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The Sumia hate is irking me...

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Sumia DID do a very good thing by bringing Cynthia into the world...

Anyway, Sumia's awesome. She listens to weed and isn't afraid of anything. Chrom fangirls just don't want her to get in the way of Chrom/Female!Avatar because of stupid reasons.

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Oh, thats simple

[spoiler=The Horribly Bloody Death of Sumia]

This is chapter 3. A Pegasus Knight saved Chrom from being skewered by tons of thrown Javelin that is thrown by the craven cur from Ferox. The Pegasus Knight has red hair and wield an Iron Lance while everyone else is stuck with Bronze weapons. What a dick.

When she landed, she is paired up with Chrom. Chrom separated from her, to my relief. And then Sumia trips. She stand up, and suddenly(A/N: because CHROM IS MAI HUSBANDO NOBODY SHUD RSCU CORHM FOMR HIS DEATH) she gets Stabbed by a SILVER LANCE and is dead in her pool of red blood!

"WTF what have you done!?" scream Chrom.

Chrom challenged the backstabber with his Falchion. When his Falchion and the SILVER LANCE met, Chrom just realized that SILVER LANCE has a Weapon Triangle Advantage over his Falchion. Chrom's Falchion get thrown off and he gets stabbed by the SILVER LANCE!

Shocked, Reimi ordered the Feroxian to murder the murderer who murders Sumia and Chrom

The murderer, none other than Frederick soloed Ferox and stabbed Reimi with his SILVER LANCE!


[spoiler=and now the conclusion]

Thankfully they are playing on Casual Mode.

Fuck Logic


Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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Oh, thats simple

[spoiler=The Horribly Bloody Death of Sumia]

This is chapter 3. A Pegasus Knight that saved Chrom from being skewered by tons of thron Javelin that is thrown the the craven cur from Ferox. The Pegasus Knight has red hair and wield an Iron Lance while everyone else is stuck with Bronze weapons. What a dick.

When she landed, she is paired up with Chrom. Chrom separated from her, to my relief. And then Sumia trips. She stand up, and suddenly(A/N: because CHROM IS MAI HUSBANDO NOBODY SHUD RSCU CORHM FOMR HIS DEATH) she gets Stabbed by a SILVER LANCE and is dead in her pool of red blood!

"WTF what have you done!?" scream Chrom.

Chrom challenged the backstabber with his Falchion. When his Falchion and the SILVER LANCE met, Chrom just realized that SILVER LANCE has a Weapon Triangle Advantage over his Falchion. Chrom's Falchion get thrown off and he gets stabbed by the SILVER LANCE!

Shocked, Reimi ordered the Feroxian to murder the murderer who murders Sumia and Chrom

The murderer, none other than Frederick soloed Ferox and stabbed Reimi with his SILVER LANCE!


[spoiler=and now the conclusion]

Thankfully they are playing on Casual Mode.

Do a chapter next about Chapter 7, in which Sumia gets shot down by an archer and Cordelia can't help but celebrate since now competition for Chrom get smaller. But after the chapter, Sumia sips lemonade in Cordelia's tent and is all like, "'Sup?"

Because 'tis be Casual Modo.

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I'd be lying if I said I don't hate Sumia, but I also don't like when people say that all Sumia haters hate her just because her and Chrom are pushed as a pairing in the game.

And that's FAR from the truth for me. Admittedly, I don't like the pairing, but I can deal with it since it would mean Female Avatar is free to get with her Freddy Bear. I don't even like Chrom either, so I could care less who he gets really. Olivia is my preferred choice for him, but I don't care too much if he goes with someone else. Though I will also admit that I'd rather see even the Avatar with Chrom than Sumia. His support with the latter is just...wtf. I just obviously like the former with someone else even more.

Sumia's character is also not the issue. It's really mostly the way it's handled in the game. Her talent with animals could've easily been showcased in a support instead, not the main damn story. And she doesn't know the difference between a slap and a punch? Just...I wanted to bang my head on my desk at this. I also found her to be rather whiny, but I know others disagree with me on this. But still, it's my opinion.

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Though I will also admit that I'd rather see even the Avatar with Chrom than Sumia. His support with the latter is just...wtf.

Talking about novels is much better than walking on a girl naked, not feeling sorry about it, and have sharp object thrown at your direction. Being a male myself, I saw their support as an insult. A massive insult

Someone should make a fanfic about FE-Avatar killing Chrom during the events

Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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Talking about novels is much better than walking on a girl naked, not feeling sorry about it, and have sharp object thrown at your direction. Someone should make a fanfic about FE-Avatar killing Chrom during the events

...Uh, what? Chrom's support with Sumia is nothing but pies, pies, and more pies, and then Chrom going "omg you've been so kind to me, marry me!" >_>

His support with the Female Avatar is wtf too, but at least it's also funny. I just don't view it as romantic at all.

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...Uh, what? Chrom's support with Sumia is nothing but pies, pies, and more pies, and then Chrom going "omg you've been so kind to me, marry me!" >_>

His support with the Female Avatar is wtf too, but at least it's also funny. I just don't view it as romantic at all.

I think you're over exaggerating Chrom/Sumia's supports.

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...Uh, what? Chrom's support with Sumia is nothing but pies, pies, and more pies, and then Chrom going "omg you've been so kind to me, marry me!" >_>

His support with the Female Avatar is wtf too, but at least it's also funny. I just don't view it as romantic at all.

There is absolutely no mention of pies in C

And then she made the pies at B

Outside the S supports, heres the dialogue of A supports, you know, the part where the pies part already kicks in, with the crucial sentence being on italic

Sumia: Chrom! Hel-LOOOOOO?!

Chrom: Oh, hey, Sumia.

Sumia: Look! I baked you another pie.

Chrom: Sumia, you are too much. Where do you find all the time and energy for this?

Sumia: Oh, it's nothing. Really! Hardly any trouble at all. Except for finding veggies. ...And grinding flour. ...Oh, and kneading dough. But apart from THAT, it's easy as... well, pie! I like doing it. Really. Honest.

Chrom: Well, if you say so.

Sumia: Oh, I do say so! And today I made an extra big one so we can eat it together!

Chrom: A pie shared with friends is twice as tasty. Or so my old Nurse Nan said. ...Listen, Sumia. I'm...I'm sorry. About bringing you into all this, I mean. You deserve better than a battlefield, but right now that's where I need you.

Sumia: Oh, Chrom... It's an honour and a privelege to serve you. Besides, serving as a soldier isn't all bad. There are lots of things I like about it.

Chrom: Truly? Like what?

Sumia: Well, the horses are fun!

Chrom: You mean the pegasus? Er, pegasuses? ...Pegasi?

Sumia: Those too! I just love swooping through the sky-it's so exhilarating. But I like looking after them even more. Combing manes, brushing teeth...

Chrom: You do spend a lot of time in the stables, now that I think about it.

Sumia: I do hate that they have to fight. When I see them in the thick of battle... I know we need them if we're to win this war. It can't be helped. But, it makes my heart ache every time I see such a beautiful creature hurt.

Chrom: I don't know what to say, Sumia. Except to thank you again. Thank you for all the sacrifices you're making for my sake. I swear that I will do everything in my power to end this war quickly. And I promise to build a peace that will endure for generations.

Sumia: I know you will, Chrom. And I'm going to help you do it!

Hah, the main theme of the dialogue is not even about freaking pies!

If anything, the only remotely bad parts of their support is their S convo, and even then its still much better than the theme of Fe-MU x Avatar

I agree with Zeem, the pies portion of their supports are HEAVILLY exaggerated by the base.

Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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Oh, I know I was exaggerating, but I was doing it to make a point. I don't like how much emphasis on pies there is in it. And it isn't just the pie thing. I found it boring overall too. I at least could get a good laugh with Chrom x Female Avatar.

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I only really use Sumia to get Galeforce so Cynthia can do other things. After that, she sits on the bench! Cordelia, on the other hand... is one of my best members. :D

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Well most of the Sumia hate comes from the fact that IS shoves ChromxSumia down our throats and the fangirls are like "NO, CHROM NOMS IS MINE!"

I myself am not a huge fan of Sumia but for different reasons.

Firstly her limited supports mean that she gets less character development than the majority of characters as well as less suitors in general I.E. Libra or Stahl.

Second her "gimmick" as it were is just that, a gimmick and by no means is it an actual flaw. Now if that gimmick were to say, end up badly wounding Chrom or someone else then i could take it a flaw.

Her supports with Chrom of which Sumi-haters bark at as to why she sucks isn't particularly heart-warming by any means, but then again neither is any of Chrom's romantic supports for that matter (Looking at you FemAv X Chrom.)

And i'm not even going to talk about the summer scramble scenes or the Maribelle-Lucina glitch because Sumia being a Yandere is it's own thing with little connection to her actual in-game personality and we already have 1 unlikeable Yandere already.

So to summarize my thoughts on Sumia, "Meh".

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I still love/hate the fact that the conversation in the summer scramble is still talked about like this. For gods sake, if Sumia WAS manipulative, I highly doubt that it would show in just the Summer Scramble.

And, you know what, I LIKE Sumia. A lot more than the other girls in this game. And I constantly see hate for her because either she is a generic female, because of Chrom x FeMU, or because of that fucking conversation.

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I don't understand why people would care about whether she's the most pushed option for being Chrom's wife, or who his wife is for that matter. He does have the charm and personality of a lamp post after all.

Personally I don't really care much about Sumia, although I do like how she falcon punches Chrom in the face. But I don't understand how she could mistake that for a slap ;/

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There is absolutely no mention of pies in C

And then she made the pies at B

Outside the S supports, heres the dialogue of A supports, you know, the part where the pies part already kicks in, with the crucial sentence being on italic

Sumia: Chrom! Hel-LOOOOOO?!

Chrom: Oh, hey, Sumia.

Sumia: Look! I baked you another pie.

Chrom: Sumia, you are too much. Where do you find all the time and energy for this?

Sumia: Oh, it's nothing. Really! Hardly any trouble at all. Except for finding veggies. ...And grinding flour. ...Oh, and kneading dough. But apart from THAT, it's easy as... well, pie! I like doing it. Really. Honest.

Chrom: Well, if you say so.

Sumia: Oh, I do say so! And today I made an extra big one so we can eat it together!

Chrom: A pie shared with friends is twice as tasty. Or so my old Nurse Nan said. ...Listen, Sumia. I'm...I'm sorry. About bringing you into all this, I mean. You deserve better than a battlefield, but right now that's where I need you.

Sumia: Oh, Chrom... It's an honour and a privelege to serve you. Besides, serving as a soldier isn't all bad. There are lots of things I like about it.

Chrom: Truly? Like what?

Sumia: Well, the horses are fun!

Chrom: You mean the pegasus? Er, pegasuses? ...Pegasi?

Sumia: Those too! I just love swooping through the sky-it's so exhilarating. But I like looking after them even more. Combing manes, brushing teeth...

Chrom: You do spend a lot of time in the stables, now that I think about it.

Sumia: I do hate that they have to fight. When I see them in the thick of battle... I know we need them if we're to win this war. It can't be helped. But, it makes my heart ache every time I see such a beautiful creature hurt.

Chrom: I don't know what to say, Sumia. Except to thank you again. Thank you for all the sacrifices you're making for my sake. I swear that I will do everything in my power to end this war quickly. And I promise to build a peace that will endure for generations.

Sumia: I know you will, Chrom. And I'm going to help you do it!

Hah, the main theme of the dialogue is not even about freaking pies!

If anything, the only remotely bad parts of their support is their S convo, and even then its still much better than the theme of Fe-MU x Avatar

I agree with Zeem, the pies portion of their supports are HEAVILLY exaggerated by the base.

As someone who ships FeMUxChrom, I can guarantee you I don't do it for their supports (Not to mention that FeMU got shafted on her Chrom supports, MaMU's are much better). I just find that having that family dynamic makes the main storyline much more compelling, and gives me a better Lucina and Morgan.

That being said, I don't hate Sumia by any means. I really like some of her other supports, and Cynthia is a beast. I just wished that either 1) they wouldn't have pushed Cynthia/Chrom that much in the beginning of the game or 2) if they were going too, they would have stayed consistent and not made Sumia a background character as soon as Lucina joins you.

Also, in the original she was giving him Bento boxes, and that's considered a form of flirting in Japan. In that context, the supports filled with "pies" make a little more sense.

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I don't care about Sumia being shipped being Chrom (although Sumia's limited support pool is..weird), but I dislike her as a character. Extreme clumsiness and ditziness are pretty ridiculous traits to have as a professional soldier and IS makes them extreme. There's a fair difference between being 'feminine' and me finding it implausible that this person skewers people with a lance on a daily basis. I think Cherche is a better example of a character who is still 'feminine' without being ridiculous.

As a side note, I don't like Olivia or Cynthia either.

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I feel some of the hate stems from the how hard the game ships them... and maybe her personality... which i find nothing wrong with >__<

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As someone who ships FeMUxChrom, I can guarantee you I don't do it for their supports (Not to mention that FeMU got shafted on her Chrom supports, MaMU's are much better). I just find that having that family dynamic makes the main storyline much more compelling, and gives me a better Lucina and Morgan.

That being said, I don't hate Sumia by any means. I really like some of her other supports, and Cynthia is a beast. I just wished that either 1) they wouldn't have pushed Cynthia/Chrom that much in the beginning of the game or 2) if they were going too, they would have stayed consistent and not made Sumia a background character as soon as Lucina joins you.

Also, in the original she was giving him Bento boxes, and that's considered a form of flirting in Japan. In that context, the supports filled with "pies" make a little more sense.

I agree with this post... Fem!Avatar got totally shafted in comparison to the Male!Avatar's supports which proves who Chrom's true waifu is but the family dynamic that comes with that is pretty stellar. Lucina's generic sibling support actually makes sense with this one, because Morgan probably wouldn't have remembered the story of the Falchion and how it's passed down.

Not to be nitpicky, but's it's Sumia/Chrom not Cynthia/Chrom. ; ]

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You know, I've seen that Summer Scramble convo with Miriel, and I actually like it. For one reason only. Sumia's Scooby Doo reference. Totally win.

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As someone who ships FeMUxChrom, I can guarantee you I don't do it for their supports (Not to mention that FeMU got shafted on her Chrom supports, MaMU's are much better). I just find that having that family dynamic makes the main storyline much more compelling, and gives me a better Lucina and Morgan.

That being said, I don't hate Sumia by any means. I really like some of her other supports, and Cynthia is a beast. I just wished that either 1) they wouldn't have pushed Cynthia/Chrom that much in the beginning of the game or 2) if they were going too, they would have stayed consistent and not made Sumia a background character as soon as Lucina joins you.

Also, in the original she was giving him Bento boxes, and that's considered a form of flirting in Japan. In that context, the supports filled with "pies" make a little more sense.

I agree with this post... Fem!Avatar got totally shafted in comparison to the Male!Avatar's supports which proves who Chrom's true waifu is but the family dynamic that comes with that is pretty stellar. Lucina's generic sibling support actually makes sense with this one, because Morgan probably wouldn't have remembered the story of the Falchion and how it's passed down.

Not to be nitpicky, but's it's Sumia/Chrom not Cynthia/Chrom. ; ]


Ugh, honestly, these hate wars have to stop. Not just for Sumia, but Codelia and Tharja too. For goodness sake people, its a damn video game! Its supposed to be fun! Its fine to like or dislike things, but the amount of vitriol I've seen over time for either supports or characters themselves is getting ridiculous. Can't we just all get along? ....maybe just a little?

I'd add more to my opinion on the topic but I literally just woke up and need to find my meds before I ultimately say something stupid. These and other posts do the job fine.

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When I first played the game I found Sumia to be meh, but when I saw the scene where she punched Chrom in the face she went from a meh rating to a ok rating.

Seriously, that was a golden moment.


Ugh, honestly, these hate wars have to stop. Not just for Sumia, but Codelia and Tharja too. For goodness sake people, its a damn video game! Its supposed to be fun! Its fine to like or dislike things, but the amount of vitriol I've seen over time for either supports or characters themselves is getting ridiculous. Can't we just all get along? ....maybe just a little?

I'd add more to my opinion on the topic but I literally just woke up and need to find my meds before I ultimately say something stupid. These and other posts do the job fine.

The thing about the internet is that there'll always be someone who takes offense to someone's simple and entitled opinion, and then overblow it and answer in a frenzy. Then another person will go in a frenzy about his/her reply, and then the cycle repeats... again, again and AGAIN.

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Normal Sumia is OK, but her Summer Scramble convo with Miriel is not OK.

Then again, I think it's all lies. If it's the truth then minus points for Sumia being a manipulative cur.

It IS all lies. Game clearly shows the fact that Miriel is crazy and hallucinating. I don't know why anyone who's actually played the map would think anything otherwise.

Sazuke is fandom's Hardin, if you know what I mean.

Sazuke isn't Hardin. Hardin at least was cool and solid

Sazuke likes bringing up this "Juror who can't convict" thing...and he's wrong like almost all the time (he's only right in rare occasions like when he's stating that Chrom's father was dumb (how... do... you lose to Barbarianville?!)). he's WINSTON PAYNE.

Eh, I think the Sumia hate is almost a direct parallel to the Colette hate that happened in the Symphonia fandom.

Let's see, ostensibly cute girl, who trips a lot... primary love interest of the main character. Kinda squishy, but if used right is insanely powerful.

Yep. She's Colette 2.0.

The hate is virtually the same. Sumia's in Cordelia's way in the same manner that Colette is in Sheena's way, so people hate for that. Sumia's klutzy, people hate for that. Sumia's nice. People hate for that.

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