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Lord of Azure Flame Final Chapter: Victory or Death


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Tas nodded; not thinking about it was an appealing option. It still left a bad feeling in his stomach, though. Instead, he got to thinking about what he would do after the battle. His future wasn't very certain, but he knew he'd at least be helping Irina with her ranch for a little while. That was a nice thought and it helped to calm him down. "I wonder how Niket's doing."

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"Probably hard to kill with swords now that I think about it. That's one big wyvern if my memory serves me correctly- I certainly wouldn't want to fight it," he continued. Viveka seemed amused which was certainly preferable to upset.


"Prioritizing anything other than the Lord himself seems like a distraction at this point- but I would rather deal with it sooner if it proves to be critical," Morgan said thoughtfully.

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"Me too. I just hope he hasn't been claimed as a mount by anyone yet. I want him back. He was practically my first own mountain wyvern. I felt like I really bonded with him." (He even tried to say my name~) "Sooo the first thing I need to do once this is over is go straight back to Kalten and pick him up ... assuming he hasn't been claimed yet. He shouldn't be, but sometimes the really young ones get picked and start their training really early."


"I'm not sure why arrows are so effective, but that would definitely be my second choice, a few ballista bolts right to the chest," Viveka softly said as she closed her eyes and pictured the event playing out in her mind. A moment later, she opened her eyes again and had a strange expression on her face, like she knew her fantasy kill was entirely unrealistic. "Yeah, I don't think that's happening, though, especially not with Ivanko crying in the background ...."


"Well, we'll just have to make it quick then. I just hope he hasn't gone insane or something. He's running out of chimeras, but that doesn't mean he can't still put up a decent fight. There's also that new demon. We really don't need to be fighting among ourselves at a time like this, but just in case I'll make sure Triton knows not to let his guard down."

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Tas smiled as the talk about the little, red wyvern began and even laughed quietly a little when she mentioned that she thought she really bonded with Niket. "Definitely," Tas agreed, "And yeah, I can tell that you did. Bond with him, I mean. He really likes you." The bit about when the mercenaries claimed their mounts was interesting, but thinking back on it, it wasn't that strange. He'd known Namid all his life, after all.

He had to admit, it was really encouraging to see Irina smile like that. The impending battle was almost entirely forgotten and the courier actually found himself enjoying this nighttime chat in the desert. It's not really that bad out here. Wide, open spaces under the stars... Probably has to do with the company, too. Nikita, Kiev, Namid, Irina... "I wonder how Niket would like the desert," chuckled the wyvern rider, "I bet he wouldn't even notice where he was as long as you were around."

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Oy oy oy, that was not a good sign, Iris thought and sighed. She had to figure out some way to get him focused on the task at hand and to leave the worrying about after for, well, after. Frederikov honestly didn't have the best idea of what approach to take, but just sitting in silence was certainly not going to help, so she took a bit of a gamble, which frankly, was something that came pretty naturally to her.

"Look, I know I'm probably high on your list of 'least favorite people' right now, in no small part because of all those concerns you are focused on currently... And I know you are probably thinking that what I'm about to tell you is just some self-serving garbage for the sake of my job. Tell the truth, maybe that's not all wrong, but job or no, I'd hate to see you die, so I'd still like you to listen to the story I'm about to tell you." The lead-in was longer than it probably needed to be, but it helped to give the lieutenant a little more time to get the narrative organized the way she thought might work best.

"Some few years ago, taken in partly by the propaganda and partly by urgings from family, a young, eager, and hopeful recruit enlisted in the military. Surely the future was going to be bright, honorable, and for the good of the country, no? Time passed, the polish wore off of the silvered promises; reality was nothing like what the honeyed tongues had said it would be. But still, once in, where was a soldier to go? Desertion was no option. Even if the call of duty were not reason enough, with a family of modest means counting on some support from the salary, well... I think you get the picture. Years of chafing in a dead-end career, with no way to effect a change for the positive made the young officer cynical and bitter, and seeing the success of other colleagues was something like salt in the wound. But eventually, after being transferred from mundane assignment to boring post to worthless superiour, luck turned around and things were finally looking up. A competent senior officer with ambition was just the mentor they needed. Progress was happening, but even if it wasn't, the current company they had found themselves in made the situation pleasant."

Oookay, she'd probably taken that far enough. Realizing she'd gotten a little caught up in the story, Iris took a swift pull from her flask, but it ended up being a little more than she was up for, and a couple of coughs and some watery eyes later, she tried to steer things back on course. "So you see, even though duty remained, the yoke had become light and easy to bear. Yes, you're right, you're not likely to ever free yourself or your sister from the shackles of royalty. But Highness, there may come a day when they seem more like fuzzy handcuffs. Once the emperor bears another heir, for instance, I'm sure you'll find things to look up. You can't let yourself get too focused on the woes of the present, and assume they'll continue indefinitely..."

Frederikov kind of trailed off there. It had seemed like a good analogy at the time, but looking back on things, well, didn't it really start to fall apart here and there? And just what had made her think for the slightest moment it would be a good idea to compare her situation to the prince's anyway. Nothing to do but wait for the inevitable rebuttals, she supposed.

Edited by Balcerzak
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Iso squinted at Iris a few times throughout the story, trying to figure out whether she was talking about herself or someone else. With each squint, he became a bit more certain that this was her own story. It'd be strange if she was getting into this much detail about someone else, but he couldn't be completely sure. He also expected something more profound toward the end and feared the Battle of Kalten and 'that officer's' role in it would eventually come up, but thankfully it didn't. Ivanko's shenanigans may have appeared heroic to other people, but the results were still the chains that bound him and his sister, so he didn't exactly feel like hearing about them, at least not in a positive light.

"Maybe ... but it'd be a lot simpler to just never go back to Zaftra, too. I've got no intention whatsoever of dying, but knowing that my future, and my sister's future, isn't even in our own hands ... to still have our lives shaped by the whims of others--especially his--even after all of this ... it's so far beyond frustrating." Deciding not to throw himself over the ledge of bitterness he was approaching, he said, "Well ... y- ... that officer ... I'm glad they found some solace in that situation, at very least." He tried to offer a smile, but couldn't quite manage one at the moment.


"I wouldn't notice either," Irina noted, with some realization her voice. "I mean just now, it completely slipped my mind until you mentioned it." She'd only just remembered she was sitting in the dirt in the middle of a desert, no civilization anywhere in sight. "Anyway, I'm sure he'd love it once he can fly. There isn't much to see out here, but it's a great place to just soar."

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When she said she wouldn't notice either, Tas wondered what she was going to say next. That couldn't be the end of it, after all, and it turned out not to be. When she said it slipped her mind until he mentioned it, his mind quickly calculated the "why" of it. She obviously knew she was in the desert when she sat down. The only thing that'd changed in that time was their conversation and it matched up with his reasoning about Niket, too: the company was distracting enough that the environment didn't matter. His eyes widened and his face reddened and then his head snapped forward. No, no, stop jumping to conclusions! This is a peaceful night and it's not like you're the only one here -- Nikita and Kiev are here, too. And so's Namid, but I don't think he'd be the cause of it; he hasn't said anything since we got here and he's not her partner.

Tas was thinking so frantically that he almost missed Irina's comments about Niket flying. "Y-yeah, the desert has some good airspace," he quickly agreed, "It'll take a while, but when he gets bigger, maybe we-- er, you, if I'm not there, should bring him out here. Provided there aren't any windstorms, of course -- those are dangerous. Thanks for helping with Namid with that, by the way -- all three of you. Of course, he's probably already thanked the other wyverns himself... Uh, so, um... Right. So, you haven't been able to get much time with Nikita or Kiev just for relaxing, I mean, have you, recently? I mean, that's why you forgot the desert, right? Well, the sky's great for flying in tonight, so if they're not too tired, maybe you should go for a flight. I think I might; I, uh, I'm finding staying on the ground so long a bit stifling, I think." It's hard to breathe down here... It's not usually this bad... Am I coming down with something again? Oh no... No, no no no-- not right before that huge fight coming up! This is not the time! Oh dear, I'm getting a little dizzy...

Namid, meanwhile, was wondering what was wrong with his rider and he, too, suspected some sort of illness. Though, if it was illness, it was a strange one; Tas didn't smell like he was sick...

Edited by Mercakete
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"Probably best just to forget it in the end. Revenge never actually seems to make anyone happy," he advised Viveka.


"I am still unsure of how to utilize Triton's forces most effectively. Large-scale battle tactics are not my area of expertise and our lack of information about the enemy does not help matters," she said, biting her lip.

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Tas seemed to be a little off balance, mentally, but Irina didn't want to call unneeded attention to it at first. "Well, maybe not this deep into the desert, but yeah, I'll do that ... if you're not around." It was kind of a sad thought, but she supposed Tas wouldn't necessarily stay and help her with the wyverns for good. Moving right along, she said, "Oh, you're welcome. I didn't want Namid to have to suffer like that, and plains wyverns are just fine on their feet. And, yeah ... it's been awhile. I don't think I've ever had much time to just relax with Nikita, and the last 'fun' thing Kiev and I did was go flying at Damian's mansion, but that got ruined in more ways than one ..." Answering Tas' second to last question while missing the final one, she said, "I think Nikita just wants to rest at this point, but Kiev still has some energy. He's not napping at least ... I can tell that much just by how he's breathing ..."

As if on cue, Kiev let out a sigh through his nostrils. "... definitely bored."


Viveka frowned and her gaze fell to the ground. "I've tried, I really have, but I can't forget or forgive that monster. I know it won't ever make me happy, but I can't just move on while that thing is still alive."


"Don't worry about it. They're here to make sure the crimson wielders all reach the tomb alive and were specifically chosen for the job. I'm sure they're ready to get between us and anything that'll try to stop us. We in return, need to make sure they don't get killed for nothing, and help them out when we can. Just leave the defensive tactics to them and try to keep the others from complicating matters." Lev explained, expressing a bit more confidence than usual. They may have just been faceless soldiers to some in the group, but he felt they could be relied on to do their jobs without deviation, which wasn't something he could always count on within the crimson group.

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"Well, then you and Kiev should fly with Namid and me," Tas suggested. He still felt a little light-headed and he had no idea why his heartbeat was so strong, but he figured going for a flight would help. It couldn't be illness, could it? When Irina replied, most of his dizziness had faded, after all, and though he still didn't feel like his usual self, he wasn't exactly feeling bad. In fact, he'd felt a warmth in his chest when she expressed how happy she was to help Namid when he needed it.

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"Given what's happened I suppose that's fair," was all he said in response. He wished he could think of something cheerier to say, but was at a loss.


"True, I suppose it is our group that we should be more concerned about as we are more lacking in discipline. I still suspect the templar may try to interfere somehow, but with the protection of Elyisima behind him there is little I can do to act on it."

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"Okay, sure." (It'd sure be nice if I could go for a casual flight without all of this armor on, but it's just too dangerous right now ...) "I'll need a minute, though, to make sure Nikita knows that I'm not going very far. She'll get worried and tag along otherwise." (I wouldn't mind that, but she's my battle wyvern right now, and she really needs her rest.)


"Well, there you have it, my issues with Iso and Ivanko," Viveka muttered, letting her shoulder drop a little.


"Don't forget, Elyisima's mostly on our side now, hence the escort. If he does anything that directly threatens the mission, I don't think they'll object to us at least restraining him. I just hope we don't have to waste time on a distraction like that, especially not in the middle of a battle. I wouldn't be surprised if he or some others start trying to think of ways to deal with the crimson weapons after the fight, though."

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"Alright," Tas responded with a nod and a small smile, "I'll see you in the sky, then?" He wasn't sure if he should mount up and take off now or wait for Irina.

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"So...do you think Stephanie is just going to warp us back to Illyphina after all this is over? I don't recall any plans for getting back ever being discussed," he said to Viveka in an attempt to change the subject.


"I would prefer to have no more fighting after all this is done, but if the Templars or whoever else insist on provoking me then I will do what I must," she warned Lev.

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"Uh, sure, just give me a minute. I should let a few people know where we'll be and I also need to make sure Nikita just stays put and relaxes," Irina explained.


"I don't think many people are actually expecting us to make it back one way or another," Viveka quietly muttered. Realizing that was a little too dark for her taste, she quickly said, "More importantly, as long as Stephanie's okay, we have the option to warp back. Maybe it's just an issue that doesn't need much consideration at the moment. For now, we have to take down the Lord or there's no point in returning."


"That reminds me ... there won't really be a use for the crimson weapons after this, will there? If you find a way to get rid of yours, the templars will probably leave you alone afterward," Lev theorized. "I'm not sure if getting rid of them or keeping them ... I'm not sure which would be better, honestly."

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It'd be nice to talk about something that didn't end up so...grim. "That's true I suppose. I guess I just don't know what I'm going to do if we end up back in Illyphina. I'm probably supposed to go back to Burgosas, but I don't really want to and I don't know how safe the trip will be necessarily," he mused.


"Even discounting their demon killing properties, the Crimson Weapons contain much untapped power. Midnight has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember- I am not especially inclined to destroy it on the whim of some idiotic religious zealots. Besides, attempting to sever the bond between the Crimson Weapon and the wielder appears to be fatal for the wielder in time," she said, frowning.

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"Oh, okay. Hmm, tell the Grand Marshall, Iso ... and Lev. I think that should do it. I just want to make sure no one wonders where I went, and also make sure we don't get mistaken for demons or something," she explained while carefully getting up. With Nikita's head in her lap, that was no easy task.


"Well, you can hide out with us for awhile." Viveka teasingly offered. "Though, as fun as that sounds, it also seems like a political scandal that'll just cause a bunch of trouble in the end." She was starting to become annoyed with herself. Every time she tried to joke around, she ended up thinking too hard about the reality of the situation and ruining it for herself. She supposed that was the curse of being a realist.


"Yeah, it'd be really awful if we needed them for something in the future and didn't have them, but at the same time, there's this situation with those 'idiotic religious zealots'. They'll have much firmer ground to stand on regarding the crimson weapons once the Lord's dead. We might lose a lot of support in the long run, and who knows what they'll try once they're utterly convinced there's no 'good' the crimsons can do."

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"Yeah, that would be bad," Tas commented regarding the being mistaken for demons bit. He didn't picture it, though, or he wouldn't have been able to find any humor in the idea. Then, focusing on the task at hand, he assured, "I'll deliver the message. See you soon."

With that and a friendly nod he took off at a fair pace to locate the Grand Marshal on foot. Namid loosed a hissing whine in complaint after the courier and even hobbled after him a couple steps before moaning a bit in his throat and plopping his head down moodily on the ground. Tas may not have had wings, but he was a lot faster on his feet than the mountain wyvern was, though that really wasn't saying a whole lot.

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"Yeah, you're probably right. I haven't exactly been keeping a low profile, so Jace would know exactly where to find me- probably should leave soon after heading back then," he said in a resigned tone.


"Why would I have need of support from anyone? There is the matter of Flemeth of course, but they would be of no use there regardless of what they think about the Crimson Weapons."

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Viveka frowned at that, not seeing any way to help the Septimian prince at the moment. She also wasn't sure where to go from there, either; her thoughts were racing to find solutions for her but nothing that seemed viable was coming to mind.


"How many templars do you think you can handle on your own? Hypothetically speaking ... ... well I've got bad news for you; whatever number you pick, they're going to use at least twice that many to take you down. Supporters help even out the odds, at least the kind I'm talking about do," Lev explained, eventually taking a moment to nudge his head toward the various soldiers nearby.

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Tas was a little surprised at how quickly he located the Grand Marshall. He hadn't been that far away, as it turned out. He was further than Iso had been, but the fire mage seemed like he was busy and, quite frankly, the Grand Marshall had been the first one Irina had listed. He didn't know if there was some reason for the order in which people had been listed, but he figured it was just the better way of going about things and so he walked up to the Grand Marshall. He seemed like he was a bit busy, talking with his soldiers, but Tas figured he could politely interject without bothering anyone.

"Ahem, uh, hello," he greeted. He really wasn't sure how to address the Grand Marshall and, truth be told, he would have been a lot more sheepish if he was more focused on who he was talking to rather than completing his little mission and his excitement for flying around with Namid, Kiev and Irina. "Irina wanted to let you know that she, our wyverns and I will be flying soon. You know, in case you accidentally mistook us for demons or something."

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Tristan began whistling a cheerful tune to cover up the awkward silence that was occurring.


"The support of soldiers would be of little use to me regardless of how many templars were sent- I am not going to be accompanied by an armed guard at all times. I intend to become a difficult person to locate and I can kill a number of them fairly easily. That should be sufficient."

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The Grand Marshall turned to see who was speaking to him to see the little scout, Tas. The news he received from the young rider wasn't the most pleasant. "This isn't the time for leisurely flying. The enemy could be upon us at any moment. You and your wyverns both need to be well rested for tomorrow's march. If you're going to act as sentries, that's another matter, but otherwise, stay put."


Viveka just stood there for a moment, cocking her head at Tristan. She wasn't sure if he was trying to impress her with whistling or just do something to give awkward silence the death it deserved, but she was at a loss for a moment. She considered commenting with some humor, but then decided to give whistling along with him a try. It was about all she could do to keep from laughing in this situation. Once she started whistling though, she made a slight mistake, loosening her lips too much and causing her whistle to become anything but. That was it, she had plenty of reason to laugh now and did just that. "It's too cold for this," she excused herself.


"One can only hope," Lev conceded a little. He didn't bother noting that her approach wasn't going to do much for the others and a templar attack would probably claim some of them after this was all said and done. He wasn't sure they would keep up the attacks in general, though, since half the wielders were royalty or closely associated with them. The potential to ruin themselves was definitely there and he hoped that this little detail would count for something if saving the whole damn world wasn't enough.

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"Oh," Tas replied a bit deflated and quite visibly disappointed as his gaze fell to his feet. He lifted it back to the Grand Marshall again, though, and politely argued his case, "But Irina and Kiev haven't been able to spend much time together lately and, quite frankly, I think they, Namid and I could use the stress relief. I'd rather really relax before tomorrow than be thinking about it all night. I'm...not really a fighter. I'm not used to all this...battle... I'm just here because...well, I don't really have anywhere else to go. Everyone I know is here and Namid and I are okay at aerial maneuvers, being wyvern couriers... Hmm how about I keep an eye out for trouble while we're up there? That way at least Irina can relax."

He ended his case with a sorry smile, hoping that his compromise would be taken up, but not letting himself believe it would. It was never good to figure you knew how to handle any given negotiation -- that was one thing he'd been taught before life at the ranch...changed.

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