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What are your favourite classes for each character storywise?


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What are your favourite classes for each character storywise? Chrom and Lucina, obviously Great Lord because, honestly I can't see them being anything else than Great Lord. I don't like it when the final class of a character is not in the characters' original class set. For example Noire, it doesn't seem right if she's not an Archer/Sniper/Bow Knight because of her art. I'm probably the only one who thinks this. What are yours?

Edited by Yay
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On my 3rd playthrough, I made my avatar a bride...

And it looked so awkward to me.. Every time there was a cutscene. And even when Lucina took out Falchion, at a girl in a long poofy dress.

I like keeping everyone the way they are.

It seems natural to me, and I wouldn't wanna change it.

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What are your favourite classes for each character storywise? Chrom and Lucina, obviously Great Lord because, honestly I can't see them being anything else than Great Lord. I don't like it when the final class of a character is not in the characters' original class set. For example Noire, it doesn't seem right if she's not an Archer/Sniper/Bow Knight because of her art. I'm probably the only one who thinks this. What are yours?

Well, that's the way I see it too. Except for Inigo, whose natural look is the generic mercenary

On my 3rd playthrough, I made my avatar a bride...

And it looked so awkward to me.. Every time there was a cutscene. And even when Lucina took out Falchion, at a girl in a long poofy dress.

I like keeping everyone the way they are.

It seems natural to me, and I wouldn't wanna change it.

This reason alone, is the only reason Henry and Gregor are never promoted for me

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I prefer:

- Dark Flier Sumia(Cordelia for Falcoknight, Cynthia can go either way)

- Dark Knight Henry(the outfit just looks better)

- Swordmaster Owain(this is also why I always insist him to go physical)

- Bow Knight Severa(Inigo, Donny and Gregor are the Heroes)

Also, as you mentioned above, I also prefer Chrom and Lucina as Great Lord.

Other than those, I used the 'canon' promotions/classes(Miriel and Laurent as Sages, Maribelle as Valkyrie, etc.) or the interchangeable promotions(Lissa and Brady as War Cleric/Monk or Sage, Virion and Noire as Sniper or Bow Knight, Cynthia as Falcoknight or Dark Flier). Prepromotes always stay/end on their initial classes.

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I prefer:

- Dark Flier Sumia(Cordelia for Falcoknight, Cynthia can go either way)

- Dark Knight Henry(the outfit just looks better)

- Swordmaster Owain(this is also why I always insist him to go physical)

- Bow Knight Severa(Inigo, Donny and Gregor are the Heroes)

Also, as you mentioned above, I also prefer Chrom and Lucina as Great Lord.

Other than those, I used the 'canon' promotions/classes(Miriel and Laurent as Sages, Maribelle as Valkyrie, etc.) or the interchangeable promotions(Lissa and Brady as War Cleric/Monk or Sage, Virion and Noire as Sniper or Bow Knight, Cynthia as Falcoknight or Dark Flier). Prepromotes always stay/end on their initial classes.

Funny, I always had the opposite because of Cordelia being a genius and thought she'd be great as a two way attacker instead of staves.

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Funny, I always had the opposite because of Cordelia being a genius and thought she'd be great as a two way attacker instead of staves.

Sumia has a better magic growth (I believe it's 30% over Cordelia's 20%), and access to both Tomefaire and Lancefaire.

It's funny... Sumia makes a better Pegasus Knight than the acclaimed genius, who's an exceptional Hero.

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Sumia has a better magic growth (I believe it's 30% over Cordelia's 20%), and access to both Tomefaire and Lancefaire.

It's funny... Sumia makes a better Pegasus Knight than the acclaimed genius, who's an exceptional Hero.

Huh, that would explain why it always seemed like Cordelia was slightly behind her in the main story. And ya, I had her as a hero post game for a while... until I found out why she became a Pegasus knight (she can't run for her life, or so she says in a support that I don't remember who)

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Panne should always be a wyvern rider/wyvern lord. She's pretty fucking amazing.

And Kjelle makes an amazing cavalier/paladin.

Edited by Invader ZM
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Sumia has a better magic growth (I believe it's 30% over Cordelia's 20%), and access to both Tomefaire and Lancefaire.

It's funny... Sumia makes a better Pegasus Knight than the acclaimed genius, who's an exceptional Hero.

It's because Heroes are one of the best classes in the game.

I stand corrected about Cordy being better Falcoknight than Sumia though. I could care less about the staves, I'm not using staves in Falcoknight either way.

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It's because Heroes are one of the best classes in the game.

I stand corrected about Cordy being better Falcoknight than Sumia though. I could care less about the staves, I'm not using staves in Falcoknight either way.

Their difference in magic and speed is only one and Cordelia's strength is 3 points higher than Sumia. Sumia's really the better Dark Flier

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I'm probably the only one who thinks this.


Anyway some of my favorites:

Severa - Hero

Noire - Assassin

Avatar - Swordmaster (although I hate staying in the class)

Chrom - Paladin

Sumia - Knight (but General looks stupid)

Lissa/anyone - War Cleric

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Anyway some of my favorites:

Severa - Hero

Noire - Assassin

Avatar - Swordmaster (although I hate staying in the class)

Chrom - Paladin

Sumia - Knight (but General looks stupid)

Lissa/anyone - War Cleric

They look the same, really...

Huh, that would explain why it always seemed like Cordelia was slightly behind her in the main story. And ya, I had her as a hero post game for a while... until I found out why she became a Pegasus knight (she can't run for her life, or so she says in a support that I don't remember who)

Yeah, which is why I usually make her a Bow Knight so she still has a mount.

Giving her Limit Breaker takes her Luck cap up to 55, meaning she can freely spam the Astra Bow without a worry.

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I suppose I'll list my own preferences while I'm at it.

  • Ricken, Miriel and Silver: Sage
  • Maribelle: Valkyrie
  • Inigo, Brady and Owain: THE DREAD FIGHTER BRIGADE.
  • Cherche: Griffon Rider
  • Gerome: Wyvern Lord (It's a headcanon of mine that he actually DID let the future Minvera go free in Wyvern Valley and took up his mother's).
  • Lon'qu: Assassin
  • Tharja: Dark Knight
  • Noire: Bride
  • Frederick: Paladin
  • Sumia: Falcon Knight
  • Cordelia and Virion: Bow Knight
  • Silvia: Bride or Dark Flier
  • Lissa and Libra: War Cleric/Monk
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Huh, that would explain why it always seemed like Cordelia was slightly behind her in the main story. And ya, I had her as a hero post game for a while... until I found out why she became a Pegasus knight (she can't run for her life, or so she says in a support that I don't remember who)

That bit about Cordelia not being a good runner was mentioned in her support with her daughter. Of course, that can be chalked up to gameplay and story segregation, just like Sully and Kjelle's support convo where Kjelle states she's not a good rider.

Sumia has a better magic growth (I believe it's 30% over Cordelia's 20%), and access to both Tomefaire and Lancefaire.

It's funny... Sumia makes a better Pegasus Knight than the acclaimed genius, who's an exceptional Hero.

Okay. I prefer Falcon Knight for Sumia anyways because to most of her husbands, the extra magic a Dark Flier pairup confers is pearls before swine.

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Like a few others here, I try to keep them in their original tree. There are exceptions, but those are for gameplay reasons, not story.

Chrom - Great Lord or Paladin depending on my whim

Avatar - ...jumps around. Typically, though, my female is a Hero while my male is either Grandmaster or Sorceror

Lissa - Sage, simply because modifiers AND she looks like Emm (and looks up to her big sis)

Sumia - Dark Flier, because she's more magically inclined

Cordelia - Falcon Knight (but I do like that justification for bow knight Vashiane used and I normally switch her class to learn hero skills between chapters 9 and 10... maybe her pegasus died?)

Virion - Bow Knight

Cherche - Wyvern Lord

Gaius - Assassin (because he came with assassins)

Lon'qu - Swordmaster

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Everyone that can become a Pegasus Knight is automatically a Falcon Knight in my main account, except MU, who's a Dark Flier. If not, they're automatically Wyvern Lords. If they have no access to either, they're probably benched.

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When I'm done getting the skills I want I always make my characters be promoted versions of their base classes. Except for the Avatar. I make him a Dread Fighter. (Magical Hero FTW)

Edited by Virion
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With so many reclassing options, I find it very dull to just stick to the same class all the time. D: That said, quite a few of them retain promotions of their base class either way, but some will differ vastly. The difference between Sprite and Model don't bother me that much. Spoiler'd because the list is huge. oAo Allons-y.

Chrom stays as a Great Lord for me, but one time I did make him a Dread Fighter for the lulz.
My Unit depends on which one I'm using. Main File stays as a Grandmaster, but the others are different classes that I feel like at the time.
Frederick becomes a Paladin because the armor is less ridiculous and he looks more dashing.
Lissa becomes a Sage since she looks like Emm, which is a cute bonus.
Sully becomes a Great Knight because THANK GOD A FEMALE RIDER THAT WEARS PANTS -sobs-
Virion promotes into a Bow Knight because it is the best class ever. (not at all, but I do love it)
Vaike becomes an Assassin because less ugh-beefy muscles, and scarves are awesome.
Stahl goes Bow Knight because he can make good use of both Bowfaire and Swordfaire. YES.
Miriel promotes into Sage because dat custom robe/dress. Black looks very beautiful.
Kellam becomes an Assassin, less hideous armor.
Sumia stays Falcon Knight because custom model.
Lon'qu becomes Assassin because it looks cooler.
Gaius becomes an Assassin because again, it looks cool.
Panne becomes a Trickster because I think it makes her look cute.
Ricken becomes my single Dread Fighter because he's so short only he can make Dread Fighter look cute.
Maribelle becomes a War Cleric because it's funny to see a lady in a cute pink dress hacking stuff to death.
Cordelia becomes a Falcon Knight because again, dat custom model. Red/Pink looks cute.
Gregor becomes a Bow Knight because it's my favorite class, and he looks less beefy.
Nowi becomes a Sage because she looks adorable in it.
Tharja becomes a Bow Knight, because again favoritism.
Libra becomes a Sorcerer so nobody can mistake his gender again.
Olivia becomes my sole Bride, because I think she's the only one who can pull it off.
Henry becomes a Sorcerer because the rest don't look good on him.
Cherche becomes a War Cleric because I think the outfit suits her very well.
Donnel becomes a Bow Knight, favorite class.

That's all I care to mention for now. Basically, Assassin and Bow Knight are my top picks. 8U

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With so many reclassing options, I find it very dull to just stick to the same class all the time. D: That said, quite a few of them retain promotions of their base class either way, but some will differ vastly. The difference between Sprite and Model don't bother me that much. Spoiler'd because the list is huge. oAo Allons-y.

Chrom stays as a Great Lord for me, but one time I did make him a Dread Fighter for the lulz.

My Unit depends on which one I'm using. Main File stays as a Grandmaster, but the others are different classes that I feel like at the time.

Frederick becomes a Paladin because the armor is less ridiculous and he looks more dashing.

Lissa becomes a Sage since she looks like Emm, which is a cute bonus.

Sully becomes a Great Knight because THANK GOD A FEMALE RIDER THAT WEARS PANTS -sobs-

Virion promotes into a Bow Knight because it is the best class ever. (not at all, but I do love it)

Vaike becomes an Assassin because less ugh-beefy muscles, and scarves are awesome.

Stahl goes Bow Knight because he can make good use of both Bowfaire and Swordfaire. YES.

Miriel promotes into Sage because dat custom robe/dress. Black looks very beautiful.

Kellam becomes an Assassin, less hideous armor.

Sumia stays Falcon Knight because custom model.

Lon'qu becomes Assassin because it looks cooler.

Gaius becomes an Assassin because again, it looks cool.

Panne becomes a Trickster because I think it makes her look cute.

Ricken becomes my single Dread Fighter because he's so short only he can make Dread Fighter look cute.

Maribelle becomes a War Cleric because it's funny to see a lady in a cute pink dress hacking stuff to death.

Cordelia becomes a Falcon Knight because again, dat custom model. Red/Pink looks cute.

Gregor becomes a Bow Knight because it's my favorite class, and he looks less beefy.

Nowi becomes a Sage because she looks adorable in it.

Tharja becomes a Bow Knight, because again favoritism.

Libra becomes a Sorcerer so nobody can mistake his gender again.

Olivia becomes my sole Bride, because I think she's the only one who can pull it off.

Henry becomes a Sorcerer because the rest don't look good on him.

Cherche becomes a War Cleric because I think the outfit suits her very well.

Donnel becomes a Bow Knight, favorite class.

That's all I care to mention for now. Basically, Assassin and Bow Knight are my top picks. 8U

even with that horrid outfit he would still be mistaken anyway

also, blasphemous reasons :Kappa:

I guess I should add Tharja as interchangeable too, but she's possibly the ONE and ONLY Sorc in my team.

and as you know, I never used her again after passing skills to Noire

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even with that horrid outfit he would still be mistaken anyway

also, blasphemous reasons :Kappa:

I guess I should add Tharja as interchangeable too, but she's possibly the ONE and ONLY Sorc in my team.

and as you know, I never used her again after passing skills to Noire

Really? Henry's my only perma-sorcerer, because of that Ruin tome.

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Really? Henry's my only perma-sorcerer, because of that Ruin tome.

I kinda wish he keeps his sweater on his Sorc outfit. But nope.

They just give him the horrid generic look.

That's why I turn him into a Dark Knight. Sure he lose the Dark tomes but whatever.

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I actually like experiementing reclassing instead of sticking to their original classes. Some of my favourite end classes for them are:

My Unit- Any class

Chrom- Great Lord

Lissa- Falcon Knight

Frederick- Great Knight (some sweet armour)

Sully- Wyvern Lord

Virion- Bow Knight

Vaike- I never use him

Stahl- Bow Knight

Miriel- Sage/Sorcerer

Sumia- Falcon Knight

Kellam- General

Lon'qu- Assassin

Ricken- Dread Fighter

Maribelle- Sage

Gaius- Swordmaster/Assassin

Panne- Griffon Rider

Cordelia- Hero

Nowi- Manakete/Wyvern Lord

Gregor- Bow Knight

Libra- Dread Fighter

Tharja- Sorcerer

Olivia- Dancer

Cherche- Wyvern Lord

Henry- Dark Knight/Dread Fighter

Sully!Lucina- Great Lord/Swordmaster

Say'ri- Falcon Knight

Basilio- Warrior/Berserker

Flavia- Assassin

Donnel- I never use him

Anna- Dark Knight

Lon'qu!Owain- Dread Fighter

Virion!Inigo- Sniper

Nowi!Morgan- Manakete

Ricken!Brady- Sage

Frederick!Cynthia- Wyvern Lord

Stahl!Severa- Paladin

Gregor!Laurent- Sorcerer

Chrom!Kjelle- Paladin

Henry!Noire- Sorcerer

MaMU!Nah- Grandmaster

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Storywise, I envision most characters to stick to their original class or the promoted equivalent. There are a few exceptions, notably Nah who I want to see become an Assassin (I like the idea of an adorable child doing lethal strikes), and +Mag MU as a Sage. Donnel would be a Hero with a Ladle, to go with his cookware theme. Cordelia could be a Dark Knight to go with her somewhat gloomy feel, but she's so horrible at magic that I won't really make her one. That's about it, I guess. If this is FE10, I can make a much longer list.

In reality, since I make them go through all options to collect skills ans attain "maxed stats across all classes" status, everyone just end up as Sages (highest magic ans skill growth potential) and Sorcerors (speed and resistance).

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