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I think I know how to take out Jaffar too. Frederick with a Brave Lance. Yeah, then Freddy can two-shot him without fear of a counterattack.

Frederick seems to be able to solve any issue I run into. :D

I'll be sure not to have anyone use an axe against Linus then.

Edited by Anacybele
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It's not advisable to 1-range him at all, he has Counter, 80HP and a Brave Axe.

This. On top of that, he's also very close to Ike and a few other enemies, so the Counter damage might really screw you over.

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A Brave Axe? I thought Jaffar was an Assassin. That's why he'd have Lethality. :/

And Great Knights have a lot of defense, Frederick being my most defensible of them all so far. He'd be able to take a couple Counters or so.

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A Brave Axe? I thought Jaffar was an Assassin. That's why he'd have Lethality. :/

And Great Knights have a lot of defense, Frederick being my most defensible of them all so far. He'd be able to take a couple Counters or so.

The Brave Axe user being talked about is Linus, plus Counter is flat damage, so Frederick's defense wouldn't matter at all.

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Yea, I was talking about Linus.

Jaffar has: A killing edge, +1 MOV, Pass, Swordbreaker, Galeforce and Lethality.

Oh wait my bad Linus has: A brave sword, Patience, Axebreaker, Counter,BowBreaker and Sol.

Accompanying Linus we have:

Ike(your biggest threat aside from Linus, he can ORKO almost anyone): Ragnell, Patience, Lancebreaker,Axebreaker, Sol, Aether

Lilina(sage): 75MT!!!(At least in Lunatic don't know about Normal but it's pretty high), Bolganone, Magic+2,Focus,Luna,Tomebreaker,TomeFaire. She has low defense so kill her on PP!

Ishtar(sage) Mjolnir, Magic+2, Tomefaire,Astra,Focus,Axebreaker.

And just a tidbit for Frederick:

Caeda(Falcon): Beastkiller, 50SPD(Again Lunatic, don't know about normal), SPD+2,Lancefaire,+10avoid,swordbreaker,Rallyspeed.

And also:

Narcian: Brave Lance, Swordbreaker,Tomebreaker,Vengeance,Quickburn,Tantivy

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The Brave Axe user being talked about is Linus, plus Counter is flat damage, so Frederick's defense wouldn't matter at all.

...Oh. Well, I feel dumb. xP

And thanks for the pointers, guys. I'd be quite surprised if Normal mode Rogues & Redeemers 3 is exactly the same as the Lunatic version though.

Edited by Anacybele
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...Oh. Well, I feel dumb. xP

And thanks for the pointers, guys. I'd be quite surprised if Normal mode Rogues & Redeemers 3 is exactly the same as the Lunatic version though.

Stats are different but I'd expect skills to be the same, since they're the same on all other difficulties.

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R+R3 is easy, if my maxed stat MU could solo it(with Chrom pair up boosts too, but his class gave boosts to the stats I didn't want) then a team of maxed stats would probably be able to finish it as well.

The most dangerous units (I can only think of 2 atm, there were 3/4 that gave me trouble) are Jaffar with Lethality and Linus/Lloyd(forgot which one) with Counter, but kill those on PP and you should be fine.

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Oh yeah, I didn't doubt that the skill sets would be the same, it's the stats that I thought would be different.

And yeah, I have my strategies to combat both Jaffar and Linus now.

Jaffar: Frederick moving in with a Brave Lance to two-shot him without a counterattack.

Linus: Frederick using a forged Spear to spear him into history from a distance.

You guys DID say Linus is the one with Counter, right? I'm trying to get my facts straight here too before I make this final. If this is all fine, I love how Freddy Bear has been able to solve all my problems. :D

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Yes, Linus is the one with counter. You should watch out and have a really diverse party, there are many opponents with breakers and whatnot.

I'm sorry but I can't provide normal stats :(, or I would be posting more dangers.

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Oh yeah, I was planning on going a little more diverse this time. I do really need to better cover my team's general weakness to magic attacks (so many people with crappy res. My Great Knights, Kelli, Chrom, Gaius, Lon'qu, Cherche...). Which is why I'm going to further level up Cordelia, Maribelle, and Lissa, whom are the only three I've ever really leveled up that have decent res and are really good units for me right now. I have Elincia to help out now as well, and I'm gonna be using her in this map. More Peg knights = more resistance.

Don't ask me why Kelli's res is bad either. She's supposed to have worse defense. xP

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stat dump (I've got all 50 now):

Petrine: 63 HP, 34 (+5) str, 23 mag, 37 skl, 38 spd, 15 lck, 33 def, 27 res (Brave Lance) (Weapon Ranks: A Lance B Sword)

Arvis: 78 HP, 27 str, 35 (+5) mag, 32 skl, 33 spd, 10 lck, 34 def, 33 res (Valflame)

Travant: 75 HP, 41 (+7) str, 5 mag, 37 skl, 34 spd, 18 lck, 44 def, 11 res (Gungnir) (Weapon Ranks: A Lance B Axe)

Zephiel: 75 HP, 41 str, 12 mag, 34 skl, 35 spd, 23 lck, 41 (+2) def, 19 res (Spear) (Weapon Ranks: A Lance B Axe)

Nergal: 78 HP, 21 str, 40 mag, 26 skl, 23 spd, 20 lck, 31 def, 35 res (Goetia)

Saias: 65 HP, 1 str, 34 (+5) mag, 30 skl, 26 spd, 22 lck, 21 def, 26 res (Bolganone/Fortify)

Jaffar: 71 HP, 40 str, 4 mag, 49 skl, 45 spd, 20 lck, 33 def, 25 res (Killing Edge) (Weapon Ranks: A Sword B Bow)

Julius: 75 HP, 13 str, 36 mag, 30 skl, 30 spd, 13 lck, 39 def, 33 res (Goetia)

Jamke: 68 HP, 32 (+5) str, 6 mag, 38 (+2) skl, 37 spd, 23 lck, 28 def, 12 res (Killer Bow) (Weapon Rank: A Bow)

Ashnard: 78 HP,44 (+2) str, 25 mag, 35 skl, 30 spd, 10 lck, 39 def, 29 res (Brave Axe) (Weapon Rank: A Axe B Lance)

Gharnef: 60 HP, 18 str, 35 mag, 34 skl, 31 spd, 14 lck, 29 def, 33 res (Goetia)

Raydrik: 76 HP, 38 str, 5 mag, 31 skl, 24 spd, 13 lck, 41 def, 19 res (Silver Axe/Hammer) (Weapon Rank: B Axe B Lance)

Ursula: 54 HP, 12 str, 35 (+5) mag, 36 skl, 40 spd, 14 lck, 19 def, 31 (+2) res (Bolganone) (Weapon Rank: A Tomes C Staff)

Selena: 57 HP, 21 str, 33 (+2) mag, 34 skl, 37 spd, 21 lck, 24 def, 33 res (Thoron) (Weapon Rank: A Tomes C Sword)

Eldigan: 71 HP, 36 (+5) str, 13 mag, 44 (+5) skl, 34 spd, 15 lck, 38 def, 42 res (Mystletainn) (Weapon Rank: A Sword B Lance)

Navarre: 65 HP, 36 (+5) str, 11 mag, 45 skl, 47 spd, 39 lck, 22 def, 20 res (Killing Edge) (Weapon Rank: A Sword)

Narcian: 70 HP, 39 str, 3 mag, 33 skl, 36 spd, 21 lck, 43 def, 14 res (Brave Lance) (Weapon Rank: A Lance B Axe)

Ishtar: 73 HP, 9 str, 40 (+7) mag, 37 (+5) skl, 34 spd, 18 lck, 33 def, 11 res (Mjolnir) (Weapon Rank: A Tomes B Staff)

Lyon: 60 HP, 28 str, 35 (+5) mag, 23 skl, 21 spd, 4 lck, 33 def, 35 res (Goetia)

Lloyd: 61 HP, 32 (+5) str, 13 mag, 43 skl, 45 spd, 13 lck, 23 def, 18 res (Brave Sword)

Katarina: 61 HP, 11 str, 36 (+7) mag, 41 skl, 39 spd, 19 lck, 24 def, 18 res (Katarina’s Bolt) (Weapon Rank: A Tomes B Staff)

Black Knight: 75 HP, 40 str, 23 mag, 39 skl, 31 spd, 21 lck, 40 (+2) def, 28 res (Brave Lance) (Weapon Rank: A Lance B Axe)

Oliver: 77 HP, 25 str, 36 mag, 24 skl, 23 spd, 35 lck, 26 def, 40 res (Waste/Nosferatu) (Weapon Rank: A Tomes)

Linus: 68 HP, 37 str, 7 mag, 38 skl, 34 spd, 18 lck, 28 def, 15 res (Brave Sword) (Weapon Rank: A Sword B Axe)

Hardin: 80 HP, 45 str, 10 mag, 38 skl, 30 spd, 5 lck, 45 (+2) def, 18 res (Gradivus) (Weapon Rank: A Lance B Axe)

Marisa: 58 HP, 31 str, 20 mag, 44 skl, 45 spd, 36 lck, 21 def, 20 res (Killing Edge) (Weapon Rank: A Swords)

Sephiran: 74 HP, 16 str, 43 (+7) mag, 40 skl, 38 spd, 40 lck, 29 def, 40 res (Thoron/Goddess Staff)

Raigh: 63 HP, 8 str, 34 mag, 29 skl, 28 spd, 16 lck, 25 def, 16 res (Nosferatu) (Weapon Rank: A Tomes)

Ares: 74 HP, 38 str, 15 mag, 35 (+5) skl, 37 spd, 22 lck, 36 def, 27 res (Mystletainn) (Weapon Rank: A Sword D Tomes)

Camus: 72 HP, 38 str, 21 mag, 39 skl, 41 spd, 20 lck, 36 def, 19 res (Gradivus)<------he's the boss of RaR1, his stats were up on the Awakening page anyway

Seliph: 72 HP, 35 (+5) str, 17 mag, 36 skl, 43 spd, 40 lck, 28 def, 19 (+5) res (Tyrfing/Seliph’s Blade)

Alm: 68 HP, 41 str, 3 mag, 38 skl, 33 spd, 27 lck, 34 def, 12 res (Alm’s Blade) (Weapon Rank: A Sword C Axe)

Leif: 68 HP, 34 str, 28 mag, 36 skl, 38 spd, 35 lck, 29 def, 16 res (Levin Sword/Leif’s Blade) (Weapon Rank: B Sword E Staff)

Sigurd: 71 HP, 37 str, 11 mag, 33 skl, 32 spd, 24 lck, 33 def, 13 (+5) res (Tyrfing/Sigurd’s Lance)

Ephraim: 71 HP, 40 str, 3 mag, 35 skl, 33 spd, 31 lck, 36 def, 10 res (Brave Lance/Ephraim’s Lance) (Weapon Rank: C Sword A Lance C Axe)

Roy: 64 HP, 33 str, 15 mag, 36 skl, 35 spd, 29 lck, 27 def, 15 res (Brave Sword/Roy’s Blade) (Weapon Rank: A Sword D Axe)

Ike: 76 HP, 41 str, 16 mag, 38 skl, 37 spd, 30 lck, 33 (+5) def, 18 res (Ragnell) (Weapon Rank: A Sword B Axe)

Eliwood: 66 HP, 35 (+5) str, 12 mag, 36 skl, 36 spd, 32 lck, 33 def, 20 res (Brave Sword/Eliwood’s Blade) (Weapon Rank: A Sword B Lance)

Prince Marth: 68 HP, 31 str, 12 mag, 35 skl, 34 spd, 39 lck, 24 def, 15 res (Noble Rapier/Exalted Falchion)

Sothe: 63 HP, 33 str, 26 mag, 41 skl, 36 spd, 23 lck, 31 def, 15 res (Silver Sword/Levin Sword) (Weapon Rank: B Sword D Staff)

Eirika: 63 HP, 31 str, 21 mag, 37 skl, 40 spd, 33 lck, 26 def, 24 res (Eirika’s Blade/Silver Sword)

Celica: 53 HP, 6 str, 35 (+7) mag, 31 skl, 31 spd, 34 lck, 21 def, 25 res (Celica’s Gale/Rexcalibur) (Weapon Ranks: A Tome B Staff)

Caeda: 57 HP, 25 (+5) str, 14 mag, 35 skl, 43 (+2) spd, 40 lck, 19 def, 33 res (Killer Lance/Beast Killer) (Weapon Ranks: B Lance E Staff)

Micaiah: 51 HP, 8 str, 39 (+5) mag, 35 skl, 34 spd, 38 lck, 20 (+2) def, 31 (+2) res (Micaiah’s Pyre) (Weapon Ranks: A Tome B Staff)

Lilina: 58 HP, 9 str, 45 (+7) mag, 31 skl, 35 spd, 33 lck, 15 def, 24 res (Bolganone) (Weapon Ranks: A Tome C Staff)

Nanna: 51 HP, 3 str, 30 mag, 34 skl, 37 spd, 38 lck, 14 def, 29 (+2) res (Rexcalibur/Fortify)

Deirdre: 56 HP, 0 str, 33 mag, 24 skl, 27 spd, 15 lck, 12 def, 39 res (Nosferatu, Thoron)

Lyn: 61 HP, 33 (+5) str, 15 mag, 41 skl, 45 spd, 35 lck, 24 def, 21 (+5) res (Sol Katti)

Julia: 53 HP, 5 str, 35 (+7) mag, 26 skl, 28 spd, 12 lck, 14 (+5) def, 31 (+5) res (Book of Naga) (Weapon Ranks: A Tome B Staff)

Elincia: 63 HP, 18 str, 37 mag, 34 skl, 35 (+2) spd, 38 lck, 15 def, 27 res (Silver Lance/Shockstick/Fortify)

skills are the same as Lunatic mode

dunno why I recorded weapon ranks for those who had A rank in their primary weapon, whatever

(P.S. add this to the enemy stats page someone)

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Damn, that's a lot of people to beat. o.o

As for Res +10, I was considering doing that, actually. I'd have to go get Lost Bloodlines 2 and beat it first, but I can do that.

EDIT: Wait, if I'm able to. I just remembered that the last time I looked for it, it didn't show up on the list, even though Lost Bloodlines 1 and 3 were there.

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Speaking of...

What DLC, other than the Scramble Pack, has altered skill sets?

Challenge pack.

Fliers having Bowbreaker, Berserkers having Vengeance and Vantage, super soldier having counter, super huge risen having a variety of skillsets AND Lunatic+ skills if you're in that mode, etc.

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Challenge pack.

Fliers having Bowbreaker, Berserkers having Vengeance and Vantage, super soldier having counter, super huge risen having a variety of skillsets AND Lunatic+ skills if you're in that mode, etc.

all to be trivialized by the power of Limit Breaker

because challenge pack doesn't technically include Apotheosis, HAH

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