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Several Fire Emblem Characters featured in Gamefaqs' Chracter Battle IX


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for some reason I feel like red and charizard will fall to samus, but either pikachu or squirtle will prevail over snake. they are stronger than charizard and red, and snake will be the weakest of the remaining noble nine (aside from a possible Mega Man).

I just can't see this happening - not unless one of Squirtle or Pikachu folds and allows the other to go at Snake directly (and even then, I don't think their chances are good). Otherwise, they'll impale themselves on each other's spears.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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I just can't see this happening - not unless one of Squirtle or Pikachu folds and allows the other to go at Snake directly (and even then, I don't think their chances are good). Otherwise, they'll impale themselves on each other's spears.

I'm predicting a three way battle with each getting a sizable third, but squirtle on top. Squirtle has been the strongest pokemon thus far, which is very surprising considering it probably ranks lowest among the other Pokemon (Pikachu, Charizard, Mewtwo) in terms of fans within the Pokemon community. He beat Cloud, with no possibility of SFF serious affecting the outcome with Leon's base not really overlapping with either the FF or Pokemon fanbases really well.

Admittedly, I'm rooting for it because Squirtle was my starter back in the Kanto days, and probably the Kanto starter I will pick for X and Y. I will happily admit I'm wrong if Snake comes out triumphant,.

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I'm predicting a three way battle with each getting a sizable third, but squirtle on top. Squirtle has been the strongest pokemon thus far, which is very surprising considering it probably ranks lowest among the other Pokemon (Pikachu, Charizard, Mewtwo) in terms of fans within the Pokemon community. He beat Cloud, with no possibility of SFF serious affecting the outcome with Leon's base not really overlapping with either the FF or Pokemon fanbases really well.

Admittedly, I'm rooting for it because Squirtle was my starter back in the Kanto days, and probably the Kanto starter I will pick for X and Y. I will happily admit I'm wrong if Snake comes out triumphant,.

Actually, I think Espinosa was dead on about Leon hurting Cloud after all - look at this, and then this. How does Jill go from losing against ReSTALLver LOSSalot before MGS4 to whipping him into shape afterwards?

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Actually, I think Espinosa was dead on about Leon hurting Cloud after all - look at this, and then this. How does Jill go from losing against ReSTALLver LOSSalot before MGS4 to whipping him into shape afterwards?

I'm confused. Are you saying Cloud hurt Jill in 2007 and she did much better in 2008 without Cloud? That wouldn't necessarily prove RE characters hurt FF characters, or specifically Cloud. I think that would indicate Cloud saps RE characters, and not necessarily the other way around. Cloud at 60% in a four way poll means he's taking from all characters.

My main point is that squirtle appears to be the strongest of the pokemon. Pikachu barely overcame Sora (although it had to contend with SFF. Even it's not very effective, it played a role). So if anyone's going to overcome SFF, I think it's squirtle.

Mega Man is so close. 11 votes as I'm typing. Charizard is really weak.

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I'm confused. Are you saying Cloud hurt Jill in 2007 and she did much better in 2008 without Cloud? That wouldn't necessarily prove RE characters hurt FF characters, or specifically Cloud. I think that would indicate Cloud saps RE characters, and not necessarily the other way around. Cloud at 60% in a four way poll means he's taking from all characters.

My main point is that squirtle appears to be the strongest of the pokemon. Pikachu barely overcame Sora (although it had to contend with SFF. Even it's not very effective, it played a role). So if anyone's going to overcome SFF, I think it's squirtle.

Mega Man is so close. 11 votes as I'm typing. Charizard is really weak.

It's possible, as weird as it sounds. Granted, there's a world of difference between having Cloud sucking up 3/5 of the votes and Kratos only getting a little over a third of the votes, but still... There's also the chance she stood out in the match pic.

Also, I think you're giving Squirtle too much credit. I wouldn't take Squirtle over Snake 1-on-1, much less in a match where it's suffering from SFF.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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I like making risky picks. Mewtwo overcame Sonic and Bowser. That was less risky than this pick though.

Regardless, after Charizard narrowly beats Mega Man (man is Charizard weak), we get to see if anyone can take down Draven. Mewtwo is much weaker than Sephiroth, but FF characters this time around appear to be weaker than any other year. Draven has his rallies, and he's become an anti-hero in the eyes of some for overcoming the LAW. But I heard that his rallies on Reddit have been stopped. So he will get less of a boost. But neither Sephiroth or Mewtwo appears to be able to capitalize in my eyes.

I think after beating Link, there is no way he isn't going to make to the finals. In which Samus has to avenger her fellow Smasher, while contending with a third character.

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I love how the Pokemon that was expected to win its division is the one looking the least impressive

Ehehe. Same here. Couldn't even double a Riku who likely weakened, almost got booted by Zelda, and now, struggling with an SFFed Mega Man. I say again, if Charizard loses, there's your easy candidate for flop of the contest.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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Maybe. But still, having 2 out of the semifinal matches as SFF affairs just screams boring.

Draven/Mewtwo/Sephiroth is not SFF, unless you think Mewtwo is psuedo-SFFing Sephiroth into the ground

I'm convinced Allen is making sure his "I'm not sure Draven wins his next match" prediction come true and is gunning for the top spot in expert challenge *tinfoil hat*

edit: http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1m5mjc/subreddit_poll_for_your_favorite_lol_character/


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Draven/Mewtwo/Sephiroth is not SFF, unless you think Mewtwo is psuedo-SFFing Sephiroth into the ground

I'm convinced Allen is making sure his "I'm not sure Draven wins his next match" prediction come true and is gunning for the top spot in expert challenge *tinfoil hat*

I was referring to Snake/Squirtle/Pikachu and Samus/Red/Mega Man... That being said, it's anyone's game at this point.

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I was referring to Snake/Squirtle/Pikachu and Samus/Red/Mega Man... That being said, it's anyone's game at this point.

literally every character left except Sephiroth has a chance at winning

of course, "everyone" really means "Draven most lose" first, but still

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Chokizard lost. Mega Man won, overcoming SFF. Can anyone slay the elf killer Draven?

Red and Samus has potential for SFF. It will be a very interesting match. Samus is such a strong character that she might be able to dent the immunity Pokemon has to SFF. I don't think Red can win, but he might sap Samus enough for Mega Man to pull a victory.

If Mewtwo can slay Draven, it will put aside any questions about his easy path to the semi-finals.

Edited by Viewtiful_J
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