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Several Fire Emblem Characters featured in Gamefaqs' Chracter Battle IX


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My bet is mewtwo moves on.

I am not in favor of any revotes or disqualifications. Just let the match play out. As a Link guy, everyone knows that one downfall just means a rise of a new Link next time around.

I'd be more confident in Mewtwo if Charizard wasn't given the Magus treatment (ergo, get overrated based on his debut run, then get exposed horribly later).

As to that, that certainly is the case - Link lost to Cloud in 2003 (not in the finals - that was Cloud vs. Sephiroth), and he just came back next year and got his revenge.

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I just going on feelings and I feel like Mewtwo can do well against Sonic.

I'm sure some of you might already know this but I just found out that Gamefaqs board 8 has its own wiki:

Which I found pretty interesting because there were a few interesting contests and individual battles over the years that I forgot about.

I also find the noble nine stuff fun.

I remember when that happened. It was perfect storm of events. Wind Waker had just come out and Link's popularity was weakened as a result, especially since they showed him in Toon Link form. And then the rematch 2004.

The rivalry between the two has been great over the years. We even got a death battle from it all.

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I remember when that happened. It was perfect storm of events. Wind Waker had just come out and Link's popularity was weakened as a result, especially since they showed him in Toon Link form. And then the rematch 2004.

The rivalry between the two has been great over the years. We even got a death battle from it all.

Kingdom Hearts probably also had something to do with it.

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O_O 432 vote update for Link

either there's a vote stuffer straight up trolling SBAllen at this point, or this shit is gonna get really interesting really quickly

edit: most certainly someone just trolling now, another mini-DDoS coming up after he claims there wasn't one

edit2: whoever's stuffing, please dump 300 votes to Shepard to make a fool out of Allen

4000 vote barrier just got light arrow'd (again)

Edited by shadykid
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Also, I don't get it. Removing votes in instances where it wouldn't have even mattered (namely, the Touhou girls), yet not being willing to extend the poll?

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Also, I don't get it. Removing votes in instances where it wouldn't have even mattered (namely, the Touhou girls), yet not being willing to extend the poll?

no, remember he removed 97 votes from Guybrush

someone should just troll one of the next few matches by knocking the site down for the whole day

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no, remember he removed 97 votes from Guybrush

someone should just troll one of the next few matches by knocking the site down for the whole day

Another instance where the vote removal wouldn't have even made a difference.

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Another instance where the vote removal wouldn't have even made a difference.

andddd Link starting those cuts to put this in triple digit territory to make that 90 minute session really questionable!

edit: I blame California

Edited by shadykid
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andddd Link starting those cuts to put this in triple digit territory to make that 90 minute session really questionable!

edit: I blame California

hey its not our fault.

checks chart...

Oh, wait, yes it is.

Link officially lost. Get ready for rallies that come with the next character battle in two years.

Samus is the last Nintendo member of the Noble Nine to remain standing. Hopefully she can do well.

Mewtwo is ahead of Sonic and Bowser as we speak.

Edited by Viewtiful_J
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There's no real way to see how strong Mewtwo is... 2007 saw him out at the hands of Ryu and Bowser. 2010 had him annihilated by Ganondorf. 2008 was more lucky bracket placement than anything else. This time? He got two of the weakest characters in the bracket in CHESTER, who couldn't even break 1000 votes, and Zero in round 1, and only really did as well against Vincent as he did thanks to pic sabotage of the highest order.

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So... one person commited suicide over the result.


The topic was deleted from Gfaqs but there's a related topic still up.

EDIT: Actually, it's not over the results. Nevermind.

EDIT2: Yeah, this is actually a couple of months old. Sorry about that scare. My mistake.

Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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that Mewtwo

quick someone stuff 50k votes for all 3 characters in the next match

So... one person commited suicide over the result.


The topic was deleted from Gfaqs but there's a related topic still up.

EDIT: Actually, it's not over the results. Nevermind.

EDIT2: Yeah, this is actually a couple of months old. Sorry about that scare. My mistake.

really man, you didn't notice the comments in the thread or the fact that it was removed pretty much immediately

Edited by shadykid
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