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I'm replaying this game, and a friend of mine is playing it for the first time.

This is his first experience with a game that uses the single RN system, and he often complains about hitrates in the 20s hitting, and his 80s missing. I'm aware of how the single and double RN systems work, but is there anything else in FE4's RN that makes low hitrates seem to connect more often than usually?

I personally thought that he was just getting unlucky, but perhaps there are other reasons.

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Nope, just luck. 20% means one in five, remember, but if five guys with 20% hit rates attack you there's about a 1/4 chance that two or more will hit, which is pretty significant (compare to two RN games where there's only about a 1/20 chance of that happening).

Mostly, it's just cognitive bias though - the brain's tendency to remember unusual and unlucky events and forget normal or lucky ones.

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That's what I figured, thanks.

Between you and me, this is the kind of friend who likes to complain about every little thing, so I didn't suspect that the game was out to get us.

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You, me, and everyone on the internet.

I have a video up of only the prologue, where I manage to get hit by a 1% hit rate. Was not nice. But it's a lot more reasonable to happen in this game than any other. Still not as bad as Donnel missing two 97%'s in a row, and his pair up partner with ~70% also deciding not to chip in. Now that's unlikely (fortunately still made no difference to the chapter since I was grinding but you know).

Edit: On second thought, considering I was only about 99% sure Mareeta (who has Miracle) was at 1 health, as I skipped the animation, and the exceptional odds of the above, it's much more likely he missed one attack and connected with a miracle activation on the other. Still unlikely.

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