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The character I most want to marry....

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Is the only one I can't. Why did Morgan (f) have to be MU's daughter? Why couldn't she have been anyone else? Like.... anyone else. On top of being one of the cutest women in the game, she's overflowing with personality. All of her support conversations are great, especially Morgan x Yarne.

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Especially Morgan-F/Yarne? That support, along with Morgan-F/Inigo and Morgan-F/Laurent, is the reason I hate that annoying little shit. ._.; Her sadistic nature isn't cute or endearing, it makes her a complete bitch. Torturing bunnies isn't love, you shouldn't pick on a guy who just wants love, and you shouldn't ruin books because you're bored. She's completely unlikable.

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I don't Morgan is a woman, she looks like a girl around the age of 13-14 even if her voice says otherwise.

In topic (somewhat): I think she's adorable, but I prefer Cynthie as a daughter a ton and have been neglecting Morgan since liek, forever.

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I don't Morgan is a woman, she looks like a girl around the age of 13-14 even if her voice says otherwise.

In topic (somewhat): I think she's adorable, but I prefer Cynthie as a daughter a ton and have been neglecting Morgan since liek, forever.

She looks way more like a woman than Nowi or Lissa and that doesn't stop MU from slapping a ring on their finger. Like Henry, Morgan (f) can at least pass for 16-18 in a Japanese artstyle, unlike Nowi or Ricken.

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Especially Morgan-F/Yarne? That support, along with Morgan-F/Inigo and Morgan-F/Laurent, is the reason I hate that annoying little shit. ._.; Her sadistic nature isn't cute or endearing, it makes her a complete bitch. Torturing bunnies isn't love, you shouldn't pick on a guy who just wants love, and you shouldn't ruin books because you're bored. She's completely unlikable.

I have to agree with this person. I don't even pair up female morgan anymore because I don't like any of her supports.

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Especially Morgan-F/Yarne? That support, along with Morgan-F/Inigo and Morgan-F/Laurent, is the reason I hate that annoying little shit. ._.; Her sadistic nature isn't cute or endearing, it makes her a complete bitch. Torturing bunnies isn't love, you shouldn't pick on a guy who just wants love, and you shouldn't ruin books because you're bored. She's completely unlikable.

Opinions, opinions. Nothing is true, everything is permitted and all that jazz.

You don't like her. I really do. Personally, I find Lissa to be intolerably annoying, and Tharja, while amusing, is undeniably a terrible person. When it reaches S supports, Morgan's so-called sadism is nothing more than a poorly expressed affection, while Tharja casts curses on her loved ones just because there's no one else around - and Morgan is the completely unlikable one?

More importantly, I just find it ridiculous that the only unavailable marriage is one who looks relatively legal (at least for the time period of the game) while there is a 1,000 year old lolicon who is apparently fair game. And on that topic, how do Manaketes even work? She's 1,000 and looks 10-12, and her post-timeskip (15-20 years?) daughter looks the same age, if not a little older than she does. If only Nowi was my daughter instead.

Edited by Prometheus
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She looks way more like a woman than Nowi or Lissa and that doesn't stop MU from slapping a ring on their finger. Like Henry, Morgan (f) can at least pass for 16-18 in a Japanese artstyle, unlike Nowi or Ricken.

Well, that isn't saying much. Lissa and (definitely) Nowi still look like children. More of a case for Nowi- Liz can pass off as 16 at most.

Not that I really mind if you like Morgan that way.

Not to mention, her as Sumia's daughter? They look pretty similar, if you ask me...

I'd know...Sumia's my only "waifu", so to speak (err, I don't exactly have romantic feelings for her, but having Cynthia as a daughter makes me cry manly tears).

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Huh. Some crazy opinions flying around in here. WELP. My two cents...

Female Morgan is awesome. I actually thought Male Morgan was insanely lame and just damned boring. But it seems generally, most female players love him. Makes sense...it's like IS set it up that way on purpose. Males get a daughter, females get a son. So seeing that, I find it understandable and now have some love for M. Morgan.

Especially Morgan-F/Yarne? That support, along with Morgan-F/Inigo and Morgan-F/Laurent, is the reason I hate that annoying little shit. ._.; Her sadistic nature isn't cute or endearing, it makes her a complete bitch. Torturing bunnies isn't love, you shouldn't pick on a guy who just wants love, and you shouldn't ruin books because you're bored. She's completely unlikable.

Y'know this makes me wonder if my initial reaction would've been different if I saw Morgan and Yarne's supports first if they weren't siblings. They are in my main file, so I had no idea what anyone was talking about...but after seeing it, I thought it was pretty funny. Sure, it's mean, but DAMN IT Yarne deserves it. I waifu'd Panne because she's a WARRIOR blast it! When your son is the exact opposite, it's like...it's like I had a killer axe lodged in my head. I couldn't help but facepalm at EVERYTHING he said. But...

Yarne is terrible, I have no sympathy for him

I...I know...I felt obligated to like him since he's supposed to be the son and everything. But I feel like he gets more of the character development...it's like he wants to be the proud warrior he's meant to be, but can't get past the whole "last of my kind" thing.

Ehh...and I've derailed and blabbed on. Whatever. I like Female morgan. Damn it.

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Seeing as everyone else raps on Yarne, I don't see why F!Morgan should be any different (and quite frankly, he deserves every bit of it).

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Seeing as everyone else raps on Yarne, I don't see why F!Morgan should be any different (and quite frankly, he deserves every bit of it).

Yes, yes he does. As funny as he can be, he's also really whiny and annoying. It's a shame, because I want to like him as a character.

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what about if we put Laurent instead :Kappa:

Laurent/Yarne? I'm going to need more brain bleach.

Replace Chambray/Yarne with you.

Unless you're an extreme maso... I don't see that relationship working out.

I wasn't aware that I had giant rabbit ears to pull on. Remind me to look in the mirror longer next time. I'm sure I'll find them somewhere.

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Stop being scared of your little sister, Noire

The person in question of wanting to marry Morgan is male, so FeMorgan is the marriage candidate in question.

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Oh gods not that pic again. *gets a brain bleach*

Regarding my opinion: MaMorgan >>> FeMorgan.

FeMorgan's only gem is her S support with Gerome(and possibly others but she's too trollific for so).

someone's jealous of her sister

why do you guys keep digging up these pictures

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