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Asset and Flaw

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Truth be told, I've only done three play throughs total, with each on hard. (I did a lot of heavy level grinding post-game in my first go, along with most of the DLC chapters (to the point where I have a good 30 maxed out units, with few of them having limit breaker) and a lot of support convos) Right now, I want to try lunatic but I'm not sure what to choose for assets and flaws. Normally I did Magic/Luck but I want to be different this time. Any suggestions?

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I always felt like luck was the one stat I could go without unless I was using Armsthrift but once I looked at the max stat modifiers I started double guessing all of them

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True that. The thing is, I don't like the idea of having to give up a stat to enforce another. And along with -3 luck, there's -1 strength and magic. HP seems to be the most balanced because it brings up everything but skill and speed, with strength and magic +1 and +2 luck, defense, and resistance. I think I just found my asset and flaw

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On my first run I did +MAG and -LCK.

On my second run I had +STR -LCK and on my third run I decided to do something different and did +SKL -RES. All three are on hard/casual mode so if the lack of resistance is troubling I won't have to worry too hard.

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-res didn't even bother me on Lunatic

(did +Str -Res Lunatic nogrind)

The only place I felt I needed resistance was inigo's paralogue vs those dark fliers that charge at you but that's what tiki's for, really

If you pay attention and do it right you won't have to face more than 1 magic enemy per unit at a time. I just picked off all the magics playerphase before they can respond which left me to tank a bunch of physicals on enemy phase and my team of heavy defensives takes care of that easily.

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+Def/-Luk is what I've done on my Lunatic files to great success, but I'm beginning to strongly lean towards +Def/-Str instead. Luck flaw really hurts early, and early is what matters most. -Str doesn't hurt you early on, and while pretty much forces you into magic classes later, but that's where Sorcerer and Tactician are, so it's not too bad.

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+Def/-Luk is what I've done on my Lunatic files to great success, but I'm beginning to strongly lean towards +Def/-Str instead. Luck flaw really hurts early, and early is what matters most. -Str doesn't hurt you early on, and while pretty much forces you into magic classes later, but that's where Sorcerer and Tactician are, so it's not too bad.

That's why I prefer -SKL flaw. But LCK flaw's downside is over-rated; against the Prologue boss you can get to zero crit with supports.

Is there any +Def builds that doesn't hurt strength and can get through L+ earlygame? I much prefer to play physical, even if suboptimally.

MAG or RES flaw. RES probably your best bet, since magic is important early. Edited by Interceptor
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+Def/-Luk is what I've done on my Lunatic files to great success, but I'm beginning to strongly lean towards +Def/-Str instead. Luck flaw really hurts early, and early is what matters most. -Str doesn't hurt you early on, and while pretty much forces you into magic classes later, but that's where Sorcerer and Tactician are, so it's not too bad.

This is what you must keep in mind when choosing an Asset and Flaw. Once you get mid way, any weakness that you have, regardless of what you chose, can be worked around

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That's why I prefer -SKL flaw. But LCK flaw's downside is over-rated; against the Prologue boss you can get to zero crit with supports.

Skill is also pretty bad. That thunder tome isn't especially accurate at first, and losing solid skill lowers that further, as well as hindering the growth, meaning you take longer before you hit rate gets up to a decent level. The boss isn't the issue, it's everything else. You have thunder mages, myrmidons with ~11 skill, and gamble barbarians. You can't realistically keep everyone surrounding Avatar to zero those rates. Also IIRC the boss has enough crit that a -LUK Avatar skill faces crit rate if he doesn't proc luck once.

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I always use + Speed and - Luck.

I used speed so that you won't get doubled very easily. It's fine adding extra damage or defence but the way I see it, why not add to both by not letting your opponent strike twice and being able to strike twice consistently?

Luck is the best flaw in the game, the only thing it interferes with is armsthrift and Limit Breaker sorts that out.

Id also recommend a female avatar on Lunatic, simply because of Galeforce.

Edited by N7 Dynames
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Skill is also pretty bad. That thunder tome isn't especially accurate at first, and losing solid skill lowers that further, as well as hindering the growth, meaning you take longer before you hit rate gets up to a decent level. The boss isn't the issue, it's everything else. You have thunder mages, myrmidons with ~11 skill, and gamble barbarians. You can't realistically keep everyone surrounding Avatar to zero those rates. Also IIRC the boss has enough crit that a -LUK Avatar skill faces crit rate if he doesn't proc luck once.

There are small issues, but they aren't really a BFD. Misses aren't necessarily fatal or even important. I am almost positive that one of the mages uses wind, and generally Avatar should never be taking attacks from a Myrmidon, or excessive counters from Barbarians. Exposure is pretty limited unless you are playing pretty differently from the "stuff everything into Avatar" method.

On the other hand, passing a -3 STR cap to Morgan (and possibly Lucina) is a kick in the nuts.

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Just an FYI, be careful of the mages in Prologue if you go RES flaw. They will wreck your shit, even with a Lissa support. Fortunately Frederick can OHKO.

Noted. If they spawn with Luna+, I'll just stab them with Fred instead of kiting them for 3 turns like I did on Lunatic (also with a res flaw).

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There are small issues, but they aren't really a BFD. Misses aren't necessarily fatal or even important. I am almost positive that one of the mages uses wind, and generally Avatar should never be taking attacks from a Myrmidon, or excessive counters from Barbarians. Exposure is pretty limited unless you are playing pretty differently from the "stuff everything into Avatar" method.

On the other hand, passing a -3 STR cap to Morgan (and possibly Lucina) is a kick in the nuts.

-3 STR cap to Morgan is pretty irrelevant, given Morgan doesn't appear in the first 1/4 of the game, and even then, he's not reaching caps until near endgame anyway. Unless you're Frederick rushing the entire chapter, Avatar's likely going to need to be in position to take 1-2 hits. Yes, one of the mages uses an Elwind. Or an Elfire, not sure. At least one uses thunder. With strength, it's even less than that, unless you're going to pair up with a physical partner.

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I'm not at all worried about facing tiny crit on 1-2 attacks in Prologue. And I actually do care about Morgan's STR, honestly. But I do care about Armsthrift, so that's why I prefer -SKL. Hard to get worked up about a hypothetical failure chance in the first two chapters of the game, when stat caps are a thing later.

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There's also enemies in chapters 1-2 that have crit rates. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make Chapters 1-2 a little easier, considering the game becomes so much easier lategame. I don't care about Morgan's strength cap much when he's pretty reliably going to ORKO everything anyway, and the last few chapters are easy in the first place.

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