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Petition For Digimon:ReDigitize(3DS) Localization


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Back in the day of PS1, do you happened to play Digimon World and love it?

Or perhaps do you watched the anime of choosen kids saving the digital world from its doom and genuinely like it?

Or perhaps the monster/demon collecting game that released this year isn't enough to satiate your thirst for such game?

If so, then all of that is enough as reason to sign this petition!


There isn't even a reason to not to sign this petition if you do happen to like the first Digimon World game on PS1 since this game is returning the series to its root. Please, if you have any interest on Digimon series and happened to have 3DS, sign the petition. We need more Digimon game out there, especially if that said game is game similar to the first Digimon World.

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given the unfortunate track record of digimon games (or digimon anything really) having utterly awful english translations... i think i'll avoid endorsing exposing another facet of the franchise to such mutilation, thanks

also change.org for a petition about video game localisation? really come on

now if you'll excuse me i need to drink until i forget that the anime dub ever happened

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given the unfortunate track record of digimon games (or digimon anything really) having utterly awful english translations... i think i'll avoid endorsing exposing another facet of the franchise to such mutilation, thanks

also change.org for a petition about video game localisation? really come on

now if you'll excuse me i need to drink until i forget that the anime dub ever happened

Well, I think they should give the translation over to Namco team that do most localization for Tales game. With Suzuhito Yasuda onboard as lead art designer, I could say that this game production value is rather high (and quite reflected on its decent Famitsu score), and that should be the reason for Namco Bandai to not mess this one up. If they handed it over to Namco team for localization, it would be fine. If they don't want to do it themself, give it to XSeed or NISA.

Edited by Shengar
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This game is more reminiscent of Digimon World 1. However I also put like 100+ hours into Digimon World 3 (known as 2003 in Europe because we didn't fucking get Digimon World 2 here), too. That was a great game. And our Digimon didn't die, yay.

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