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Yet another pairing topic


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I'm sorry for yet another pairing topic, but i'm wondering what your opinions are.

In my first game I decided to play it mostly safe with my pairings, but this time i'm thinking of mixing things up a little.

My previous pairings where.












So far I've decided to do these pairings.

Chrom/Mu for two super children instead of one.

Ricken/Miriel for some extra magic

Sumia/Henry because I did't know who else to pair her with since her list is rather small.

Cherche/Lon because I thought it would make a good pairing.

There are few other pairings for which I have an idea, but I don't really have a clue about how good those pairings are.

Maribelle with either Vaike or Gaius.

Both of them give similar classes, but i'm think that Brady gets slightly more out of the barbarian tree then the Myrm tree.

Sully with either Libra or Donny.

I was thinking about Libra for easy access to Luna and Renewel, but perhaps Libra is better with a magical child instead of a physical one.

I'm still not entirely sure about the rest. Especially Nowi and Panne since I never cared much for those two.

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Chrom x Avatar

I would recommend:

Galeforce capable

Tharja x Gaius - for Galeforce

Donnel x Sully - also for GF

Nah x Vaike - no way for her to get GF now, so she might as well go super tank with Sol/Pavise/DG+

Galeforce available

Sumia x Henry - Freddy is the only other option at this point, and his classes are pretty redundant. Henry has nice mods on top of a fun class selection.

Lissa x Ricken - Owain badly wants Luna to take advantage of Galeforce, and the mods from his mom practically force him into magic. Might as well go all the way.

Cordelia x Stahl - Similar situation with Severa who also wants Luna. Stahl gives her the bonus of the Myrmidon tree for some nice toys too.

Olivia x Kellam - Inigo wants Luna too, and Kellam's class set only overlaps with Assassin. Frederick could be decent too, but he could do a little more good elsewhere.

Maribelle x Virion - All Brady could really want are merc/myrm and mods, 2 of which he could get from either Gregor or Lon'qu. However I'm going to pair them elsewhere to make the other kids a bit closer to par. Virion gives him mods at least.

Galeforce impossible

Panne x Lon'qu - Without Galeforce or a good class set, Yarne doesn't have much to look forward to. He can snag Astra to have a remotely reliable proc skill.

Miriel x Gregor - Makes an amazing Sorcerer with ridiculous self-healing. Could also trade for Lon'qu for better mods at the loss of Sol.

Cherche x Frederick - This pairing makes Gerome really strong and bulky with access to Sol/Aegis/Pavise. Paladin is nice to have too.

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I agree with almost everything Meteor said, but I'd do Lon'qu!Brady(many argue this is the best Brady), Virion!Inigo and Kellam!Yarne. IMO Yarne is the worst kid, so he needs DG+ to be at least a decent support. And he at least gets Luna that's better than astra.

Edited by Nobody
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I don't know if I should be giving out any advice (considering I'm still a rook) but...what the hell here it goes.

So far I've decided to do these pairings.

Chrom/Mu for two super children instead of one. Good.

Ricken/Miriel for some extra magic Go for RickenxLissa and GregorxMiriel. Ricken does not offer Laurent much in the way that will benefit him. With Ricken as Lissa's pair, Owain gains a huge boost in MAG and the skill Luna, which is essential for his galeforcing capabilities. Also, with Ricken there isn't much class overlap. Gregor provides Armsthrift and Vantage for Laurent to use Sorcerer effectively. This allows him to use Aversa's Night freely as it only has ten usage and completes the VWW combo to top it off.

Sumia/Henry because I did't know who else to pair her with since her list is rather small. The only option that gives Cynthia a boost in MAG. Overall, not a bad pairing.

Cherche/Lon because I thought it would make a good pairing. Go for FrederickxCherche. Makes Gerome an excellent support as paladin and gives him access to P.A.L. (Pavise, Aegis, Luna) for frontlining, which can also be supported with his access to Sol and Renewal.

There are few other pairings for which I have an idea, but I don't really have a clue about how good those pairings are.

Maribelle with either Vaike or Gaius.

Both of them give similar classes, but i'm think that Brady gets slightly more out of the barbarian tree then the Myrm tree.

Lon'QuxMaribelle is where it's at. This is an odd pairing, but Brady becomes an ultimate support unit with everything he needs. Just don't let the -4 DEF mod fool you. He has the mods in SKL and SPD along with access to Vantage and Luna to support his frontlining capabilities.

Sully with either Libra or Donny.

I was thinking about Libra for easy access to Luna and Renewel, but perhaps Libra is better with a magical child instead of a physical one.

VaikexSully. Makes Kjelle specialized as a tank with Armsthrift, Sol, Aegis, and Pavise. With Donny, she becomes a jack-of-all-trades but a master to none.

I'm still not entirely sure about the rest. Especially Nowi and Panne since I never cared much for those two. KellamxPanne and DonnelxNowi. This makes Yarne a dedicated support bot and Nah a decent Manakete.

So with this in mind. Here are your pairings so far:










That just leaves Olivia, Cordelia, and Tharja. This is fairly simple as you have leftover fathers that give their children great potential:

LibraxOlivia - This gives Inigo acess to the infamous VWW combo, which is topped off by Armsthrift, allowing him to fill a similar role as Laurent (though I'm not sure if having two sorctanks are such a good idea >_>'). If this is a problem, I recommend something else.

StahlxCordelia - Severa becomes an amazing physical unit that can utilize either Luna and Galeforce or Vantage and Sol for frontlining.

GaiusxTharja - Noire becomes arguablly one of the best Dark Fliers in the game with Gaius as her dad. Decent mods all around.

However, there are a plethora of alternatives you can consider, so choose very wisely.

EDIT: With this, that just leaves out Virion, whom I personally deem the worst father ever in terms of skills.

Edited by kDog214
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I agree with almost everything Meteor said, but I'd do Lon'qu!Brady(many argue this is the best Brady), Virion!Inigo and Kellam!Yarne. IMO Yarne is the worst kid, so he needs DG+ to be at least a decent support. And he at least gets Luna that's better than astra.

This is why I like Chrom x Olivia - it lets you give Inigo GK without having to take it from one of the other kids. Sadly impossible though. The configuration you proposed gives Inigo a little less favoritism than mine, but I think it's a net gain due to buffing Yarne.

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This is why I like Chrom x Olivia - it lets you give Inigo GK without having to take it from one of the other kids. Sadly impossible though. The configuration you proposed gives Inigo a little less favoritism than mine, but I think it's a net gain due to buffing Yarne.

But...Libra!Inigo...the next best Inigo if all of his best daddies (that give Luna) are taken... T_T

He doesn't get Luna but there's no class overlap and he becomes a decent magic user.

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Inigo already has a pretty good set right out of the gate, (Merc/Myrm + Galeforce does that to a guy) so he's one of those kids who works fine with any dad. Out of all of them, the most notable ones I've seen would be Chrom for a fast Luna/Great Knight, Frederick for Pavise/Aegis/Luna, and Libra for magic option. If you need all of them elsewhere, though, Kellam!Inigo (the pairing that Meteor mentioned) is pretty underrated in my opinion. Shares similar mods to Frederick!Inigo and he gets Knight from both, except instead of Cavalier/Wyvern, he gets Priest/Thief. Seems like a bad trade in theory, but he can be a solid spellcaster since Priest = Sage, and can even do some War Monk stuff since he gets Axefaire out of the gate.

As for Kjelle, the main thing she's looking for is Sol from Donnel/Vaike/Gaius/Gregor/Avatar, but if she can't get it for whatever reason Sorcerer is probably her next best option from Libra or Henry. Libra!Kjelle is basically the distaff counterpart to Libra!Inigo, since while she loses Sol/Armsthrift/Galeforce, she gains Pavise/Aegis/Luna and no class overlap.

As for Yarne, he's kind of annoying to work with since he needs someone like Gregor or Gaius if he wants to get out of being a support bot by abusing Vantage/Sol. I usually like to give him Gregor because I like to frontline with him, but he's pretty flexible for fathers otherwise. Frederick, Stahl and Kellam are popular choices. Ricken's decent as well if you need Stahl elsewhere, since he still gives Bowfaire access and Paladin. Gerome's the same way in that he works well with Dual Guard dads, except he starts with Sol already so he only needs Vantage if he wants to frontline.

Edited by HeoandReo
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As for Yarne, Kellam is probably the go-to guy. Actually, if you want an AMAZING sorceror, Libra!Noire will work beautifully. Doing that would would leave you with Gaius or Virion for Olivia. Either will work well, and both have great supports. The only problem is Noire would not get galeforce, but with Libra's high resistance, she would be used as a wall, so galeforce wouldn't be a necessity. Libra also gives a great magic mod to complement Tharja's. Her magic would best Laurent.

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