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I'll just take this from Endgame/StreetPass team.

Triforce of Favoritism

+Str/-Def FeMU(Hero)

Libra(War Monk)

Cordelia(Falcon Knight)


Olivia!Lucina(Great Lord)




Stahl!Severa(Bow Knight)

Libra!Morgan(Griffon Rider)


Endgame-only members




Fred!Cynthia(Falcon Knight)


Chrom(Great Lord, forced)

From these you know that I didn't totally optimize but only some of it.

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Okie I think of having a team only using chrom cause I don't like him I like to see him a fight.

Chrom is strong and powerful but loves sumia

And for a fan girl that kinda of jurts

Gods, you're completely missing the point...Sure, Sumia might have a crush on Chrom. However, at no point in the game does Chrom reciprocate those feelings unless you have him marry her.

That aside...

My team generally says the same to an extent, but whatever I do with them varies on each playthrough.

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If we're talking Streetpass teams, I haven't actually made one yet, but I'm pretty sure it'll be composed mostly of the Great Knights and Bow Knights I plan on making. Cause they're my favorite classes in this game. ^^

So that would be...

Frederick (Great Knight)

Kelli (Avatar, Grandmaster)

Morgan (Great Knight)

Stahl (Great Knight)

Kellam (Great Knight)

Virion (Bow Knight)

Inigo (Bow Knight)

Severa (Bow Knight)

Noire (Bow Knight)

Cordelia (Falcon Knight)

If Chrom is required, then replace Noire with him as a Great Lord.

Edited by Anacybele
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My current Streetpass team is:

Seraphina (Main FemAvatar): Grandmaster

Chrom: Great Lord

Lucina: Great Lord

Morgan: Grandmaster

Lon'qu: Swordmaster

Lissa: War Cleric

Owain: Dread Fighter

Micah (summoned Male Avatar): Grandmaster

Tiki: Manakete

Sephie (summoned Female Avatar): Wyvern Lord

Its basically my Female and Male Avatars and their families combined, as well as Chrom's (I'd have put in Emmeryn, but there was no more room).

The big Streetpass team I'm planning though will be made up with my Avatar's family and six units from my Avatar Army. I haven't decided on the six yet since I'm still training them, but so far it looks like this:

Ana (Main Female Avatar): Sage

Chrom: Great Lord

Lucina: Dark Flier

Morgan: Griffon Rider

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...May as well post mine


Demon Spanker(Bronze sword)-Forged weapon's name (Weapon)

(F)-Forged...most likely with +5MT and +15Hit

MaMU 1:Sorcerer(+Mag, -Luck)-Soul Eclipse (Aversa's Night(F)), Book of Naga

Ignis, Counter, Aggressor, Pavise(Replaced with Armsthirft in game)

FeMU 1:Grandmaster(+Mag, -HP)-Salvation (Alm's Blade(F)), Grand Volt (Katarina's Bolt(F))

Ignis, Galeforce, Sol, Acrobat

MaMU 2:Hero(+HP, -Luck)-Rangell, Hawkeye (Tomahawk(F)), Soul Saber (Brave sword(F))

Astra, Swordfaire, Ignis, Aegis(Replaced with Armsthirft in game)

FeMU 2:Assassin(+Spd, -Mag)-Max Oathbow (Killer Bow(F)), Ultima Sword (Killing Edge(F)) Paritha

Galeforce, Acrobat, Renewal, Lethality

MaMU 3:Wyvern Lord(+Str, -Mag)-Luna, Volt Spear (Brave Lance(F)), Parting shot (Spear(F))

Wrath, Astra, Aggressor, Counter

FeMU 3:War Cleric(+Mag, -Str)-Rending Bolt (Bolt Axe(F)), Rend Life (Brave Axe(F)), Hauteclair, Fortify

Galeforce, Pavise, Vengence, Luna (Last three are replaced with Bond, Rally Heart, and Rally Spectrum in game)

MaMU 4:Dread Fighter-Mercurius, Heaven Sword (Brave Sword(F)), Heaven Wind (Cellica's Gale)

Luna, Aggressor, Counter, Aegis (Luna is replaced by Armsthirft in game)

FeMU 4:Bride-Gradivus, Hyper Lance (Brave Lance(F)), Hyper Bow (Brave Bow(F)), Fortify, Goddess staff

Pavise, Galeforce, Ignis Lancefiare (Lancefiare is replaced by Armsthirft in game)

FeMU 5:Sorcerer(+Mag, -Str)-Goetea, Mire, Shade Heart (Nosferatu(F)), Demon Flame (Waste(F)), Blood Cross (Ruin(F))

Ignis, Pavise, Galeforce, Tomefaire

FeMU 6:Swordmaster(+Str, -Mag)-Fernognis (Brave Sword(F)), Rulegnis (Killer Sword(F)), Balmung

Astra, Sol, Galeforce, Pavise

...Yes, I was THAT bored to make a team of all MUs, and only one of them I didn't make (MaMU 2 that is), oh and they all have Limit Breaker

...IF i made a normal team...

MaMU(See MaMU 1 above)


Galeforce, Counter, Ignis, Sol(Replaced by Armsthift in game)


Beastbane, Pavise, Lancebreaker, Counter

Henry!Severa-Hero-Brave Sword(F), Tomahawk(F), Armorslayer(F)

Counter, Galeforce, Sol, Vengence

Ricken!Laurnet-Sage-Excalibur, Forseti, Celica's Gale(F), Superior Jolt(F), Fortify

Tomefaire, Counter, Wrath, Luna

Sumia!Lucina-Great Lord-Paraell Falchion, Spear(F), Brave Lance(F)

Galeforce, Aether, Rightful King(Queen?), Aegis


Swordbreaker, Lancebreaker, Slow Burn, Lifetaker

Walhart-Conquerer-Wolf Berg, Sol, Brave Axe(F)

Aggressor, Swordbreaker, Pavise, Conquest

Donnel-Hero-Helswrath, Brave Axe(F), Brave Sword(F)

Sol, Bowbreaker, Counter, Axebreaker

FeMU (See FeMU 1 above)(is filler)

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You know, I might as well go all out and drop all of my Streetpass Teams that I currently have.

In addition to Squad Symphonia:


Name     |Class      |HP|STR  |MAG  |SKL  |SPD  |LCK  |DEF  |RES  |Equipment

Grima    |Grandmaster|80|49   |49   |50   |50   |54   |54   |52   |AVATAR IS (Thoron); VALIDAR'S SON (Silver Sword)

Lucina   |Great Lord |80|52   |41   |55   |57   |57   |49   |49   |Parallel Falchion; CHROM'S (Brave Sword); DAUGHTER (Brave Lance)

Basilio  |Warrior    |85|61+5 |38   |53   |51   |54   |51   |44   |DOESNT DIE (Brave Axe)

Gangrel  |Trickster  |80|43   |48   |58   |56   |54   |39   |50   |STILL ALIVE (Levin Sword)

Walhart  |Conqueror  |80|59   |33   |50   |49   |54   |59   |43   |Wolfberg; RISEN (Brave Axe)

Emmeryn  |Sage       |80|38+2 |60+12|53+2 |53+2 |55+2 |39+2 |51+2 |Valflame; She Lives (Celica's Gale); Mentally (Celica's Gale); Screwed (Celica's Gale)

Yen'fay  |Swordmaster|80|49   |42   |56   |60   |55   |42   |46   |Amatsu; TIMETRAVELER (Brave Sword)

Aversa   |Dark Flier |80|45   |55   |52   |53   |53   |42   |51   |MANIPULATED (Aversa's Night); BY VALIDAR (Aversa's Night)

Priam    |Hero       |80|55   |38   |57   |52   |55   |52+5 |44   |Ragnell; IKE'S DIRECT (Brave Sword); DESCENDANT (Brave Axe)

Morgan   |Manakete   |80|52+11|46+6 |46+5 |42+4 |54   |61+13|55+9 |Dragonstone+; AVATAR'S KID (Bronze Sword); GRIMA'SSERVANT (Bronze Axe); FUTUREPAST (Bronze Lance); BOSS (Bronze Bow)


Grima: Anathema, Lethality, Ignis, Aegis, Limit Breaker

Lucina: Aether, Luna, Rightful King, Lethality, Limit Breaker

Basilio: HP+5, Counter, Aggressor, Axefaire, Limit Breaker

Gangrel: Tomebreaker, Lucky Seven, Aggressor, Lethality, Limit Breaker

Walhart: Pavise, Luna, Aggressor, Swordbreaker, Limit Breaker

Emmeryn: Miracle, Tomefaire, Bonds, All+2, Limit Breaker

Yen'fay: Lancebreaker, Swordbreaker, Lethality, Aggressor, Limit Breaker

Aversa: Shadowgift, Tomebreaker, Swordbreaker, Lancebreaker, Limit Breaker

Priam: Lethality, Aggressor, Luna, Swordbreaker, Limit Breaker

Morgan: Pavise, Aegis, Lethality, Ignis, Limit Breaker

This Team is EXACTLY what it says on the tin. A pile of Spoilers, built to be mean enough to make those who actually might be spoiled by it unable to Rage-kill it.


Parley: I am you...

Aggro: You're the big bad

Recruit: Tiki dies too.

Card: Enjoy the spoilers?

[spoiler=Ike x Soren]

Name     |Class        |HP|STR  |MAG  |SKL  |SPD  |LCK  |DEF  |RES  |Equipment

Stefani  |Dread Fighter|80|52   |48   |52   |55   |56   |46   |52   |Brave Axe, Elixir

Miriel   |Bride        |80|48   |52   |53   |53   |55   |49   |50   |Brave Lance, Goddess, Fortify, Catharsis, Elixir

Cordelia |Bride        |80|51+5 |48   |54   |54   |54   |51   |49   |Brave Lance, Heal, Rescue, Elixir

Tharja   |Bride        |80|50   |52   |51   |53   |52   |52   |50   |Brave Lance, Heal, Rescue, Elixir

Kjelle   |Bride        |80|51+5 |31   |54   |54   |59   |52   |50   |Brave Lance, Heal, Rescue, Elixir

Cynthia  |Bride        |80|49+5 |50   |57   |60   |57   |47   |51   |Brave Lance, Heal, Rescue, Elixir

Severa   |Bride        |80|54+5 |47   |57   |55   |54   |52   |48   |Brave Lance, Heal, Rescue, Elixir

Morgan   |Bride        |80|49+5 |50   |57   |60   |57   |47   |51   |Brave Lance, Heal, Rescue, Elixir

Noire    |Bride        |80|52+5 |52   |54   |56   |51   |52   |51   |Brave Lance, Mend, Rescue, Elixir

Nah      |Bride        |80|53   |52   |54   |51   |55   |56   |52   |Brave Lance, Fortify, Recover, Catharis, Elixir


Stefani: Counter, Vengeance, Miracle, Tomebreaker, Limit Breaker

Miriel: Vengeance, Bonds, Tomebreaker, Renewal, Limit Breaker

Cordelia: Vengeance, Axebreaker, Tomebreaker, Lancefaire, Limit Breaker

Tharja: Vengeance, Pavise, Tomebreaker, Bonds, Limit Breaker

Kjelle: Counter, Lethality, Astra, Vantage, Limit Breaker

Cynthia: Counter, Vengeance, Miracle, Lancefaire, Limit Breaker

Severa: Counter, Vengeance, Tomebreaker, Lancefaire, Limit Breaker

Morgan: Counter, Vengeance, Miracle, Lancefaire, Limit Breaker

Noire: Counter, Vengeance, Lethality, Lancefaire, Limit Breaker

Nah: Counter, Vengeance, Tomebreaker, Lethality, Limit Breaker

This team is based off Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance" (Thus the name.)...

It also got some notoriety thanks to SPAZ and PCC. (Why people can't exploit that dead zone or Lancebreaker this, I don't know, but w/e).

I attempted to get weird with pairings with this, but found a lot of liked ones. Oh well. Has Owain/Lucina on the card, because Dr. Who reference (companions), and this team existed for PCC.


Parley: "I wnt your love"

Aggro: "Love is revenge"

Recruit: "You and me can.."

Card: "Team Name is Bad."

[spoiler=The Alternative]

Name     |Class        |HP|STR  |MAG  |SKL  |SPD  |LCK  |DEF  |RES  |Equipment

Takeru   |Hero         |80|53   |39   |60   |52   |52   |52   |46+10|TYPE-74 (Brave Sword); Shiranui (Brave Axe), [Parallel Falchion]

Sumika   |Sorcerer     |80|40   |53   |58   |51   |55   |51   |57+2 |Susano'o (Celica's Gale); Rutherford (Aversa's Night)

Meiya    |Swordmaster  |80|51   |43   |56   |56   |52   |45   |48+2 |Minaru Kamui (Killing Edge); Takemikazuchi (Brave Sword)

Kei      |Assassin     |80|52   |40   |61   |53   |54   |43   |40+2 |TYPE-65 (Brave Sword), TYPE-87 (Brave Bow)

Chizuru  |Sage         |80|39   |56   |52   |56   |57   |40   |50+2 |Fudai (Celica's Gale)

Miki     |Sniper       |80|52+5 |39   |62   |50   |52   |52   |41+2 |TYPE-87 (Brave Bow), 1200 OTH (Longbow)

Yoroi    |General      |80|59   |39   |51   |45   |54   |64   |47+2 |Shiranui (Brave Axe)

Yuuya    |Hero         |80|51   |39   |58   |56   |54   |50   |46   |Shiranui2 (Brave Sword); Raptor (Brave Axe); Eagle (Tomahawk)

Yui      |Swordmaster  |80|52   |44   |55   |53   |54   |45   |48   |Takemikazuchi (Brave Sword)

Cryska   |Hero         |80|52   |40   |56   |52   |54   |52   |48   |Tepmnhatop (Brave Sword), Berkut (Brave Axe)


Takeru: Res+10, Astra, Miracle, Aggressor, Limit Breaker

Sumika: Res+2, Pavise, Aegis, Miracle, Limit Breaker

Meiya: Res+2, Astra, Luna, Lethality, Limit Breaker

Kei: Res+2, Lethality, Paitence, Sol, Limit Breaker

Chizuru: Res+2, Lethality, Prescience, Luna, Limit Breaker

Miki: Res+2, Bowfaire, Lethality, Deliverer(*), Limit Breaker

Yoroi: Res+2, Sol, Pavise, Aegis, Limit Breaker

Yuuya: Aggressor, Astra, Luna, Lethality, Limit Breaker

Yui: Astra, Luna, Lethality, Vengeance, Limit Breaker

Cryska: Astra, Luna, Lethality, Tomebreaker, Limit Breaker

Similar to Squad Symphonia, The Alternative is 10 MUs based off something unrelated- namely Muv Luv. Takeru happens to be married to Lucina on the Card, and has her Parallel Falchion because Lucina = Takeru, if he had blue hair and was a flat chested girl. Also, Takeru/Lucina is my current crazy crackship.


Parley: "I will save..."

Aggro: "Save in the name"

Recruit: "Of true love."

Card: "CAUSALITY..!!"


Name     |Class        |HP|STR  |MAG  |SKL  |SPD  |LCK  |DEF  |RES  |Equipment

Zweilitz |Sage         |80|39   |55+5 |55   |56   |54   |41   |50   |Celica's Gale, Goddess,Recover, Elixir, Supreme Emblem

Lucina   |Dark Flier   |80|48   |53   |54   |55   |57   |41   |50   |Celica's Gale, Brave Lance, Elixir, Supreme Emblem

Morgan   |Dark Flier   |80|47   |52   |56   |59   |56   |41   |50   |Celica's Gale, Brave Lance, Elixir

Inigo    |Berserker    |80|62+5 |41   |48   |57   |57   |43   |39   |Brave Axe, Helswath, Elixir

Severa   |Hero         |80|54   |40   |62   |58   |55   |49   |44   |Brave Axe, Brave Sword, Elixir

Gerome   |Berserker    |80|67+5 |39   |46   |55   |55   |47   |37   |Brave Axe, Elixir

Owain    |Sage         |80|39   |60+5 |54   |53   |57   |41   |53   |Celica's Gale, Fortify, Recover, Elixir

Cynthia  |Dark Flier   |80|46   |54+5 |56   |56   |54   |42   |52   |Celica's Gale, Brave Lance, Elixir

Nah      |Dark Knight  |80|52   |52+5 |52   |49   |56   |57   |49   |Celica's Gale, Brave Sword, Elixir

Yarne    |Berserker    |80|65+5 |38   |50   |56   |55   |48   |40   |Brave Axe, Elixir


Zweilitz: Tomefaire, Lethality, Luna, Aggressor, Limit Breaker

Lucina: Aether, Luna, Lethality, Rightful King, Limit Breaker

Morgan: Aether, Luna, Lethality, Aegis, Limit Breaker

Inigo: Axefaire, Lethality, Rightful King, Luna, Limit Breaker

Severa: Astra, Lethality, Swordbreaker, Lancebreaker, Limit Breaker

Gerome: Axefaire, Aggressor, Lancebreaker, Swordbreaker, Limit Breaker

Owain: Vengeance, Tomefaire, Lethality, Tomebreaker, Limit Breaker

Cynthia: Luna, Tomefaire, Pavise, Lethality, Limit Breaker

Nah: Astra, Tomefaire, Lethality, Swordbreaker, Limit Breaker

Yarne: Axefaire, Aggressor, Luna, Aegis, Limit Breaker

Oh, look, my actual team. I'm going to let people at the upcoming con get a shot at it, because I didn't let them get a go at my previous one.

Fun note: When I'm fighting other people's teams, one notable thing I do (Beside bring out Galeforce and Vantage) is shift the Limit Breaker to Lethality....:\ (Yes, I actually use Lethality. In "PvE".)

Fun note 2: That Morgan is married to that Inigo. Pretty obvious the remaining details. I wonder if that'll weird anyone out.


Parley: "Want to play a game?"

Aggro: "It's on!"

Recruit: "Really?!"

Card: "MU x Lucina"

[spoiler=The Eclipse]

Name     |Class        |HP|STR  |MAG  |SKL  |SPD  |LCK  |DEF  |RES  |Equipment

Inia     |Dark Flier   |80|48   |52   |55   |52   |54   |41   |50   |Celica's Gale, Brave Lance

Lucina   |Dark Flier   |80|48   |53   |54   |55   |57   |41   |50   |Celica's Gale, Brave Lance

Inigo    |Dread Fighter|80|54   |49   |53   |54   |57   |48   |52   |Celica's Gale, Brave Sword, Brave Axe

Morgan   |Dark Knight  |80|52   |52   |57   |53   |56   |50   |46   |Celica's Gale, Brave Sword

Oanh     |Dark Flier   |80|48   |52   |55   |52   |54   |41   |50   |Celica's Gale, Brave Lance

Aba      |Dark Flier   |80|48   |52   |55   |52   |54   |41   |50   |Celica's Gale, Brave Lance

Tpn      |Dark Flier   |80|48   |52   |55   |52   |54   |41   |50   |Celica's Gale, Brave Lance

Cemepo   |Dark Flier   |80|48   |52   |55   |52   |54   |41   |50   |Celica's Gale, Brave Lance

Bocbmepka|Dark Flier   |80|48   |52   |55   |52   |54   |41   |50   |Celica's Gale, Brave Lance

Svet     |Dark Flier   |80|48   |52   |55   |52   |54   |41   |50   |Celica's Gale, Brave Lance


Inia: Move+1, Lethality, Lucky Seven, Hit+20, Limit Breaker

Lucina: Lethality, Hit+20, Rightful King, Aether, Limit Breaker

Inigo: Lethality, Hit+20, Rightful King, Luna, Limit Breaker

Morgan: Lethality, Move+1, Lucky Seven, Rightful King, Limit Breaker

Oanh: Move+1, Lethality, Lucky Seven, Hit+20, Limit Breaker

Aba: Move+1, Lethality, Lucky Seven, Hit+20, Limit Breaker

Tpn: Move+1, Lethality, Lucky Seven, Hit+20, Limit Breaker

Cemepo: Move+1, Lethality, Lucky Seven, Hit+20, Limit Breaker

Bocbmepka: Move+1, Lethality, Lucky Seven, Hit+20, Limit Breaker

Svet: Move+1, Lethality, Lucky Seven, Hit+20, Limit Breaker

This team..... This team...

I don't pull it out. Unless you've done something to make me do so. Yes, this is a full Lethality Rush- my units have something of 300 Hit with solid chances to actually get initiates and Lethality Procs... Every Unit except Inia and Lucina have Boots (Thank you MU trick.)

If I do pull it out, there's a reason-- like my most recent case, a Lucina/Gerome shipper in trolling range- so I adapt the quotes (and weapon names)

That said, it's still pretty scrubby. Anyone with their head on their shoulders won't be challenged.


Parley "Gerome/Lucina"

Aggro "Is completely Terrible"

Recruit "You should feel bad"

Card "Scrub"

Edited by Airship Canon
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You know, I might as well go all out and drop all of my Streetpass Teams that I currently have.

In addition to Squad Symphonia:


Name     |Class      |HP|STR  |MAG  |SKL  |SPD  |LCK  |DEF  |RES  |Equipment

Grima    |Grandmaster|80|49   |49   |50   |50   |54   |54   |52   |AVATAR IS (Thoron); VALIDAR'S SON (Silver Sword)

Lucina   |Great Lord |80|52   |41   |55   |57   |57   |49   |49   |Parallel Falchion; CHROM'S (Brave Sword); DAUGHTER (Brave Lance)

Basilio  |Warrior    |85|61+5 |38   |53   |51   |54   |51   |44   |DOESNT DIE (Brave Axe)

Gangrel  |Trickster  |80|43   |48   |58   |56   |54   |39   |50   |STILL ALIVE (Levin Sword)

Walhart  |Conqueror  |80|59   |33   |50   |49   |54   |59   |43   |Wolfberg; RISEN (Brave Axe)

Emmeryn  |Sage       |80|38+2 |60+12|53+2 |53+2 |55+2 |39+2 |51+2 |Valflame; She Lives (Celica's Gale); Mentally (Celica's Gale); Screwed (Celica's Gale)

Yen'fay  |Swordmaster|80|49   |42   |56   |60   |55   |42   |46   |Amatsu; TIMETRAVELER (Brave Sword)

Aversa   |Dark Flier |80|45   |55   |52   |53   |53   |42   |51   |MANIPULATED (Aversa's Night); BY VALIDAR (Aversa's Night)

Priam    |Hero       |80|55   |38   |57   |52   |55   |52+5 |44   |Ragnell; IKE'S DIRECT (Brave Sword); DESCENDANT (Brave Axe)

Morgan   |Manakete   |80|52+11|46+6 |46+5 |42+4 |54   |61+13|55+9 |Dragonstone+; AVATAR'S KID (Bronze Sword); GRIMA'SSERVANT (Bronze Axe); FUTUREPAST (Bronze Lance); BOSS (Bronze Bow)


Grima: Anathema, Lethality, Ignis, Aegis, Limit Breaker

Lucina: Aether, Luna, Rightful King, Lethality, Limit Breaker

Basilio: HP+5, Counter, Aggressor, Axefaire, Limit Breaker

Gangrel: Tomebreaker, Lucky Seven, Aggressor, Lethality, Limit Breaker

Walhart: Pavise, Luna, Aggressor, Swordbreaker, Limit Breaker

Emmeryn: Miracle, Tomefaire, Bonds, All+2, Limit Breaker

Yen'fay: Lancebreaker, Swordbreaker, Lethality, Aggressor, Limit Breaker

Aversa: Shadowgift, Tomebreaker, Swordbreaker, Lancebreaker, Limit Breaker

Priam: Lethality, Aggressor, Luna, Swordbreaker, Limit Breaker

Morgan: Pavise, Aegis, Lethality, Ignis, Limit Breaker

This Team is EXACTLY what it says on the tin. A pile of Spoilers, built to be mean enough to make those who actually might be spoiled by it unable to Rage-kill it.


Parley: I am you...

Aggro: You're the big bad

Recruit: Tiki dies too.

Card: Enjoy the spoilers?

...May I please have permission to use the SPOILER ALERT team??? I swear, it literally had me laughing for five minutes straight, and I thought of a few choice people I could troll with it. All credit will go to you, of course.

And the Tales Team sounds interesting...

Edited by Silver Lightning
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