actually trying to continue series quite a while back.

Which probably didn't do much to stem the bleeding, since the 2010 character battle saw the Chrono Trigger crew all felled in round 1.

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several years ago, GameFAQs laughed at Gamespot for their contests getting messed up

now in 2013, Gamespot is returning the favor and laughing at this upcoming match

how things change over time.....

edit: troll invasion in 7 minutes

Edited by shadykid
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how the fucking hell has Link gone up in % twice, even if he's losing updates by what would normally be considered ridiculous margins

even in (probable) defeat, Link manages to be the best at everything

edit: 3 times in a row!?!?!?!

edit2: FOUR!?!?

edit3: 5......

Edited by shadykid
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Earlier in the contest, there was talk about Old Square characters boosting, which I didn't really buy (because most of the Old Square characters didn't look so good as to suggest that they indeed boosted; take Locke getting blown out by Ness. Someone actually tried to play the SFF card to justify Locke's awful performance, but my take on it was that Locke was just that weak). Then round 2 came along, and pretty much left that argument in tatters. (The only real justification there was remaining afterwards was Frog, but that might've had more to do with Cloud, Kefka, whose matches make no goddamn sense, and Gilgamesh; also, Terra didn't look too bad, but considering she was in an SFF situation, who knows)

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People overstimate how much FF6 is valued nowadays. Locke wasn't in Dissidia unlike Kefka or Terra, so it shows. I forgot how well Celes performed though, but she's more memorable as a character and a lady at that.

Celes got something in the vein of 40% on Knucles in round 1. The problem is, this might've been more to do with Knuckles' weakness, and Knuckles' round 2 performance didn't help because he wound up close to Catherine, who needed a rally just to beat Neku Sakuraba (though to be fair, that might've been SFF from Samus). And Kefka also has a history of being a chokemeister, and bad performances in general, like this debacle (but to be fair, that was because of the lettuce picture).

Edited by Levant Fortner
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Now... who's likely to move on, Sonic or Mewtwo? I'm personally thinking Sonic since I still can't trust Mewtwo (considering Vincent got royally pic screwed...), and Charizard sucking doesn't help Mewtwo's case.

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