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Random Classes Screenshot LP!

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Sorry guys, I lost the save file for this game, so I guess I'll have to start over.

Everything is going to be re-randomized, but I'll let you guys choose what Eirika will be again!

So how about it? What do you want Eirika to be?

Cavalier is too bland. Cyclops is decent although I'd go Mauthe Doog->Gwylligi. It's not a bad class but one that you don't see very often in these kinds of things.

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Cavalier is too bland. Cyclops is decent although I'd go Mauthe Doog->Gwylligi. It's not a bad class but one that you don't see very often in these kinds of things.

. . . I mostly suggested it just to see Seth crit out the ears with a killing edge and +15 crit.

Also, refresh my memory. How would he get the character's pallets to display on monster classes?

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Also, refresh my memory. How would he get the character's pallets to display on monster classes?

It's called Manual Insertion, like what we had to do with FE8MR.

Klok, thanks for answering that one. Mainly since I had no idea what the answer actually was! I don't hack the GBA games.

. . . I mostly suggested it just to see Seth crit out the ears with a killing edge and +15 crit.

Swordmaster Seth is pretty cool, but why settle for that. How about Berserkaseth? Although, unless weapons are being switched (which IIRC they aren't), you don't get a killer axe for a while so never mind.

Other classes that come to mind that I rarely see in player reclass runs are Soldier, Assassin, and Gorgon.

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Swordmaster Seth is pretty cool, but why settle for that. How about Berserkaseth? Although, unless weapons are being switched (which IIRC they aren't), you don't get a killer axe for a while so never mind.

You know, I've never seemed to like Berserker that much. I generally roll my fighters and pirates as warriors or heroes. Dozla is about the only Berserker I've used, IIRC. I might have made Ross a Berserker on one of those rare runs where Amelia is a General. . . but I keep my Crit maxing to Myrmidons, Assassins, Swordmasters, Myrmidon!Lord, Swordmaster!Great Lord, and Wyvern Knights. (Which, by extension, means I only ever have one Wyvern Knight-and that's postgame.)

Poor Zerker is (probably) disappoint with me and my not Berserker army.

Other classes that come to mind that I rarely see in player reclass runs are Soldier, Assassin, and Gorgon.

I don't think I've seen much love for Rogues, Wyvern Knights, Monk or Manaketes (M and F)/Dracozombies, in regards to normal usable classes. I guess a Wyvern Rider would be a pretty useful Lord, but nearly as bland as a Cavalier. Maybe roll with Light Magic?

If you're really out of your mind - like someone I know - you could try your hand at making a usable class out of one of the background extras. For instance, I took Peer, the class which Fado utilizes in the intro, and turned it into a modified soldier. . . actually, it was my vague attempts at a King/General/Halberdier - my reasoning being that Fado's General class is him with some massive armor which he obviously isn't wearing at the beginning of the game. . . but armor doesn't impact your set of skills, amiright? I didn't have any Axe or Sword soldier animations, so I had to content myself with map animations, but I was rather fond of it regardless.

Actually, why am I taking this topic off topic again? Don't pay my blathering any mind. . .

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