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It's rude not to know your classmates' names

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I always had about 20~ classmates.

In that case, yeah, you should know everyone's names. But again, I still think 1-2 months is too short of a time period to necessitate knowing everyone's names.

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I still don't know the names of some people I've been in classes with for the past 3 years. Am I horrible?

Yet somehow, at this same school, there are people I swear I never met who know my name.

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In primary school and middle school I knew the names of all kids in my year/class. In my high school period I could name most of the people in my year, and a solid portion of all the others. I could probably have named well over 150 people in total. Don't ask me when your birthday is though, cause the only ones I can remember are mine and of my direct family.

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In that case, yeah, you should know everyone's names. But again, I still think 1-2 months is too short of a time period to necessitate knowing everyone's names.

It's not a matter of knowing people out of your own benefit. Heck, even I never ask for anything.

What world do we live in in which we only care to know someone's name only if they are of any use to us.

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I had 8 classes a day last year.

1st:about 20 kids. I knew all their names because I was the TA and handled paperwork.

2nd:96+. HAHAHAHAHAHAAHA.... no.

3rd:25 or so. I knew about half their names.

4th:12. I knew everyone.

5th:40ish. I knew like 7 people

6th: Same as 5th.

7th: 25 or so. I only talked to my girlfriend in that class, so I knew like 4 or 5 kids in there.

8th: around 35. I knew most people's names because we had to talk to people we didn't know a LOT in that class and names were usually required.

So a grand total of about 293 kids, of which I knew about 20-25% of people. Almost everyone knew me except in my 6th period class, which made me feel bad for not knowing them.

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Eh, ft depends if they are people I talk to/know me well. I've got classes like the above people have said, I'd average about 150 people per year, so I'm not exactly up to that.

All through middle school I called someone their wrong name, and it was only in the last couple of days there I figured out their real name.

Edited by Melonhead
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Yes. Yes, I find it rude that it's almost impossible for me to memorize classmates' names and ages in under three months unless I spend five out of seven class periods goofing around with them rather than actually paying attention.

No. I don't find it rude when other people forget I even exist because other people can just go forget I exist. Nothing I can do about being a forgetable person.

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Some people don't really have the kind of memory needed for this sort of thing, and some just plain don't care. Not such a big deal to not know the names of people you only have minor interaction with (if it all), Soul.

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I'm terrible at remembering names. It took me like 2 years to remember my neighbors name and we would talk relatively often. To be fair though I didn't wan't to ask him what his name was cuz I was afraid I might hurt his feelings and make him think he wasn't important enough to remember. But yeah, dates and names are difficult for me to remember for whatever reason.

..... and yet I can remember obscure and useless information easily.... screw you brain.

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It's common behavior at my shitty school. Personally, once I learn the name of a person, I rarely ever forget it. A good 70% of the people whose name I know probably have never heard of me. I'm not complaining~

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