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Do you have any unpopular opinions about Awakening?

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As for another opinion, I think Sumia is too good for Chrom's lame ass and she should forget about him and find true love somewhere else (aka literally any of her other options). *folds arms*

(I don't dislike Chrom, he has his moments)

This, basically, except replace Sumia with Cordelia and "other options" with "actual options." :P

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I don't know whats unpopular or not but.

-I was hoping they would've had generic replacements like in FE 11 and 12. I mean they gave the generics pretty cool portraits. For me it was a lot more fun than with the main characters.

-It might be just me but the plot seems a bit rushed? I mean Walhart's and Grangel's kingdoms were taken out pretty fast.

-I think they should've had a playable soldier class character in this game.

-Enemy stats were really good even on normal.

-The deployment slots in chapters seems odd.

Edited by Generic Operator
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I don't know whats unpopular or not but.

-I was hoping they would've had generic replacements like in FE 11 and 12. I mean they gave the generics pretty cool portraits an too me it was a lot more fun than with the main characters.

Dammit GO. You just want those Generic Dark Pegasus and Falcoknight portraits. xD

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Oooh oooh oooh! I have one! It's unpopular because not many people have heard of it!


"I have the best skill in the game."

...So, how long are you going to go on with this joke?

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I would have loved being able to use the generic Hero.

...So, how long are you going to go on with this joke?

Far too long. It's not even that funny.

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Oooh oooh oooh! I have one! It's unpopular because not many people have heard of it!


"I have the best skill in the game."

Pft, that's nothing compared the REAL super secret skill of the game, "Binary Fission": allows you to get a super overpowered kid without the pesky obstacle of having to chain yourself down to some crazy you've known for like 3 months.

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Pft, that's nothing compared the REAL super secret skill of the game, "Binary Fission": allows you to get a super overpowered kid without the pesky obstacle of having to chain yourself down to some crazy you've known for like 3 months.

You have transcended me.

I concede to your more unpopular opinion.

Wait, do you unlock the skill by eating pie?

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Although we don't agree on who Cordelia's hubby actually ought to be, Vashiane. lol

No, because I like Frederick enough to where I'm not going to put him through the pain of permanently being second-best. I'd rather pair him with someone that loves him and him only, and give Cordelia a man so amazing her Catria homage goes straight out the window. Virion wasn't available, he's Sully's.

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Not sure if this is popular or not(I think it's pretty popular in Japan) but I dislike Libra/Tharja, and I'm already too tired to explain why.

I think Say'ri and Flavia is kinda underrated.

Male Morgan >>> Female Morgan all the way.

Gerome/Inigo is overrated.

I like all of Cordelia's supports(yes, that includes with Frederick).

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I'm not a fan of Owain.

I don't really like Lissa/Lon'qu (I like him better with Cherche or Cordelia).

I think Severa is cute and I like her.

I like it better when Noire isn't in her Blood and Thunder mode (It's part of the reason why I like her supports with Brady).

I'm neutral towards Henry.

Aaand that's all I can think of atm.

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- Owain is incredibly annoying and needs a reality check via boot to the face.

- Galeforce is merely an above-average skill that only shines if you grind like Sonic in Rail Canyon.

- I like Tharja more than Henry; not that I'm fond of either of them.

- Cordelia is a Mary Sue and Sumia is a far better character gameplay-wise and character wise.

- Maribelle is best waifu.

- Donnel can gain levels easily if you support him with Stahl as soon as possible.

- Laurent is woefully underrated.

- Yarne is one of the deepest children characters personality-wise.

- I don't mind using Ricken and pairing him off with older characters.

- VirionxLissa is one legit pairing.

Edited by Frosty Fire Mage
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Dammit GO. You just want those Generic Dark Pegasus and Falcoknight portraits. xD

Why yes (=゚ω゚)ノ. Might as well add confession images for them too..

I guess more stuff.

-Like EmeraldFox said I don't like the Kellam jokes too much. How is it possible to not notice a man in heavy armor almost every time?

-I think this game's soundtrack might be the 2nd best in the series.

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I really dislike Morgan-F, she's an irritating little shit, and I'm ashamed to call her my daughter. I don't care how kawaii she looks. >( Morgan-M is so SO much better.

I also think no-grind runs in a game with infinite grinding, along with calling a unit "bad" because they're hard to level up, is the silliest thing ever. In past FEs it makes sense, but for Awakening, there are no words.

I also think it's stupid to call Henry a Stepford Smilier, in any language. He might not be all right in the head, but I highly doubt he's faking his happiness. It's so stupid how every crazy happy character needs some bullshit tragic background with a broken smile to be interesting. UGH.

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I really dislike Morgan-F, she's an irritating little shit, and I'm ashamed to call her my daughter. I don't care how kawaii she looks. >( Morgan-M is so SO much better.

I also think no-grind runs in a game with infinite grinding, along with calling a unit "bad" because they're hard to level up, is the silliest thing ever. In past FEs it makes sense, but for Awakening, there are no words.

I also think it's stupid to call Henry a Stepford Smilier, in any language. He might not be all right in the head, but I highly doubt he's faking his happiness. It's so stupid how every crazy happy character needs some bullshit tragic background with a broken smile to be interesting. UGH.

YES. All of this. Well, I mean the no-grind run is for a challenge, so I've never had a problem with that, although I personally can't do it because grinding is just in my nature, I guess.

But that third point I agree with so much it isn't funny. Thank you, finally.

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I personally just find grinding boring, takes too much time, and takes the fun out of a games. Nevermind that FE is easy enough without grinding imo and grinding would reduce any level of challenge presented in-story to none for me personally and thus take out the fun. I do this with any kind of game though, not just FE, if I can get away with it. Kinda hurts the first time when I went through Marvel Heroes storyline since I took on Doom solo at level 21 and died more times on Doom than anywhere else. Probably would've been my best interests to get a few more levels and a team. Whoops.

But really if you like grinding and the game lets you grind that's your call to make.

I dunno I just prefer more fast-paced runthrough of things, I suppose.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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-Kjelle is an absolute asshole.

-Tharja too, even more so.

-Lunatic's difficulty is greatly overexaggerated.

-Lunatic Chapter 6 is harder than Lunatic Chapter 2.

-The Valm Arc is my favourite.

-Lucina isn't dull.

-Inigo is one of the best kids.

-I like Female Morgan WAY better than Male Morgan.

-This game's soundtrack is amazing.

-I use Donnel and Olivia as combat units a lot.

-I like Chrom x Sumia.

-Tharja's ugly and unappealing.

-Same with Sully, Kjelle and Chrom.

-I don't like Henry that much.

-Excellus and Eugene (transexual koala from AC:NL) are somehow related.

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- Owain is incredibly annoying and needs a reality check via boot to the face.

- Galeforce is merely an above-average skill that only shines if you grind like Sonic in Rail Canyon.

- I like Tharja more than Henry; not that I'm fond of either of them.

- Cordelia is a Mary Sue and Sumia is a far better character gameplay-wise and character wise.

- Maribelle is best waifu.

- Donnel can gain levels easily if you support him with Stahl as soon as possible.

- Laurent is woefully overrated.

- Yarne is one of the deepest children characters personality-wise.

- I don't mind using Ricken and pairing him off with older characters.

- VirionxLissa is one legit pairing.

Bolded lines: THESE. Oh my God, these. Laurent is a fantastic character, and his backstory is definitely one I felt for him on. I can't imagine how terrible spending five years all alone would be. This man deserves more respect. And if he has enough respect? Give him more.

Yarne's another great character, IMO. His supports with Lucina are really endearing, and I think he's also a pretty underrated character. It's a shame he's overlooked.

Ricken/Olivia is definitely one of my favorite set of supports in the game.

Virion/Lissa is really good. The supports aren't half-bad, and Owain makes very good use of Lancebreaker. He also has some pretty rad growths and bases, and Virion's hair color on him is pretty fitting.

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Bolded lines: THESE. Oh my God, these. Laurent is a fantastic character, and his backstory is definitely one I felt for him on. I can't imagine how terrible spending five years all alone would be. This man deserves more respect. And if he has enough respect? Give him more.

Yarne's another great character, IMO. His supports with Lucina are really endearing, and I think he's also a pretty underrated character. It's a shame he's overlooked.

Ricken/Olivia is definitely one of my favorite set of supports in the game.

Virion/Lissa is really good. The supports aren't half-bad, and Owain makes very good use of Lancebreaker. He also has some pretty rad growths and bases, and Virion's hair color on him is pretty fitting.

[/sigh] I know. My sister's a finicky one when it comes to the cast of Awakening, but she loves Yarne. I have no problem marrying Yarne to Lucina - that pairing is freaking adorable.


  • Lucina/Brady > Lucina/anyone else.
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Bolded lines: THESE. Oh my God, these. Laurent is a fantastic character, and his backstory is definitely one I felt for him on. I can't imagine how terrible spending five years all alone would be. This man deserves more respect. And if he has enough respect? Give him more.

Yarne's another great character, IMO. His supports with Lucina are really endearing, and I think he's also a pretty underrated character. It's a shame he's overlooked.

Ricken/Olivia is definitely one of my favorite set of supports in the game.

Virion/Lissa is really good. The supports aren't half-bad, and Owain makes very good use of Lancebreaker. He also has some pretty rad growths and bases, and Virion's hair color on him is pretty fitting.

VirionxLissa is great indeed. They have the same fun-loving personality, but Virion acts more like a noble while Lissa wants to become more like one. They complement each other so well.

yelp accidentally said Laurent was overrated had to fix that

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5. Sumia is bad

6. Galeforce isn't the best skill in the game

7. Nowi and Nah are terrible

8. Third Gen kids aren't worth the effort.

These, really.

Not sure if this is popular or not(I think it's pretty popular in Japan) but I dislike Libra/Tharja, and I'm already too tired to explain why.

I think Say'ri and Flavia is kinda underrated.

Male Morgan >>> Female Morgan all the way.

Agreed. Though I do find Say'ri unnecessary, I thought Basilio and Flavia actually worked out quite nicely in my run throughs. And Male Morgan is most adorbs.

I personally just find grinding boring, takes too much time, and takes the fun out of a games. Nevermind that FE is easy enough without grinding imo and grinding would reduce any level of challenge presented in-story to none for me personally and thus take out the fun. I do this with any kind of game though, not just FE, if I can get away with it.

I dunno I just prefer more fast-paced runthrough of things, I suppose.

YUP. I try to never grind if I can help it. Haven't had to do that so far in Awakening, at least the way I'm playing the game.

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Brady/Lucina is another great pairing. It and Yarne/Lucina are definitely my preferred pairs for Lucina because of how awesome they are.

Oh yeah, I guess here's another random opinion: the best Gen II characters are Cynthia (duh), Brady, Yarne, and Laurent.

Oh, and Brady's also my favorite male character in the game.

@Frosty: It's funny how the more 'out there' pairings are my favorite in Gen I. Stahl/Olivia and Lon'qu/Maribelle come to mind.

Edited by Zeem
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Brady/Lucina is another great pairing. It and Yarne/Lucina are definitely my preferred pairs for Lucina because of how awesome they are.

Oh yeah, I guess here's another random opinion: the best Gen II characters are Cynthia (duh), Brady, Yarne, and Laurent.

Oh, and Brady's also my favorite male character in the game.

@Frosty: It's funny how the more 'out there' pairings are my favorite in Gen I. Stahl/Olivia and Lon'qu/Maribelle come to mind.

Stahl/Olivia almost always get to A in my playthrough, along with fellow bros Kellam, Donnel and Silvia (Avatar). I haven't paired them yet - working on that - but I have seen the S support, and it's definitely one of the more adorable ones.

I love Brady so much, it's not funny. He didn't need a super-tragic backstory to go with the other children, he's actually fairly well-adjusted. But that A-support with his father... Definitely wins the award for "best second generation male". And his supports with Owain and Inigo are amazing.

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Stahl/Olivia almost always get to A in my playthrough, along with fellow bros Kellam, Donnel and Silvia (Avatar). I haven't paired them yet - working on that - but I have seen the S support, and it's definitely one of the more adorable ones.

I love Brady so much, it's not funny. He didn't need a super-tragic backstory to go with the other children, he's actually fairly well-adjusted. But that A-support with his father... Definitely wins the award for "best second generation male". And his supports with Owain and Inigo are amazing.

Brady is definitely the most mentally stable out of all the Gen 2 characters. His support with Inigo is hilarious.

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