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thanks for sending me that link. the animation I had planned out was going to be similar to that. In that case I may not bother making my own. I might just use the bow I made into another sprite or something. but thanks!

EDIT: also its not FE7x, Klok. Its Immortal Shrine!

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done (until i see some glaring issue) and pillowshading is not something i will try and fix because i can't art. now I will animate it, again! tomorrow..


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I believe one of her feet should be planted at all times, so make sure you're keeping that one still as she rotates around it. The page turning looks good, nice work on that.I believe the FE7x scholar does something similar.

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Oh, i guess that would make more sense if there's a pivot foot. Thanks for the imput, I've never seen anything from fe7x so cool beanz i guess. Thanks!

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  • 2 weeks later...

back from camp. So exhausted but now i can get back to anims.

Anyway, this is Rin.

my feditor was acting very strange and it made me stop animating for a bit. but for some reason, now it decided to work again. So i feel encouraged to start making more anims.

some frames are over 16 colors but whatevez


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iffy relative to what

and yeah, the throw was just something i whipped up because i was pressed for time, it was supposed to be part of fee3 but my feditor crashed last minute. as for the pants, i'll work on it, thanks!

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Huh, someone who likes using blur frames interesting.

But yeah, as others have said, slow it down. And I wouldn't make the dodge animation such a huge lunge.

The javalin animations are cool, but I'd make the return frames different than the throwing frames. Usually, the thrower is back in standing position before the javalin reappears, and since he's not propelling a javalin forward, just stepping back into place, it'll look different.

Edited by deranger
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@klok- I'll probably just add a frame here and there. I don't really have the time to add a bunch more frames.

@deranger- thanks for the tip, i've never done a throw so i didn't really know how to animate one.

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@klok- I'll probably just add a frame here and there. I don't really have the time to add a bunch more frames.

I think he means repeat each frame once so that the animation slows down to a not insane level.

So, if your frames are 1 2 3 4 right now make it 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4.

Whatever .gif program you use should let you do that easy.

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so afer finding out that ripping olors from a mug is bad for battle anim palletes in bad because mug colors tend to be too dark. I tried experimenting with different blues from different lords for Bram. I remember Klok saying my shading needs work, so I tried with Eliwood's palette and hopefully fixed up some shading issues.

thoughts? better, worse?


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how exactly, because there are 3 that aren't great from what i can see. the rest are fine to me. Not to mention its hardly noticeable when its in motion so please elaborate

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damn. lol

yours is so much better than mine x.x

edit: ugh this makes me so mad that i'm not talented at shading and cleaning up sprites and shit...

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Gabe, please tell me i did better this time


also, the first blur in the fourth row is really bad, and I honestly couldn't get it right. So I'm just going to make like 3 "lowering the sword frames"

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