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Lord of Azure Flame Final Chapter: Victory or Death


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"You got hurt? You saw a healer, didn't you?" Tas asked, but he dismissed his worry with a shake of his head, "Sorry; you said you were alright, so you must have."

As for Shanice, the name sounded familiar. It must have been that wyvern that attacked them. As he thought about it, the courier vaguely recalled that Shanice was a shape-shifter. Those sorts of things still seemed unreal to him. "Er, so... I'm sorry if I'm interrupting your rest, but I really don't feel ready for all this. I'll do the best I can, but I don't know how to be useful in this sort of situation. I could use your help with that... Do you remember when you said you'd train me? Do you think you can give me some advice?"


"If you weren't able to protect him, then something must have happened to you. That has been the case every time from what I gather. What happened?" Raemond asked, sitting down by her and looking her in the eye with gentle concern.

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"There's no point in remembering if it's too late to do anything about it, but I'll try," Iso offered with a sad smile. Then he shook his head a few times saying, "No ... I thought I was ready for this, but after what happened today, I know full well that I'm not."


"None of us are ready for this, honestly, but ... maybe there's still time to improve. I don't know, but I'm not going to turn down your request just because I don't have any ideas at the moment. Hmm ..." After a second, she added, "Sit here for a minute. I'll try to collect my thoughts on all of this."


"Well, from a commander's perspective, it's basically sending a team so deep in enemy territory that there's no chance for reinforcements, no way of even confirming the results until a good deal of time has passed ... and success or failure in the entire war being determined by the result. I've never seen a bigger gamble in any historical battle I've heard of, not even in the last demon war. We're giving the enemy the perfect chance to surround and whittle us down. We're heading to a tomb, that by this point could even be heavily fortified, with an army waiting for us. We're ... taking a lot of huge risks." Viveka's gaze fell to the dirt after all of that. "Normally, I'd be proud to be a part of all of this, being able to help in some way ... but ... strategy and tactics are almost useless here, which means all I can do is scout and hope no one dies. The closer we get, the more powerless I feel. I couldn't even do my job without almost getting myself and Sunny killed, and we weren't even being attacked ... it's a new low for me in this war, that's for certain."

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"If anyone can say they fully are ready, I think I might have to doubt their honesty," she replied with a small smile. "A few months ago, I wondered if I was going to be stuck in that backwater church for the rest of my life. Then there was everything with Jace and Eric I can still barely make sense of...but if we lose here none of that matters. There is no choice in this, we must fight and we must win."


"I think Stephanie was supposed to warp most of the demons away, but I suppose you're right that we don't know how many of them there are," he admitted, Viveka's gloom beginning to rub off on him. "If there are too many of them, we could always sound a retreat and wait for the other armies to catch up to us. I don't think the seal is about to break right this instant as far as I know." I wonder how the other armies are doing...Aunt Brunhilde is probably fighting with the rest of the Septimian forces. She could already be...no I can't think about that right now. If I start thinking about things I can't control, I'll lose focus on what I can do.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Namid had just caught up when Tas sat down as instructed. Sand was hard to move in -- harder than walking normally was. He felt like he'd been slithering and that was not a very nice feeling for the wind-riding wyvern. As a result, he let his head rest on the ground while he loosed a low, steady growl. He was just annoyed, though.

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"When he went down I was just being careless. What happened after... does not matter. He almost died because I was careless and chased after a demon that I should have left alone. I should have been protecting him and I was not." She shook her head and waved a hand at the sword, and watched it disappear.

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Raemond frowned at Tiria's answer. "Hmm. You're right; you should have stayed back and protected him. However, he did not die. That means you have another chance to fix your mistake. Remember, it was you he appointed the captain of his personal guard. It is your job to protect him," he replied, but raised a hand to stop any complaints she might send his way as he continued firmly yet gently, "Of course, that does not mean you are the only one looking after his safety. This business with that sword of yours is likely the root of this problem. As such, I will guard him until its business with you is complete. After that, however, I expect you will perform the task assigned to you."

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"Oh, that's right, you went from royal heir to church girl, back to royal pretty quickly," Iso recalled. "Still no idea exactly how to win, and I doubt we'll have long to figure it out once we reach our destination ..."


"Hmm ..." Irina had been thinking for around half a minute already. "Our fighting styles are completely different, so I'm not sure what I can teach you other than up close techniques, but in general you should be staying away from that kind of fighting." That was obvious, but she said that to set up for what she was about to get into next.

"It's dangerous, but you could do what you did earlier today, rescuing the injured before the demons have a chance to finish them off. Lev's done that for Morgan couple of times ... but it's just her, so I wouldn't exactly call it reliable. I guess I'm the same way with Iso ... but what I'm getting at is you can do that for just about anyone if Namid can .. carry them." She leaned over slightly to see Namid more fully once she had mentioned him. She wasn't sure how much the wyvern could carry, but one extra person at a time seemed reasonable.

"Combat against demons isn't something just anybody should be doing. I don't even think I'm fully prepared for that kind of thing, so to really be useful, I think that kind of support role would be best. There are other things you could do, like scouting, or flying diversions, but we already have enough scouts and being a decoy is extremely dangerous work. You can't afford to make any mistakes. That's why I think rescuing the injured is the best role for you right now. It might even save us in the end if something happens to one of the crimson wielders."


"Well the whole reason we're out here as such a small group is so we don't have to deal with the demons all at once, isn't it? If the others show up, we'll probably end up fighting the bulk of the demon army for every inch all the way to the tomb, and then there's no way it won't be fortified when we get there. I'm also worried about Black Tide. We haven't heard anything about that thing in awhile and it's stupid to just assume it won't show up again ..."

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"I think figuring out what to do will be the easy part- most of these abominations seem to be destroyed easily enough and the Crimson Weapons were created for this very purpose, no? The Goddess always provides a path to those who are righteous, sometimes you just have to do a little looking first," Charlotte reminded Isotov.


"Maybe that thing just...got sick and died or something. Demons can do that right?" Tristan said, scratching his head. "I would say maybe we'll catch the demon king unaware, but it'll probably be obvious we're coming. I doubt he gets a lot of visitors knocking on the door to his tomb asking to convert to Septimian Reform or anything," he said, managing a weak smile.

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Iso grimaced a little, not truly wanting to bring the goddess into this. Beyond healing magic, he doubt the lady was really invested in this battle of theirs, at least not enough to anything more than she'd already been doing. For Iso, that wasn't going to be enough. "Iii wouldn't exactly call some of the people here 'righteous' ..." he quietly noted with a faint amused smile.


"Snrk-h-heehehhahahah-" Viveka tried not to laugh, even going so far as to cover her mouth, but she failed to hold back in the end. During a lull in her laughter, she said, "I really doubt it, Tristan, hahahahahah-" and then, "but I sincerely hope so, hahah ... heh ... heheheh." Finally the laughter began to subside.

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Charlotte giggled at what Isotov said. "I suppose you're right- if I had to describe Reika 'righteous' would not be the first word that came to mind. Sometimes the Goddess gives us challenges and working with this group certainly has been one at times. Still, we have made it this far and we are on the brink of ending this evil forever, I can suffer through a few less than righteous companions for a little while longer."


Tristan laughed along with Viveka, finding her mirth rather infectious. "You should come to Burgosas after all this is dealt with you know. I don't think Mother is going to let me out of the city after I've been through all this chaos, but I am allowed to have visitors," he said, hoping to remain on happier thoughts than hordes of demons.

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(She's been pretty quiet lately, actually. Probably means she's biding her time a little longer. I guess it's better than her plotting to stab Morgan and take off right before the final battle. As far as sabotage, it couldn't get much worse than that. Doubt we'll ever see her again once this is over, either way. Can't say I'll miss that girl.) "I wouldn't call myself righteous, either. There are a lot of people I want to knock out when this is over, and Ivanko's still square at the top of the list," Iso explained, examining the knuckles of his right fist. If not for the fire, he might have put some gloves on or something.

Sunny V

Susann snorted in mild protest, wondering what had happened to Viveka this time. Of course, by the time she had become concerned, the laughing fit had passed and her caretaker seemed to have gone back to normal. Almost. "You're really going to be stuck there after all's said and done? You'd think helping defeat the demons would earn you a bit of personal freedom at the very least." Viveka ended up frowning slightly when she thought about trying to visit. Even if Conrad didn't mind, letting her fly off to Septimus from time to time, he wasn't the leader of the entire Defense Force. It seemed that it would be up to Grand Marshall Triton of all people, since he was at the top, excluding the King. "I'd love to come and visit, especially if you're going to be stuck in the capital from now on, but ... it ... probably won't be up to me in the end."

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"Well after what he did to the Zaftran royal family, your feelings are understandable. But aren't you the heir until Ivanko has another child? It doesn't seem very good for Zaftra if the heir and the emperor are coming to blows," she said cautiously.


"I suppose this whole experience could change Mother's outlook, but I doubt it. She's very set in her ways," he said before pausing for a bit. "I could just take advantage of this situation and not head back to Burgosas you know, become a mercenary or a diamond hunter in the Shoon Islands or something. That wouldn't be very princely of me, but...I was never really much good at being prince anyway," he said with a shrug.

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"A placeholder heir isn't an heir at all. Proxima is the only thing I have ever had to my name, or ever will, so it's not really my problem," Iso explained. Then he grinned for a couple of seconds and went on to add, "Though, as far as most Zaftrans are concerned, a little violence here and there builds strength and character. Either way, I don't feel welcome or wanted in that country, so I don't plan on going back. There's no point."


"Well don't go that far. There's no way I could go visit anyone on the Shoon islands. It's just too far." It was times like these where she was glad the nation capitals were relatively close to each other. "Still, I can't ... in good conscience advise you to abandon your duty as a prince. You may not seem very princely, but that could be a good thing. It makes you approachable and likable."

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"I know my place. But if I am putting him at risk, it is perhaps better if that place is reassigned. I agree with the terms you have laid out, and thank you for agreeing to protect him." Tiria shrugged slightly. She knew she was a liability, but she didn't yet want to make just how much so clear yet. She needed to figure that out first.

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He's not really taking well to the idea of being prince, is he? "I suppose I can see how you might feel that way, but where do you plan to go after all this then? And what about Irina- do you know how she feels about living in Zaftra?" Charlotte asked Isotov.


"Well it's nice to know my lack of royal demeanor is worth something at least," Tristan said with a smile. "You are right though I suppose, I was born a prince and there's really no way around it. I suppose it wouldn't be too bad, except I don't really do anything for Septimus or anyone just mulling around Burgosas. Sometimes I feel like an especially fat pig Mother is trying to sell off to various noblewomen."

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Tas frowned as he mulled over what Irina said. It was more or less the same thing as he'd been thinking, too. "Hmm... That's probably the best idea...except, I don't know... Is there anything more specific you think I could do? Just hanging back and watching for someone to fall is one thing, but what if a bunch of people are in danger at once? How am I supposed to" he really hated the phrasing he was about to use and it showed "choose who to rescue and...who to..." He couldn't finish his thought in words, winding up just shuddering at the thought of just what the demons might do to anyone he couldn't save.


Raemond nodded then stood and offered her a hand up. "I was just about to go see him. Would you like to come along?"

Edited by Mercakete
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"I don't know what I'm going to do just yet, and Irina .... I'm pretty sure she just doesn't want to end up stuck in a fortress for the rest of her life, and I don't plan on letting that happen, either."


Irina realized what Tas was getting at the instant he mentioned having multiple people to rescue. Having to pick and choose wouldn't be easy, but it had to be done, so Irina didn't try to sugarcoat it much. "You have to prioritize based on the situation. Remember, you're not the only one trying to keep the group safe, just one of the fastest, so rescue people who are in the most danger at any given moment. I guess ultimately the crimson wielders should take priority, but leave Morgan to Lev and Iso to Iris or me, or we'll all end up in big wyvern pile up," she explained, trying not to smile too much at the thought of all the group's wyverns comically sprawled out on top of Iso, Morgan, and each other. "Like I said earlier, you can also help out by distracting enemies, but that's really dangerous. Still, if there are multiple people in danger, drawing attention away from them is usually as good as any other kind of rescue ... you just don't have to worry about carrying all of them."


Viveka frowned upon hearing that Tristan didn't seem to have much to do other than just being the prince. She had an idea, but given what she'd gathered about the Queen so far, she doubted it would go over well. Still, she wanted to at least put the idea out there and see what Tristan thought. "Try being more assertive. Maybe domestic issues would work more for you. The General and I have fought off a lot of bandits in the capital region since Elysimia usually isn't at war with anyone. I know it's a little dangerous, but you could do the same ... and pick your own warriors too. There's nothing more inspiring than seeing a nobleman, a prince even, fighting for the people like that."

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"Well, I would offer you two sanctuary in Jerdon, but I can't promise that right now. Nominally speaking, Eric leads the rebel faction now I suppose, but it is quite clear that Jace can resume the fighting whenever he wishes and I fear that once the demons are dealt with there will be war once again," she said sadly.


"Aunt Brunhilde recommended something similar but Mother shot it down and Father was silent on the matter as he always is," Tristan said, frowning. "I suspect I won't even be able to ride Bellerophon outside city limits anymore until all the rebels within a hundred miles have their heads on spikes. Last time we saw Burgosas there were an awful lot of rebels there, so that'll take some time and quite a few spikes I imagine."

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"Hmm ..." Iso gave an extremely brief snicker when he realized that his feelings on the matter weren't what he expected. "Now I know for a fact I'm not righteous. A part of me is looking forward to more fighting, if only because it won't be anything like this, and because it will give me more time to figure out what I want to do with myself once the fighting's over. I'll tell you what, Charlotte, if you need help securing Jerdon after this is over, I'm more than happy to lend a hand." It felt strange making an offer like that aloud, but Charlotte had been saving lives since she joined them and her fight was barely getting started in comparison to the demon war.


"No wonder you were thinking of running away. I'd tell you to take a stand or something like that, but without your father's help, it will probably just make things worse for you. Maybe we should show your mother that you're strong enough to take care of yourself. You'd think surviving this and downing Helenos would be enough but just in case ..." she trailed off, trying to think of something more Tristan could do to add to that short but epic list of accomplishments. To her, the Queen sounded like she wouldn't be moved by anything short of Tristan slaying the Lord of Azure Flame himself, and with his bare hands, but she hoped that wasn't the case.

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"I'm surprised- fighting humans is even more unpleasant than fighting demons I would think. I don't like dragging people into my battles but...thank you for your offer. I will consider it if the need arises." If I convince the prince of Zaftra to fight for me, does that mean all of Zaftra could come to my side? This all feels terribly manipulative, but if Jace and I are to fight I will need all the help I can get.


"One would think killing an undead demon dragon thing would be quite the evidence of my own competence, but she's very set in her ways. I suppose I should say in her defense that I am the only heir- Septimian families only tend to have one child to avoid any possible succession issues. Mother and Aunt Brunhilde are a rare case because they're twins. Alas, the Goddess did not see it fit to give me a brother a few minutes older than me," he said, sighing wistfully at what could have been.

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"Not for me," Iso gently countered. "I've had way too many enemies to get caught up in whether they're human or demon, anymore. Then this thing with Miranda went and drove the point home further. For me at least, it's not worth making the distinction anymore." He knew demons in general were incredibly more likely to be out for blood than humans, but still felt that leaving well enough alone on both sides until they proved to be an imminent threat was the best answer, at least for him, after what he'd lived through.


"I suppose all it really takes to end a fine career in fighting is one bad day ... one bad hit even, but what's the point of being an heir with no real experience in the world? What's the point of becoming a king if someone's guarded so closely that they fall out of touch with their own people? I know you'll do your best either way, but this seems like a disaster waiting to happen," Viveka explained. It wasn't easy telling the prince that his mother might be turning him into an bad or at least incompetent king by keeping him caged up like this, but she didn't expect Tristan to berate her for it like other nobles might.

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"For me, the difference between the two is that humans can be negotiated with- they are fighting for a reason but their minds can be changed. Demons are created only to destroy. So do you believe that demons can be reasoned with or that humans cannot?" she inquired.


"You sounded a bit like a rebel just then," Tristan said with a smile. "I'm inclined to agree however. Not that I'm an expert at being king but it seems like if you're going to rule over people you should at least try and understand them a bit. The social hierarchy in Septimus is pretty rigid though, so nobles and commoners don't mix much. The complaints of the common people don't get heard by the people who make all the decisions and they get frustrated. Jace used that frustration to fuel his rebellion- at least that's my take on it anyhow," he said with a shrug.

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"... maybe the former, if only because a 'demon' has been helping us for some time now," Iso carefully answered. "It's not much different from what we go through with our own kind, though. I mean someone who's truly loyal to whatever their cause is isn't going to be reasoned with by us if we're in their way, right? It seems similar enough, except virtually all the demons seem to be like that. Don't get me wrong though, I only really cared about Miranda, and as long as the demons are after us, they're my enemy, but I can't help but wonder if the Lord's the only real problem here. We'll probably find out once he's gone; If we still have demons to fight afterward, it's either because they want revenge, or the Lord's orders outlasted him." Iso was really glad Morgan wasn't nearby listening to this, and some other people in the group for that matter.


"Things like that rebellion could easily happen again if the status quo stays the way it is now. Maybe keeping you from being kept at home all the time is more important than I thought," Viveka mused. "You can't give up on trying to convince her to let you do things your way. Even if we beat the demons, there are bound to be more problems and even wars if we just let things go right back to the way they were before." (Sure, we can't stop all the problems, but we can at least address obvious problems with our systems early on.)

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"Ah, Morgan. I'm fairly certain we've went over all of it in the past, but I suppose it couldn't hurt to refresh and make sure." The Halton Colonel replied, as the shamaness approached him.

It took a decent amount of time to recount everything, but as they weren't moving out yet regardless, it didn't make for much of an issue.

"That's everything I know. Did you need anything else, Morgan?" Damian concluded, with a light sigh. His body was still recovering from the shock of the earlier fighting... it seemed to fatigue him for longer each and every conflict.

'It'll all be over soon... I need only last until then.'

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"That provided no additional insight into the upcoming battle whatsoever," Morgan noted. "I already knew that we required all the Crimson Weapons to break the seal, Flemeth told me as much. I am concerned for your possible stability as you have had control issue in the past. If there is something that can be done to remedy that, now would be the time. Having you fall unconscious or go berserk or any number of other mishaps could prove disastrous."


"We don't really know much about the Lord or demons in general," Charlotte admitted. "Why are they here? Do they really just want to kill humans, or is there something more there? It's obvious that they have to be stopped because they're trying to kill us, but I never heard anyone answer the why of it all. The demons just sort of...happened."


"Yeah, it really didn't take us very many years after the first demon war to start fighting among each other again. Jace, Halton, whatever went on in Zaftra...if anything this invasion gave us a chance to unify. Killing the demons just to go back to killing each other would be pretty pointless."

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